Chapter 89 Don’t tell mom!

After casually paying attention to the progress of the prey Qin Meng’s mission, Lin Che ignored it.

When he ends the werewolf killing, Qin Meng will never allow the shame to exist.

He would definitely kill Ito and others directly, thus preventing Lin Che from doing it herself.

After all, Setsuna is the father of Setsuna and the world.

Lin Che still didn’t want to dirty her hands.

After the study meeting, he first went to the kendo club to give guidance to the younger brothers, and then he and Gui Yanye got on the train home together.

He subconsciously glanced at the direction of Ito Makoto, and then saw a beautiful girl with long pink hair wearing a maid uniform, standing not far from Ito.

Ito Makoto was peeking at the opponent.

Should I say he is worthy of being a sincere person?

After failing to confess to Gui Yanye, he changed his goal so quickly.

But think about it.

He has been rejected, and he already has a boyfriend. If he wants to pester her, he would be a fool without self-awareness.

But, isn’t this girl with long pink hair… the Ashikaga Courage possessed by Qin Meng?

This man!

Although Lin Che knew the requirements of the hidden mission, she still felt a little uncomfortable when she saw Qin Meng actually falling in love with a man.

However, this is fine.

Zha Cheng, you have been a self-propelled cannon so many times in the original game plot.

This time I want you to try being a gun mount.

Zha Cheng has his own villains to deal with, so there is no need for Lin Che to take action.

Just sit back and watch them destroy themselves.

Compared with these, it is better to pay attention to my girlfriend.

Stretching out her hand, Lin Che directly took Gui Yanye’s tender little hand.

The girl’s hands were soft.

Smooth and tender, just holding it makes people feel excited.

Gui Yanye noticed his actions and blushed.

Her delicate body trembled, but she did not break away. Instead, she smiled shyly at him and continued reading.

Gui Yanye likes reading books very much.

That’s why Lin Che went to the library with her to borrow books before.

If possible, Lin Che really didn’t want to hurt such a cute and gentle girl because of her flirtation.

But he is a reincarnation.

Is the current owner of Crystal Palace.

He must be diligent, otherwise, he will not be able to become stronger, and sooner or later he will die in a certain reincarnation mission.

“Mr. Che, didn’t you also borrow books? Why do you keep staring at me?”

Gui Yanye suddenly blinked at him and opened his mouth to find a topic.

“Because words and leaves are more beautiful than books. I can’t stay at your house today, so naturally I have to see my lovely girlfriend more.”

“Well…you can stay another night if you want.”

Gui Yanye lowered her head shyly, not daring to meet his hot eyes at all, but she still said the words of invitation shyly.

Lin Che smiled and shook her head.

“This is not okay. It will disturb your mother’s rest. I’d better go home today, but next time, I will definitely continue to stay overnight shamelessly.”

“Well, Che-kun, you just have to decide… Whether it’s me, Xin-chan, or mom, you are always welcome to come over”

“Hearing Yanye say this, I feel really relieved.”

The two chatted happily, and before they knew it, the tram arrived at the stop.

After sending Yan Ye to the door of her house, Lin Che hugged her gently, lowered her head and kissed her cheek.

“See you tomorrow, my lovely girlfriend.”

The girl covered her cheek, suddenly hugged his neck, and stood on tiptoes.

Their lips naturally connected together.

The girl was shy, but a little bold.

This was also proof that she opened her heart to him.

Her slightly trembling body proved that she was still affected by male phobia, but it was much better than before.

After a while,

Gui Yanye stood on her tiptoes and stared at his handsome eyes. face, suddenly said seriously:

“Che-kun, hurry up and forget the smell of Setsuna’s classmates, and remember the smell of your girlfriend.”

After saying that, her shame exploded, and she turned around and ran away.

She probably didn’t know where she saw these words. It was the first time she said such bold words, and the girl seemed very ashamed.

Lin Che curled her lips and watched. She returned home and then turned around and left


“Yan Ye, where is Mr. Che?”

Manami Katsura searched carefully behind her daughter, but she didn’t see the person she wanted to see, and she felt very disappointed.

“Mr. Che has gone back. He said he was embarrassed to stay overnight for fear of causing trouble to us.”

“How can this child be in any trouble?”

Manami Katsura curled her lips, feeling a little dissatisfied.

Fortunately, she was still looking forward to it.

What she didn’t know was that Lin Che was also looking forward to it.

Only those who have tasted the taste of Manami Katsura know it.

Yan Ye can’t move for the time being, but Manami Katsura is He liked her very much and wanted her very much.

Otherwise, he wouldn’t have stayed with her that night, but if he got her too easily, he would not cherish her.


Although she had a wonderful night, Lin Che didn’t think that she could make Katsura Manami fall in love with him, but she couldn’t meet the requirement without letting her fall in love with him..

This is also the modification made by the Crystal Palace in order to prevent him from making the same mistakes as his predecessor”Brother Cheng” by inviting her casually.

She was disappointed.

She wanted to stay on Brother Che’s lap and feel his warm embrace.

However, she was dissatisfied at first when she shyly revealed that she had kissed Brother Che.

, the little loli suddenly smiled again

“Sister Yanye, this is right. As a girlfriend, you have to take the initiative.”

“Otherwise, you will cry if Brother Che is snatched away by another woman.

Gui Yanye’s cheeks turned red,”Am I not proactive enough?”

Gui Xin:”It’s definitely not enough. Boys all like that kind of thing. Your progress is not enough!””

“That kind of thing?”

Gui Yanye looked at her sister in confusion.

At most, she knew that boyfriends and girlfriends should kiss, hold hands, and hug each other.

But she hadn’t thought about anything more.

Because she had no friends and no one to communicate with, she She is also a good girl who listens to her mother and is dedicated to studying. Naturally, she does not understand the things between men and women.

“Oops, sister, you are really slow. Let’s sleep together tonight, and I will teach you with the movies my mother has on the bottom of the box!”


Gui Yanye’s face darkened,”Did you peek again secretly? Mom even said it’s not allowed!””

“Oops, I don’t have to read it if I’m still saying this, but sister, don’t you want Brother Che to like you more?”


Gui Yanye was shaken instantly.

She liked Lin Che’s tenderness towards her.

So, she also wanted to make him happy.

This is the reason why women should look good to those who please them.

“Then…you can’t tell mom”

“Don’t worry, this is a secret between me and Sister Yanye, I won’t tell anyone!”

Gui Xin patted her chest and said something in assurance, and then added something in her heart.

Except for Brother Che.

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