Comprehensive comic: Starting from jobless reincarnation

Chapter 236 Return to Asra Kingdom (4k)

Luo Qixi expressed her childhood fantasy with a nostalgic look.

"Eager for adventure, hoping that I can meet that person, and then fall in love with each other through adventure after adventure, and in the end, embrace each other and say I love you."

Luo Qixi paused in her words, stared at the young man in front of her, and smiled: "When I saw you, I felt that maybe Prince Charming was you."

Hearing this, Luo Ya couldn't help but feel hot, no matter how shameless he was.

Looking into those clear eyes, Roja always felt a little guilty.

Luo Qixi thought to herself: "There may be a lot of troubles in the future, and there may be quarrels, but more of it will be sweet happiness. Those hardships will only be decorations sprinkled on the cakes, just like food cannot be The lack of condiments makes it all worth it.”

"Emotions will heat up, days will become longer, everything will continue to change, we will have a lovely daughter, or a naughty son, this is the crystallization of our love."

"And what I hope for is that at the last moment of my life, there will be two figures clinging to each other in the small courtyard, just sitting quietly in the small courtyard, enjoying the beauty of the years and picking up the fragments of memories. Everything is just like that. Just like the first time, the sun was quiet and the trees were rustling. The only change was that the young figure in the crowd walked through the crowd and came to his side, accompanying him through the hardships, passing through the wedding dress, and sleeping. Sharing the same pillow and spending a lifetime together.”

Luo Ya was really moved this time. Luo Qixi's innocent face was right in front of him. He never thought that Luo Qixi could say such words.

And this is the girl's truest thought and what she has always fantasized about.

Things are beautiful, but reality is always cruel. When he thinks of the warblers and Yanyans around him, Luo Ya feels a little sorry for Luo Qixi.

Luo Qixi's eyes withdrew from Luo Ya. At this time, Luo Qixi's face already had a faint blush. The blush on her cheeks was like a touch of morning glow, making Luo Qixi's support extremely alluring.

Looking at such a girl, Luo Ya's Adam's apple rolled. He reached out and grabbed Luo Qixi's hand, and said to Luo Qixi sincerely: "I will definitely make you happy."

This is also what Roja thinks.

Although to a certain extent, he is riding in many boats, it is Luo Ya's idea to make the girls happy.

He reached out and stroked Luo Qixi's hair. The blue and soft hair flowed along Luo Ya's fingers. Luo Qixi's hair was very long. If you get close, you can smell the smell coming from Luo Qixi's body. It's not all fresh fragrance, but has a faint scent. The smell of sweat, but in a sense, this is also a novel experience.

He stretched out his hand to lift the girl's chin, and a blush quickly spread across her cheeks. Roja kissed her gently.

Tasting Luo Qixi's lips again, Roja felt a little distraught, and his physical instincts began to stir again.

Young people are always young and energetic, let alone a young man like him.

But after taking a look at the sky, Roja decided to stop.

Luo Qixi stared at those beautiful eyes with a little confusion. At this time, Luo Qixi was looking at Roja with a shy face. The girl's face was flushed, and the clothes on her chest were also slightly stained. Messy.

There is no doubt that this is a good thing done by the evil man in front of me.

Luo Qixi looked a little embarrassed, so Luo Ya coughed dryly and tried to change the subject: "Well, what does Master Luo Qixi want to eat?"

"You still know that I am your master?" Luo Qixi glared at Roja angrily, but did not continue to dwell on what happened above.

Luo Qixi thought for a moment, then happily pulled Roja out of the mountain and ran downwards.

After staying in this country for so long, Luo Qixi didn't know everything about the surrounding area, but she knew a little bit about everything.

For example, Luo Qixi knew exactly where the food was delicious, where the food was expensive, where the food was cheap, or where the skin and meat business was.

After a day of wandering, it's already night.

The night is always exciting. This is often the time when mercenaries are most active. The nobles will also light up the banquet lights, and the gorgeous firelight will illuminate the entire city. The dim but bright lights, Blooming in every inch of soil in the streets and alleys.

Of course, Luo Qixi didn't want Roja to have more contact with the night world, but after finishing the meal, she hurriedly pulled Roja back to the palace.

Perhaps in Luo Qixi's mind, Roja was still the innocent and kind-hearted boy he was when he was a child.

Luo Qixi, as an adventurer, knows how open this world is. Here, you can buy a one-night affair with just a few silver coins.

Although Luo Qixi still had confidence in Roja, she couldn't resist those pretentious guys who directly approached her.

In order to prevent Luo Ya from being tempted by women outside, Luo Qixi directly dragged Luo Ya away and sternly warned Luo Ya not to be with casual women outside, and to sternly reject those girls he met.

Luo Ya nodded like garlic, showing a well-behaved look.

But the more Luo Ya acted like this, the more Luo Qixi felt worried.

Not to mention Roja's appearance, Luo Qixi was worried about the character of Roja's family.

Such thoughts only appeared in her mind, and Luo Qixi was soon wrapped in sweet happiness.

It goes without saying what will happen when we return to that not-so-spacious room.

————————————A night without words——————————

The battle lasted for a long time, and this time Luo Qixi became even more clingy.

Perhaps because she realizes that a lot of time will pass before the next time, the girl's heart is always filled with anxiety.

But this time, Luo Qixi also tried hard to regain her position.

It can be seen that Luo Qixi's body has obviously improved after a month's rest, and her combat power is much stronger than before.

But in the end the battle ended with Roja's victory.

It's the next morning.

It was about nine o'clock in the morning. Roya climbed out of bed and gently stroked Luo Qixi's soft hair beside him.

Luo Qixi was awakened by Roya getting up. She opened her eyes, glanced at Roja who was already getting dressed, and said, "Are you ready to leave?"

Roja nodded and said: "I still have things to do, and I will write to you then."

Luo Qixi turned over, revealing her white neck and snow-white collarbone.

The sheet covered Luo Qixi's body. Thinking of the madness last night, Luo Qixi couldn't help but have a faint blush on her face.

After pulling up the quilt to cover her body, Luo Qixi kicked Roja with her foot. With an annoyed look on her face, she said to Roja: "What are you looking at? Didn't you see enough last night?"

Roja held the slender little foot and stopped Luo Qixi's movement.

Luo Qixi's ankle was held by Luo Ya, and Luo Qixi struggled twice symbolically, but did not struggle away, with a look of dissatisfaction on his face.

Luo Ya took a step forward, smiled and leaned on Luo Qixi's face, and kissed Luo Qixi's cheek.

"Good morning, Master Luo Qixi."

"You still call me Master Luo Qixi? Do you like this title?"

Luo Ya let go of her hand, and Luo Qixi retracted her legs and huddled in the sheets. The action just now made her realize how dangerous it was.

The guy in front of me is really full of energy.

After waving his hand, Luo Qixi turned away and lay sideways on the bed, turning his back to Roja and shouted: "If you want to leave, just leave quickly, really."

Luo Ya smiled. Of course, he didn't really go out directly as Luo Qixi said.

Like an old father, Luo Ya said to Luo Qixi naggingly: "When you go out, you must take care of yourself and don't be deceived by others."

"If you want to take risks, you should find adventurers you are familiar with. Not all adventurers outside are good people."

"Oh, by the way, this is for you."

Just as Luo Qixi was holding her head impatiently, Roja took out a piece of magic stone from his arms.

Luo Qixi lazily raised her eyes and glanced at the magic stone, then she became surprised. She sat up from the bed with a strange look on her face.

"this is?"

Luo Qixi asked curiously.

"Well, just hold this life-saving tool. It will work at the critical moment." Roja smiled mysteriously and hung the lines on the magic stone around Luo Qixi's fair neck.

The magic stone is very beautiful and exudes a faint blue light. This is what Roja found specially.

To a certain extent, this level of magic stone is more like a crystal pendant, except that Roja carved some runes on it and stuffed some magic power into it.

At a critical moment, as long as the magic power is used as a guide, the magic contained inside can be stimulated. This is another life-saving prop given to Luo Qixi by Roja.

No amount of life-saving props is too much. Don’t regret it when you use it.

Luo Qixi reached out and held the necklace around her neck, with a happy smile on her face. The slightly raised corners of her mouth and the exposed white teeth made Roja feel a little dazed.

"This time, I may not be able to see you again for a while. I may have to travel far away?" Roja said.

Luo Qixi played with the beautiful magic stone in her hand, sighed and said, "Where to go?"

"The Holy Land of Swords."


Calculating time, there is still a buffer period of two to three years before the transfer event occurs, and only then will the gods and humans officially reveal their claws.

If it is the same as the original work, more of the plans of the Human God will be aimed at Rudeus.

But now that Roja has appeared, the situation may turn from Rudeus to himself.

To be honest, he could probably guess what the humans and gods were targeting.

In fact, we should start from the aspect of the family. Whether it is Paul, Senis, Luo Qixi or the others, as long as they can handle the transfer incident well and wait for the gods and humans to kick off the drama, then this drama will be truly complete. start.

Holding the package and wearing a short shirt, he walked out of the palace, pointed at a place, and disappeared in a few flashes.

Before heading to the Holy Land of Swords, he had to go back and meet his stupid Ou Doudou.

Rudeus' perspective.

Rudeus is not living a good life, or he has been living a bad life since Roja left.

When Roja was around, the girl in front of her would still listen to some words, but after Roja left, the girl's attitude was completely opposite.

And this state has become more and more serious as time goes by.

The simplest thing is, just like the scene in front of you.

Rudeus sighed, holding the arithmetic book in his hand, and said dejectedly to the girl with red hair and eyes in front of him: "Alice, how many times have I told you that mathematics is very important."

"Yes, yes, I understand." Alice glanced at Rudeus standing aside impatiently. Alice stared at the page in front of her in a daze.

Written on the paper were the math problems that Rudeus taught Alice. They were at the first and second grade level, and they were not too difficult. As long as you thought about it for a while, you could basically get the answer.

At least that's what Rudeus thinks.

However, Alice is not the same as other children. When faced with this kind of thing, Alice's reaction is always a little slower. She seems to be born not good at this kind of thing.

Rudeus held his forehead, sighed and said: "If Brother Roya comes back and knows that your arithmetic has deteriorated compared to before, I don't know how he will feel."

Alice was stunned when she heard this, and then she suddenly slapped the pen in her hand on the table, and her fiery red eyes became bright.

Alice said excitedly: "Is that guy coming back?"

Rudeus looked at Alice who was excited for some reason with a strange look on his face, but he still thought seriously for a moment and said, "According to the time, it should be almost done."

Alice crumpled the test paper in her hand, picked up the wooden sword placed aside, and said to Rudeus: "Then let's have a test first. When that guy arrives, I will let him see my sword." Growing up, I am no longer the same person I was before.”

Roja was just as Rudeus thought. He had already arrived at the border of the Kingdom of Asla. Originally, he was planning to go back to his hometown to see Paul and the two sisters, but after thinking about it, After a moment, he decided to take Rudeus home with him.

Although Paul clearly prohibited Rudeus from going home and hoped that Rudeus could have a good training at Alice's house, Roja still believed that it was best for Rudeus to meet his two sisters and the people he had always been thinking about. Sylphy is better.

Rudeus is not an honest person. After all, how many people who have traveled through time are honest people?

Bonding is still very important, and it is also a good thing for Rudeus to meet his sisters.

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