Ultima grinned, and a black light rushed out of Armando's body and rushed to Roya's position.

Ultima thought there would be some obstacles, but the process was unexpectedly smooth.

When Ultima opened her eyes, she was already in the other party's spiritual world.

The spiritual world of ordinary people is also very simple, because the soul has not been developed, and the soul of ordinary people is actually a chaos.

Those adventurers with higher levels, because of their magic power, their mental power will be developed, but the degree of development is limited, and the degree of development is probably equivalent to the degree of a room turning into a yard.

The magician who majors in magic is the degree of a yard.

These adventurers have no means to defend against demons. Lower-level demons may not have much effect on high-level adventurers, but middle-level demons can easily cross the defense line of the adventurer's spiritual world and directly control the other party.

Unless it is a clergyman, or a holy light knight, the kind of guy wrapped in divine power, this kind of human is relatively tricky.


To some extent, this kind of human is just a little tricky for Ultima. Not to mention that Roja is just an adventurer from the Novice Village, and it is impossible for him to be a high-level profession like the Holy Light Knight. Even if he is, Ultima has her own confidence to take him down.

This is also the reason why Ultima swaggered into Roja's spiritual world.

However, when Ultima opened her eyes, she was shocked by the scene she saw.

This is a sea of ​​flowers, with nameless flowers blooming and exuding a faint and elegant scent.

The sun was shining, and the warm morning light sprinkled on the ground from the end of the sky.

At this time, Ultima was standing in the center of this sea of ​​flowers.

Ultima was a little confused, looking at the surrounding scenery and fell into deep thought.

Is this the other party's spiritual world? A spiritual world that has never been seen before?

Ultima has bewitched many people, and ordinary people are probably blank, or a layer of gray fog.

Even for those powerful adventurers, most of them only had the most profound images in their minds, and the images in their minds were mostly broken.

But the world of the boy in front of him was completely different from those broken and false memories.

Whether it was touch or smell, this world was more like a real world.

The sea of ​​flowers in front of him swayed in the wind, and this piece of colorful flowers reached the end of the horizon.

Ultima hesitated for the first time, and he began to try to move forward.

The moment his feet landed on the ground, he felt that he was stepping on a real object.

It was also at this moment that Ultima felt something was wrong.

If this was really the other party's spiritual world, how huge was the other party's spiritual power?

Ultima didn't dare to imagine it, and he was a little panicked at this time.

Flowers, sunshine, grass, and soil.

These four things made up this world.

Things were beautiful, and seemed to be Roya's fantasy, but this kind of thing was extremely ugly to Ultima.

The sunlight of the rising sun shone down, and the sunlight was warm, but it made Ultima feel a stinging pain on her skin.

The nameless flowers gave off a foul smell that made the demon feel very uncomfortable.

This world made him want to vomit, and at the same time, he had the idea of ​​escaping in his heart.

Ultima didn't think much, snorted coldly, and pretended to be calm and said: "I'll let you go this time, and I'll play with you next time."

After that, she was ready to run away.

Ultima also had a lot of mental power. Ultima tried to communicate with the main body and then escape from here.

Ultima naturally had her own set of methods to deal with it. After all, as a demon, she had to prepare at least one or two means of escape.

The main body had its own consciousness. As long as this side communicated with the consciousness over there, it could pull this side's consciousness over.

However, although there was a back-up plan, Ultima always had a bad feeling.

This bad feeling became more and more heroic, which made Ultima feel a strong fear.

Gritting her teeth, Ultima began to try to contact the main body.

The contact was not smooth sailing. She called several times but failed. The network was intermittent, as if it was interfered with by something.

Ultima's forehead was covered with sweat, and his mind was thinking about countermeasures quickly.

Just in case, this body actually has half of the soul of the main body, that is, if this body is cut off, it is equivalent to losing half of the soul for nothing. He cannot accept this level of loss, and it is better to make a profit if he can.

Losing half of the soul for nothing is also a great loss for a high-level demon.

Ultima cannot accept this inexplicable loss.

Thinking of this, Ultima gritted his teeth and tried to communicate with the outside world.

In Roya's world, it is really wishful thinking to want to communicate with the outside world.

However, Ultima finally found the weak point of this world. It is reasonable that such a huge spiritual world will have some weaknesses.

Although Ultima vaguely sensed that something was wrong, she still chose to contact the main body with a fluke mentality.

The signal was intermittent, but it was connected after all.

There was no accident, and everything went smoothly.

The original body was surprised that the clone had come back without knowing when, and the clone was surprised to see the original body again.

"What's going on? Is it not going well?"

“It was going very smoothly, but something went wrong along the way.”

The main body nodded and didn't say anything more. Instead, he asked curiously: "Oh, but who is that behind you?"

"Behind me?"

The clone showed a confused look, but suddenly seemed to remember something and turned his head back, but saw nothing.

The clone turned its head again, and the expression on its face became extremely different.

"Um, the main body, the one standing behind me is a young man? He has blond hair and golden eyes, looks a bit handsome, and is well-dressed."

The main body nodded.

The clone's puzzled expression gradually turned frightening.

"Hey, have you been discovered? But it doesn't matter."

When Roja's voice came out, the spiritual world rippled. Roja's figure walked out from behind and stood in front of the two of them, staring at each other expressionlessly.

For a moment, the three of them fell into silence.

The main body and the clone looked at each other. The joys and sorrows between demons and demons were not the same. The main body didn't know what happened, but the clone's fearful look made him feel very unhappy.

You've become a demon and you're still so cowardly?

how? Will he eat you?

The silence did not last long. Ultima's body said calmly: "I don't know what happened to you, but this is not just your spiritual world. After crossing this line, you come to my world. , you can't kill me, of course, my clone is still in your world, this is an indisputable fact."

The corners of Roja's mouth raised and he said nothing.

The demon frowned and glanced at the clone. The clone showed a smile that was uglier than crying, frantically asking for help.

The main body sighed and started negotiating terms directly.

"Let my clone go. I can give you whatever you want, whether it's money, beauty or even power."

Roja shrugged and said casually: "How much money do you think can be worth half your life?"

The main body glanced at the clone again, clenched his right hand slightly, twitched the corner of his mouth, took a deep breath, and said coldly with a stern face: "Then what do you want? A magic item?"

Roja smiled. The young man's smile was very sunny, his long golden hair was tied behind his back, and his pair of pale golden eyes looked at Ultima.

The young man said calmly: "Is everything okay?"

The main body frowned, took a step back, and nodded seriously. He always felt that things were about to get out of his control.

"Okay, then I want your soul."

As the words fell, the world began to turn around. Ultima's body glared angrily, and her mental power exploded at this moment, crushing the surroundings.

One world is peaceful and beautiful, and another world is filled with boundless pain.

Groans and cries of pain mingled together, speaking of boundless regret.

The two worlds were completely opposite, and the two forces collided with each other. Ultima originally thought that no matter how strong the other's spiritual world was, there was no way he could be his demonic opponent. However, when they really came into contact, Ultima's face suddenly changed. A change.

Just like ice and snow melting, the so-called confrontation is simply a joke.

Almost in an instant, everything changed into nothing. Ultima's soul was pulled into Roya's world, and everything turned into nothing.

"No, no, that's impossible. Who are you?"

Ultima roared ferociously, roaring towards Roja's position. Roja shrugged and directly forced the opponent's soul into his spiritual world.

Then everything turned upside down and the world began to change.

The sea of ​​flowers disappeared, the nameless flowers dissipated, and the pure white petals scattered all over the ground.

Instead, there was the boundless ocean, with the red sun hanging high above his head, exuding scorching heat. Roja stood quietly on the sea level, and the water droplets gathered and turned into a cage, locking Ultima's body and clone together. The fusion of soul and soul, when Roja forcibly pulled Ultima into this world, the two souls began to merge.

It has ferocious facial features, an ugly face, a pair of black wings spread out from behind, a bloated face, open corners of its mouth, revealing four sharp fangs on the top and bottom, and sharp and slender ears.

This is Ultima's current state. The previous composure is gone, leaving only this embarrassed posture.

The scorching heat burned Ultima mercilessly. The demon had an unpleasant burnt smell.

Roja just stared at the other person quietly without saying a word.

Neither one nor the demon spoke, and for a moment, the atmosphere fell into a strange state.

Ultima did not beg for mercy. Although she grinned when she was illuminated by the scorching light, she just stared at the other party coldly.

Roja didn't say much and said directly: "Do you have any last words?"

Ultima sneered, snorted, and turned her head away.

Roja raised his eyebrows, snapped his fingers, and another round of the sun rose.

The fiery red sun rises from the west. The two big suns are facing each other far away. The surrounding air is rolling. The temperature rises by dozens of degrees again at this moment. But the most important thing is not the rise in the surrounding temperature. The burning from the rising sun is. The demon is the hardest to endure.

The pain in the soul originally made the demon very uncomfortable, but now the pain was doubled. Ultima's skin quickly dried up and aged, and her body exuded the smell of decay and aging.

Ultima finally spoke.

Ultima looked at Roya with a strange smile. He opened his festering lips and said in a hoarse voice: "Lord Vanir will help me avenge. The Duke of Hell will tear you apart with his own hands, use your soul as food, and use pain as seasoning. He will torture you until your life comes to an end."

At this point, Ultima paused, looked up at Roya, and found that Roya was still expressionless. He grinned and said: "You don't know who Lord Vanir is? That's right, after all, humans like you don't even know the existence of that lord."

At this point, he couldn't help laughing wildly again. Roya just watched the guy in front of him entertaining himself silently, with a look of pity in his eyes.

This guy, won't his brain be burned by the sun?

After laughing wildly, Ultima's expression calmed down, and finally said coldly: "How can a human like you know how powerful that lord is? He is the "root of all evil" and "sees through everything in the world". At the same time, he is also the strongest and most powerful of our seven demon kings of hell. He is the "Duke of Hell" Vanir, the head of the seven demons."

Roya naturally knew Vanir, the "Duke of Hell" of the seven demons mentioned by Ultima.

The other party is indeed a demon, and his strength must be quite good. After all, he can withstand several rounds of Aqua's purification magic without being weakened too much. This alone is enough to show that his strength is worthy of recognition.

But for what Ultima said before, that Roya would be eaten as food, Roya couldn't help laughing just thinking about it.

Like other demons, Vanir's favorite food is also human negative emotions, but he will not kill humans. In fact, to some extent, if he encounters some adventurers in trouble, he may even help them.

This demon's favorite thing to do may be to make some pranks that make people feel both funny and sad.

If the other party expects this adult to help him get revenge, he can't help but want to laugh.

However, the actual situation is not what Roya thought.

In fact, Ultima and Vanir are not familiar with each other at all. Although they work in hell together, their relationship is not so close that the other party will come to help with revenge.

The reason why Ultima said this is also very simple.

Although they are not familiar with each other, Vanir's combat power is definitely the strongest.

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