"Jingle ~~~".

The end of the doorbell lingered through the room.

At this time, after replying to Kyoko Hori, the white owl was about to squint for a while, and when the butterfly ninja returned, she would go to the cos café under the plate to decorate it.

But it seems... They came back pretty quickly.

"Welcome home. "

The white owl walked to the entrance in slippers and opened the door to reach out to pick up the ingredients that the two of them bought


Why doesn't it seem right?

It's still soft to the touch?

When the white owl looked up slightly at what was in front of him,

The sight in front of him was so frightened that he directly withdrew his hand.

I saw a thin girl in a sailor suit staring at him, her eyes were bloodshot, and the other party's snow-white hair and red eyes looked very quiet

It's just that her bangs are really long and messy, and she looks dull and a little withdrawn.

After carefully looking at the girl in front of him,

The white owl only felt that the dusty memories began to recover

After only a few seconds, he completely compared the girl in front of him with the picture in his memory.

"You're... White?".


White (game life),Because of the phobia of communication,So refuse to go to school.,No friends;Playing games at home all the year round, so it can be said that it's an out-and-out game waste!

But don't look at her as a game waster, she looks stupid

She's a true genius in some ways.

However, why didn't Shiro play games at home and come to find himself?

This made the white owl a little puzzled.

"Let's talk about it first!".

Bai Xiao opened the door and invited the other party in, but Bai Yu did not refuse, and walked a few steps directly to the living room

I looked around and finally stopped at the computer in the corner of the living room.

"You want to play a game?".

Regarding Bai, a problem girl who is even more homely than her sister, Bai Xiao asked patiently at this time.

Seeing that Bai didn't respond,

Bai Xiao took the initiative to turn on the computer, wanting to see what the other party did next.

After all, the white society is afraid!

It's just that after the computer turned on, Bai was still standing in front of the computer, staring at a certain part of the computer equipment.

"Forest of Rotting Wood..."

Bai Xiao followed Bai's line of sight and saw a disc half-inserted on the PS5 next to the computer console.

Bai Xiao vaguely remembered that the game he played with Tsuruma last night seemed to be that one.


Why would the other party come to me?

"What's wrong with the Forest of Rotting Wood?".

"Rotting wood... The fastest... Open...... Customs clearance...... speed ..."

Bai stammered this sentence.

As soon as these words came out, Bai Xiao also understood, and it seemed that she had broken the highest record she had set in the game

The other party came to the door specifically.

But this girl is a little crazy about the game!

Judging from the dress on Bai's body, and the fact that he also lost a shoe on his foot,

He was sure that this guy probably hadn't slept all night and had come here in a hurry.

"I broke the clearance record for that level of the Forest of Rotting Wood, what's wrong?".

Bai twisted his head to the side of the white owl, and after observing the white owl, he said:

"I... can't be broken..."

"I can't break it, I can teach you!".

"But why don't you go take a shower and have a meal before we talk about it?"

Bai Xiao gave a suggestion, Bai should still be a single-parent family at this time, because her mother is a strong woman, so she lacks discipline.

This has developed her current withdrawn character.


Take advantage of the time to freshen up in vain,

The white owl also turned around and came to the kitchen to prepare some meals

It may be a difference in taste

He is always unaccustomed to those instant instant noodles from neon.

So I didn't bother to prepare instant noodles for Bai in order to save time.

The white grooming pours quickly, too

After a while, after putting on the hamster coat prepared for it by the white owl

The simple meal prepared by the white owl for him was also completed

Because of the mother's perennial business trip Shiro, after seeing such a sumptuous meal,

He threw himself directly on the dining table and ate it directly.

"Hey, is there a guest?"

The sound of the door opening sounded,

Butterfly Shinobu and Ganroji Miri walked in with large and small shopping bags.

Seeing the two of them entering the house, as well as the large number of shopping bags they were holding in their hands,

This scene made the white owl a little...

"Bai Xiaojun, the supermarket eggs and okra are discounted, eighty-two off, the clothes in the mall..."

Butterfly Shinobu took the initiative to say.

Seeing this, Bai Xiao was also relieved, he originally thought that these two were deceived by the salesmen on the road, so they bought so many goods.

Now it seems that some experts say that discounts and shopping are the two most powerful motivations for girls to spend!

"Bai Xiaojun, this is..."

Butterfly Shinobu moved his gaze to Shiro, who was munching on a piece of tonkatsu on the side, a little puzzled.

"Oh, this is Bai, it's a game friend of Xiao Bury, Xiao Bury made an appointment with her last night to meet today, but that guy forgot that she still has to go to school today, so... It's like releasing a white pigeon

For the time being, I'll take care of one or two first. "

Hearing this, the honey glass of Ganlu Temple on the side took the initiative to step forward, took out a bag of snacks from the shopping bag, and handed it to Bai, who was eating.

She touches her white hair very lovingly, like a mother.

Ganlu Temple moved its gaze to the white owl

"Husband, we..."


The white owl skipped it directly.

In terms of the era in which Butterfly Shinobi and Ganlu Temple Miri lived, it was when monogamy had not yet been established

So both of them can accept each other.


A shallow hiccup sounded

Bai, who was originally sitting at the dining table to eat, got up directly and walked to the computer

After inserting the disc into your gaming device

At the same time, he also moved his gaze to the white owl on the side.

"Game Match ..."

Seeing that Bai invited himself like this, Bai Xiao didn't refuse, after all, this can be regarded as a seasoning for ordinary life

He sat cross-legged next to Bai and picked up the gamepad.

The game they play is a 3D multiplayer online role-playing game with a high degree of openness, in addition to completing daily tasks to clear the wild

There is also a one-on-one heads-up feature for players.

The white owl had already guessed that it was probably the first place in the clearing speed of the "Forest of Rotten Wood" that he accidentally broke last night

Later, Bai tried to clear the level several times and failed to beat himself in speed

Only then did the other party use illegal means to find his location through his own IP.

As for Xiao Bury, Bai is likely to have fought against her a long time ago, and after seeing some gaps between the two, he will deliberately find the location of this computer in reality.

In the face of the challenge of this game genius girl, Bai Xiao is very confident,

After all,

Game,In front of your own super understanding,

Just have hands!

As the image of the two characters emerges on the computer and the "VS" dividing line in the middle,

This is a competition about hand speed, brain power, calculation ability, spatial ability, and mental strength

It's officially kicked off....

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