Comprehensive comic: Starting from jobless reincarnation

Chapter 304 Hehehe, this is a sure thing! (4k)

Leaving the capital and heading back to his hometown naturally couldn't be done on two legs.

The city had a magic circle for teleportation, and Roya also returned along the route he took to the capital.

He opened and closed his eyes, and the next moment, he had left the huge city.

The young man stood on the magic circle, surrounded by only three guards. When they saw Roya, they were slightly stunned and didn't react for a while.

Magic circles are useful, but they consume a lot of energy. Except for the well-known figures in the palace, they can use magic circles freely, otherwise there must be something important.

The three people were all strangers to Roya, and the knight who followed Claire before was not in the team of three.

Maybe they were idle, so the three people looked very lazy.

After all, their duty was just to guard this place.

When someone wanted to use the formation, they would lend a hand, and as for more, they just stood there.

When they were idle, they were really idle, and when they were busy, it was a small place, and they couldn't be busy at all.

Apart from the occasional nobles, there are not many people here.

It can only be said that small places are like this.

The three knights were stunned for a moment, and then they reacted. They stood up and said to Roya, "Sir, what can I do for you?"

The three people looked at the package in Roya's hand.

It was obvious that the other party was not here to deliver any important news, and the slightly lazy temperament of the other party gave people the feeling that he was back for vacation.

The young man was tall and handsome, and his light golden eyes swept over everyone. The young man nodded slightly, as if to say hello to the other party, but did not hand the bag to the other party, but said casually: "It's okay, I have something to go back, you continue to be busy."

The three looked at each other and nodded: "Yes."

Then they stood straight in place, and when Roya walked away, their straight backs instantly bent.

But everyone's eyes still stayed on the young man.

The midday sun was not scorching, and the warm sun shone on the young man.

The young man walked slowly and slenderly, walking into the distance.

His long golden hair was tied behind him casually, and it swayed with the young man's movements.

Looking at the young man's back, one of the knights said absentmindedly: "Is this guy so handsome?"

The other knight next to this knight frowned, thought for a moment, and whispered: "Don't you think he looks familiar?"

The knight who spoke earlier glanced at this knight, patted his armor, and said helplessly: "Have you seen him?"

"No, but didn't I have a very handsome young man going to the capital some time ago?"

"Could that young man be Roya?"

Everyone looked at each other and saw surprise in each other's eyes.

Roya didn't know that the news of his return had been spread in a small range, but even if Roya knew, he would probably be indifferent.

Roya didn't stay in this city for long. This time he didn't even take a carriage, and ran directly to the starting point of his arrival in this world.

Roya was very fast. It would take an afternoon to get there by horse, but Roya managed to shorten the time to 30 minutes by his own speed.

When he saw the not-so-high city wall in the distance, Roya stopped.

The town was still the same, with no change in appearance. I used to think the city wall of the town was okay, but after walking around the capital, I felt that the city wall in the town in front of me was still a little short.

But think about it, in a remote place, there wouldn't be any blind demon king army leading troops to attack, right?


In the distance, the headless knight laughed strangely, the soul fire of the skeleton head swayed, and an extremely ominous aura emanated from his body.

The skeleton warhorse seemed to be responding to its master, neighing, and its arrogance was very rampant.

When I led the demon king army to attack the capital before, I tried it a little, and a guy who looked difficult to deal with was blown up.

So many troops were killed by the opponent in an instant.

After hesitating for a while, the Dullahan decided to run away directly, leaving the mess to the next cadre responsible for attacking the capital.

So the Dullahan led the remaining troops directly and migrated in a mighty manner.

Along the way, he deliberately took a map of the human capital, looked at it again and again, and finally locked his eyes on a piece of land in the bottom corner.

And that was: Axel's location.

The two places are very different, and it can't be described as a hundred thousand miles, but it's almost the same.

The area is vast, and all of them are some weak races. There must be no powerful adventurers in this place.

And it just so happens that there is a castle nearby. I can go there for a vacation or something, and occasionally go to the town to intimidate those weak novices and enjoy a wave of fearful eyes from the other party. Isn't this wonderful?

When he thought of this, Beldia couldn't help laughing out loud.

That damn yellow-haired guy would never run from the capital to this place.

The Dullahan could confirm that there were not many adventurers like Roya, and he didn't know where this guy came from.

However, since the other party has gone to the royal capital, he will probably stay there for a long time, and the place he went to is so poor that he has nothing, and it is a quite peaceful area. Who can imagine that the famous The cadres of the Demon King's Army will personally lead the troops to attack such remote and remote places.

And there's no way Huang Mao could come here at this time, right?

When the Headless Horseman thought of this, he couldn't help laughing heartily: "Jie Jie Jie Jie."

However, at this time, the lizard man next to the Headless Horseman said to the Headless Horseman: "Boss, there seems to be some instability there recently. Some powerful monsters suddenly disappeared."

The skull held in his left hand frowned subconsciously (although the skeleton had no eyebrows), but the knight just smiled faintly, his body still upright. The skeleton knight said lightly: "It doesn't matter, it's just a small town, even if there are strong people , how powerful can it be? Could it be as powerful as that Huang Mao? This way, this journey will be more interesting."

The lizard man wanted to say something else, but the headless horseman just waved his hand calmly. The skeleton horse turned to face the lizard man, and two groups of cold soul fire beat.

The Headless Horseman said coldly: "I will solve it. There is no need to talk about this kind of thing."

The lizard man nodded, flattered a few words, and then left.

Soon, the hearty laughter of the Headless Horseman came from the plain again: "Jie Jie Jie Jie, it's safe."


The town is still the same town, and it doesn't seem to have any special changes.

It was a month ago when Roja left the town, and now, a month has passed, and the town is still the same town, with no special changes.

When the guard standing at the door saw Roja, he was slightly stunned, with an obvious look of astonishment on his face. It was obvious that he recognized Roja.

The guard smiled at Roya and said, "Roya? Are you back? It's been a long time since we last met."

The other party had a bright smile and a very kind attitude, and Roja's lips couldn't help but have the same smile.

"Well, I'm back. By the way, have you seen a boy with brown hair and brown eyes recently? He is about fourteen or fifteen years old. Oh, by the way, there is a girl with blue hair beside him. , the way both of them speak may be a bit strange.”

The guard scratched his head, thought for a moment and said: "Are you talking about Sato Kazuma? That blue-haired girl seems to be named Aqua. She just entered the city three days ago, but Roya, why are you asking them? ?"

"Nothing, just curious."

Roja said casually, Roja had no intention of revealing any thoughts of getting to know the other party.

Aqua is trouble, and a big one at that.

Apart from anything else, with Aqua and Gui Zhuzhen's personalities, once the two of them knew that there was a thigh like Roja's, they would definitely find a way to hug Roja's thigh tightly.

Even though Aqua is a goddess, the ghost is really a time traveler.

But the bottom line between the two of them is really impossible to figure out. They are definitely the kind of characters who can sit and never stand, and can lie down and never sit. Facing such people, they can only squeeze and exploit each other severely. , Only then can the potential of the other party be stimulated.

Besides, I didn't come here to be a nanny, but to supervise this problematic team to grow quickly.

When the guard saw Roja, he didn't want to tell the truth, nor did he continue to dwell on this topic.

Roja continued to ask: "Then do you know where they are?"

The guard shook his head and said with some regret: "I'm so sorry, I don't know where they are going. I just looked at them a few more times because of their strange outfits. I don't know more about them. You can take risks. Let’s take a look.”

If it is a traditional RPG game, then a prompt should pop up in front of Roja: [Please go to the guild for details]

Roja nodded slightly, feeling that the other party did know, so he walked towards the guild without saying anything more.

The guild still has that atmosphere, and the town is like this. Even when Roja didn't come, it still looked peaceful and peaceful. Should we say that the town deserves to be a small town?

Many people in the Adventurer's Guild were acquaintances, and they were slightly startled when they saw Roja. Everyone's faces showed curiosity and confusion.

A few brave guys have already stepped forward to say hello. Everyone knows that Roja is not a cold person, and his attitude is relatively casual.

The chat didn't last long. Luo Ya didn't come here to chat. He just exchanged a few words and ended the topic.

Roja walked towards the counter. The lady at the counter at the front was looking at Roja with a surprised look on her face, as if she was curious about why Roja came so quickly.

Luna is still the same Luna, with two lumps of white fat on her chest swaying. Although the girl cannot compare with the E-cup like Mitsuri Kanroji, she is still a distinguished D-cup player. Several gentlemen in the guild have already moved towards her. He cast a curious look, and then his eyes stayed directly on Luna's chest.

Luna has a good figure, with a curvy front and back. She is not low in popularity in the guild, but I don't know why, such a girl still doesn't have a boyfriend even at this age.

Luna noticed the gazes of those adventurers, but she didn't pay too much attention.

If it were the previous Luna, she might have blushed a little and then angrily scolded those bold adventurers.

But now, I'm used to it.

Roya came to Luna and smiled at her, "Long time no see, Miss Luna."

The young man was still the same young man, and his temperament had not changed at all. He seemed to be the same forever, with a faint smile on his handsome face.

Luna didn't know why, but when she saw Roya's face, her heartbeat suddenly slowed down. The girl's breathing was a little rapid. Luna didn't dare to look at the young man. She moistened her throat and forced down some messy thoughts in her head. Luna said directly, "Long time no see, Roya, so are you here to find them this time?"

It seemed that she was afraid that Roya would see her predicament.

Roya saw the other party's obviously increased heartbeat and slightly panicked behavior clearly, but Roya knew that Luna was thin-skinned, so she didn't tease her a few words. She said along with her words: "Indeed, I want to know the news of Sato Kazuma and Aqua."

"Ah, is it really the two of them?" Luna patted her chest and said so along with the boy's words.

For some reason, Luo Ya always felt that the other party had a sense of relief.

Luna's expression became a little relaxed. Although her cheeks were still slightly flushed, her tone had returned to its previous state. The girl said to Luo Ya: "Sato Kazuma, that's the strange man, right? There is a lady who claims to be a goddess next to him. I told you in the letter, so there is no need to explain anything more. They suddenly came to this town three days ago in the morning. The situation is the same as yours."

When Luna said this, she looked at Luo Ya suspiciously and asked casually: "Are they from the same place as you?"

This time, Luo Ya nodded directly, and Luo Ya also said directly: "We are indeed from the same place, but I am not very familiar with them. This time I came here to worry about them. Oh, no, to be precise, I came to urge them."

Hearing this, Luna couldn't help laughing. The girl looked really good when she laughed, with the corners of her mouth raised and her mouth slightly open, revealing her white teeth.

But for a guy like Luo Ya who is used to seeing beautiful women, this is just good-looking, and it does not reach the effect of "love at first sight".

However, Luo Ya will feel happy when seeing beautiful things.

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