According to Su Mo’s explanation, although the speedy version of the refining method is of little use to Erica, it is a completely magical skill for others.

This accelerated cultivation experience pack is priced at only nine hundred and ninety-nine, which is simply too conscientious.

If they hadn’t been too poor to afford it, they might have bought both of the products Su Mo was selling on consignment.

After the shock, everyone, including Erica, turned their attention to the last product sold by Su Mo.

【Erica:”Then what is the effect of the last product, Dayuan Magic Refining·Transcendence Edition?”】

【Erica:”Just by looking at the name, I think it’s awesome.”】


【Tohsaka Rin:”Yes, although my magic skills are not good, the skills involving the magic power of the source are definitely extraordinary!”】

【Kanae:”I don’t understand it, but it feels great”】


After rereading it, Madoka casually checked the selling price of this product.

Suddenly, she let out an exclamation

【Madoka:”Wait! I read that right!”】

【Madoka:”This thing that big brother finally realized actually requires 10,000 points to purchase?!”】

【Tohsaka Rin:”What?! Even if you sell 10,000 points, my dad can’t do it!”]

After verifying that Madoka hadn’t counted zero wrong, the young Rin couldn’t help but open her mouth.

If we say that 999 points are the points they can still accumulate if they insist on signing in for a long time.

Those 10,000 points are something that is beyond their reach now.

I am afraid that even Erica, who is the strongest and the richest, may not be able to afford such a product.

【Erica:”Ten thousand points, this is no longer the price of a first-level product.”】

【Erica:”Master Su Mo, no, Grandmaster Su Mo! What on earth did you understand to be able to create something of this level!”]

After the experience just now, they have completely confirmed that the chat group mall price It’s a setting where you get what you pay for.

In this case, the price tag of 10,000 points must be a real value.

Erica is a little confused. How can a magic refining method be optimized and upgraded to achieve such a price?

This is comparable to the Holy Domain-level magic and Holy Annihilation privilege she previously offered for sale.

This is already a hundred times better than the basic version she provided.

Seeing everyone’s inquiries, Su Mo’s reply was very brief.

【Su Mo:”Although Dayuan’s magic power is more difficult to refine than Xiaoyuan’s, it is better in that its reserves and power are much larger, and both can be mastered at the same time.”】

【Su Mo:”As a magician, you should know that in terms of improving the power of magic, the advantage of true ether is several times stronger than that of ether.”】

【Su Mo:”There is no need to elaborate on the advantages of this level.”】

For Su Mo, this was such a simple question that there was no need to ask it.

But what he didn’t expect was that after hearing these words, the group fell into strange silence again.

After a few seconds, Madoka cautiously raised her hand to ask a question.

【Madoka:”So, big brother…what do Dayuan, Xiaoyuan, Ether, True Ether, etc. mean?””】

【Kanae:”I also want to ask. It seems I’m not the only one who doesn’t understand.”】

【Kanae:”Can Mr. Su Mo explain?”】

【Erica:”Same question”】

Su Mo was not surprised by Madoka and Kanae’s reactions. They were both newcomers to magic, and they may not have basic theoretical knowledge. It was normal not to understand.

But he didn’t expect that Erica would ask such a basic question.

【Su Mo:”?”】

【Su Mo:”Forget it about others, aren’t you a magic genius at the level of a great knight? These are basic knowledge related to magic, how could you not know?”]

Seeing Su Mo’s very surprised question, the God Killer Erica of the world shrank her head, suddenly feeling like she was being taught a lesson by a tutor when she was a student.

She, who was usually arrogant, was at a loss for words under Su Mo’s questioning.

But recalling the education she had received, she replied a little aggrievedly

【Erica:”But we really haven’t learned anything!”]

At this time, Tohsaka Rin intervened.

【Tohsaka Rin:”The difference between Dayuan and Xiaoyuan, I heard my father say】

【Tohsaka Rin:”Xiaoyuan refers to each magician’s own body. Converting his own life force into magic power is Xiaoyuan magic power.”】

【Tohsaka Rin:”The magic power of the Great Source refers to the magic power provided by the planet. However, the Great Source here seems to have declined with the end of the Age of Gods.”】

【Tohsaka Rin:”As for true ether, I don’t know about it either.”】

Unexpectedly, Tohsaka Rin’s theoretical knowledge is much more solid than Erica’s

【Madoka:”Sister Rin is so amazing!”】

【Kanae:”I don’t quite understand it, but I learned it!”】

【Erica:”Is that what you meant?”]

Looking at everyone’s reactions, Su Mo pondered for two seconds and immediately understood.

“The magicians in the moon-shaped world are more like scientists in style. They prefer to study the theory behind the power, and actual combat comes second.”

“The magicians in the Godslayer world are actually religious believers, and their style is similar to that of the Templar Church. They pay more attention to actual combat and action, and don’t care about theory.”

One is the academic school and the other is the practical school. The natural styles are very different.

For Erica, there is no need to study any theory. She only needs to follow the path in the past and she can be promoted all the way.

No wonder they are red copper and black cross The magic power refining method is so simple, compared to them, this kind of thing can be used.

After thinking about this, Su Mo explained in simpler words.

【Su Mo:”Miss Lin is right. Generally speaking, the small source of magic comes from one’s own vitality, and the large source of magic comes from the aura of nature. To be more precise, it can also be called the dragon vein of the earth, or the planet’s breath”】

【Su Mo:”Any power refined based on one’s own vitality or spiritual power, whether it is magic, spiritual power or curse power, can basically be attributed to ether.”】

【Su Mo:”All natural forces based on nature, planets, and even the universe can be classified as true ether.”】

【Su Mo:”With your knowledge base, it is difficult to directly explain the difference between the two.”】

【Su Mo:”However, if you express it in a way you are familiar with, one of the manifestations of true ether is the so-called – divine power!”] As soon as this statement came out, the group was shocked again

“Divine power?”

Neither Kanae nor Madoka could have imagined that Su Mo’s theory could actually be related to the superior gods.

Seeing Su Mo mentioning the power of gods so lightly, they didn’t know how to react for a moment.

With the Tohsaka Rin’s basic magician quality is a little better than these two, but it is still limited.

The most important setting of the Moon World is mystery.

After the end of the Age of Gods, there has been no news about gods, let alone gods. It’s amazing, even a fantasy species with a history of more than a thousand years is enough to be overtaken by others in today’s magic world.

But now, seeing what Su Mo means, he can actually reproduce the power of a god

? Is the newcomer this time a little too outrageous?

Not to mention the young Rin, even Erica, who has been educated in the knowledge of gods since childhood and knows that many gods have come to the world, was stunned when she heard what Su Mo said.

After coming to her senses for more than ten seconds, her breathing became rapid.

【Erica:”Master Su Mo, do you mean that this method of refining the Great Source Magic Power can allow us to master divine power?”]

She couldn’t help but ask excitedly.

The previous master’s version of the magic power refining method has already allowed her to increase her strength several times, almost reaching the peak of a great knight.

If she can continue to master the use of divine power, then her strength will inevitably jump directly to the Paladin level, directly reaching the second level.

He might even be able to reach the point where he could briefly fight with a god, or even kill a god!

Thinking of this, she, who had never really faced the power of the God of Disobedience and still had the fantasy of killing gods, couldn’t help but feel hot in her heart.

As for Su Mo’s words about disdain for her knowledge base, she completely ignored them.

If your knowledge reserve cannot keep up with such a master, there is no shame in it.

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