The weather is not too cold. Even though the temperature difference between day and night varies greatly in the place where the college belongs, even so, this season has not reached the point where you need to cover yourself with thick quilts.

So the girl was only wrapped in a very thin sheet. Esther's body was very thin. The thin sheet covered most of the girl's body, making it difficult to see clearly.

Restia looked at the little face that was sleeping peacefully, with the corners of her mouth raised, revealing a strange arc. Restia stretched out her slender fingers, pinched Esther's cheek, and pulled hard. Ste frowned lightly, reached out a hand from the bed, slapped Restia's mischievous hand away, turned around, changed his position and went back to sleep.

Restia felt very surprised, as if she had discovered some new continent.

Roja was sitting on the sofa, tasting the food made by Alice, with an absent-minded expression.

Alice sat opposite, glanced at Roja, and asked casually: "What's wrong? She doesn't look very happy."

Roja sighed and said helplessly: "To be honest, I don't know what to do with those two elves."

The knife and fork held by Alice paused slightly, she raised her eyes and looked at Roja and said: "Your elves are very special. They are more like humans than elves. Since they are close people, for the protection of you, I have to hold on to it, lest I hear about homeless spirits wandering the streets.”

The corners of Roja's mouth twitched, and he said helplessly: "How much you don't trust me."

While the two were talking, they heard something heavy falling to the ground in the room where Roja was resting, and a hint of anger could be clearly heard from Esther's indifference.

"What are you doing?"

Roja's heart thumped, and he stood up and hurriedly walked into the house. What he saw was Esther who was rolled up into a rice dumpling, leaving only her little head exposed.

At this time, Esther's face was so cold that it could not be described as frost. Roja turned his gaze to Restia, who was standing beside him and smiled cheerfully, and motioned for the other party to come out and explain.

Restia shrugged and smiled: "As you can see, it's just a friendly interaction between me and her."

Esther said coldly: "What do you call a friendly interaction? I don't think a friendly interaction would be when a person pinches another person's face while she is sleeping and then wraps her up like this."

"Well, who knows, maybe the customs here are different from yours."

Restia said cheerfully.

Esther cast her gaze on Roja's face, took a deep breath, calmed down her mind, stood up, and stretched out a hand with difficulty to lift off the quilt.

He only wore a thin shirt on his upper body, and his lower body was almost undefended. Only black knee-high socks wrapped his two slender and round calves.

Alice heard the sound and followed Roja over. Seeing such a scene, her face suddenly turned red.

She hit Roja hard on the back and stammered: "What did you guys do yesterday?"

Esther tilted her head and explained: "As an elf, as the master, isn't it the right thing to sleep with the master?"

"Sleep? Sleep?"

Alice's voice rose. She glared at Roja fiercely and said angrily: "Didn't I tell you not to do such dirty things in my room? By the way, you are a person who won't even let go of the elves. Slag.”

Roja tried to explain to save his almost hopeless reputation, but Alice glanced over without giving Roja a chance to explain.

Roja was a little embarrassed and stood there.

Roya's embarrassment did not affect the atmosphere where Esther and Restia were ready to have sex at any time. Esther launched an attack on Restia, trying to pinch Les with her slender but white hands. Tia's cheeks.

The height gap between the two is very high. Restia is a head taller than Esther. The height gap is an insurmountable gap. Restia just slightly moved to the right. He dodged Aster's attack.

Aster jumped in the air, the expression on his face became even more unhappy. Aster turned his attention to Luo Ya, with an expression of displeasure on his face that had been frozen for thousands of years. Aster took a few steps forward and came to Luo Ya. Next to Ya, he hugged Luo Ya's arm and said: "Master, she is a bad woman, don't be deceived by her."

Roya and Restia, who thought Esther would come over to make a report, were both stunned.

Restia's expression gradually became weird, then she smiled and said to Esther: "Forget it, I'll play with you later. Oh, by the way, remember to get dressed next time?"

After saying that, the girl transformed into elements and disappeared in place.

Hearing this, Esther looked down at her lower body, which was only wearing knee-high socks and Fatty, with a puzzled look on her face.

Roja sighed deeply.

This little girl doesn't know how attractive she is now.

After driving the girl back to the room and telling her to get dressed before she could come out, Alice just stood aside and watched with a cold face.

"You know, the common sense of elves is different from that of humans."

Roja shrugged, indicating that there was nothing he could do.

In the end, Alice didn't say anything more. She angrily took the knight's sword, put on the uniform that symbolized the Academy Knights, opened the door and left the room.

There were only two people left in the huge room again.

After Esther got dressed, Roja took Esther out and met in the Elf Forest.

The days passed as usual, and time passed by.

Lian Ashbel woke up the next day.

After hearing the news, Roja took Restia with him to visit the girl first.

Who could have imagined that this beautiful girl in front of him would have been a boy when he was young. If it weren't for the erosion of the alien darkness, he would still be a boy today.

The girl in front of her had a confused look on her face. She looked around, her beautiful face flashing in a trance. Looking at the two people in front of her, the girl opened her mouth to express her doubts.

"Where is this? Who are you?"

The pronunciation is very standard and there is no language barrier.

Roja and Restia looked at each other and didn't speak for a while.

The room fell into an eerie silence. The girl's eyes looked back and forth between Roja and Restia, and finally rested on Restia.

There was a trace of hesitation in the girl's expression, and she asked doubtfully: "We seem to know each other?"

Roja opened his mouth to explain Restia's identity, but Restia coldly interrupted: "It's an illusion. After all, there are many similar people in this world. Maybe you have seen people who look similar to me before. Woolen cloth?"

Roja was confused and swallowed back the words he was about to say.

The girl's beautiful eyes stared at Restia for a while before she said, "So... is that so?"

Outside, the sun is high.

Inside the house, shadows hid half of the girl's face.

After talking for a while, Roja and Restia exchanged a few words and then left the room where Lian Ashbell was.

After leaving the room, the two walked side by side in the long corridor. Roja asked: "Why do you pretend not to know him?"

Restia raised her eyes and glanced at Roja, her black eyes calm and calm.

Restia said lightly: "Otherwise? This is the best choice, both for me and for her. I hope she can live a normal life as an elf without having to work as hard as before."

Oh, there are still people with stories.

Roja didn't have the habit of exploring other people's background, and even if he asked, Restia might not be able to tell.

But things never go as expected, inside Grevas' office.

The gray-haired witch was standing by the window, looking down at the scene outside the window from above.

When Roya arrived, Grevas turned her eyes away from the scene outside the window and turned to the young man. She nodded to Roya and Restia, then sat down and started talking.

"You must have met the child Lian Ashbell."

Came a calm but mature voice.

Roja nodded, and Restia looked at Grevas without blinking, with a vague smile on her face.

Restia is always like this, whether she is normal or somewhere else, she always seems to have this faint smile.

Grevas got to the point and said: "Then, I hope you can include her in the team. She is a very powerful helper, isn't she?"

Neither Roja nor Restia spoke.

In fact, if you have to say it, with Ashbell's strength, it is more than enough to join his team, but the key question is, is it really suitable for her to get involved?

In fact, is it really appropriate for the remaining two little girls to get involved?

Both Roja and Restia knew that their goal this time was not to win. What they really wanted was the death of the Elf King.

Looking at the two people in front of her, Gravas was not in a hurry to speak. She slowly turned the pen in her hand, waiting for their answers.

Roja showed a helpless expression, turned his attention to Restia, and asked directly: "What do you think? Restia."

Restia's smile disappeared, she took a deep look at Gravas, nodded and said, "You can't reveal too much of your abilities. Okay, let Lian Ashbell come in."

Roja nodded and said to Grevas: "I agree, but you have to find an elf for her."


Having said this, Grevas frowned, thought for a moment, nodded and said, "Okay."

The matter came to an end, and Restia's expression was uncertain.

She originally thought that this would completely cut off the connection between the two, but she didn't expect that the witch would inadvertently get her involved again.

Roja felt it didn't matter. He came to this world with a clear purpose, which was to kill all the violent Elf Kings.

The Elf Kings will watch the Elf Sword Dance Festival. If they show too much strength in the Sword Dance Festival, it will also hinder the subsequent assassination plan.

It can also be considered a good plan to let the girls around you protect you all the way.

And if something unexpected happens, they can also serve as reinforcements.

After deciding the matter, Roja once again took Restia to Lian Ashbel's room.

On the white bed, Lian Ashbel's face was pale.

When he saw the two people returning, he raised his eyes to glance at them, then withdrew his gaze and fell into deep thought again.

Roja coughed dryly, said hello, and told the other party his intention.

Lian Ashbel nodded calmly and agreed to Roja's invitation.

Days went by quickly as usual. On weekdays, Luo Ya led a group of people from his team to train, and nothing special happened.

A group of people in the team exclaimed when they saw Lian Ashbell, and gathered around her. They all looked at Lian Ashbell with radiant eyes, and from time to time they reached out to touch the girl, which was not considered healthy. Luo Ya was very ashamed to see his huge body.

"Are you the real Lian Ashbell?" Claire asked excitedly, with a look of admiration on her face.

Lian Ashbel tilted her head in confusion, her expression blank.

Roja pulled the overly excited girl aside and said helplessly: "She has lost her memory, but her foundation should still be there. After training, she should be a powerful elf user. As for whether she is the real Lian Ashbell, I think, probably?"

The girls jumped for joy and gathered around Lian Ashabel asking questions. Lian Ashbel was dizzy from the questions and asked Roja for help.

After a while, the group of girls stopped.

The rest of the things were very simple, including training between teams, fighting against other teams, and honing their compatibility. Roja asked Lian Ashbell to observe the battles between the elf messengers and let her get familiar with them.

Later, I took some time to train Lian Ashbell alone.

Just as Roja thought, although Lian Ashbell lost her memory, her own experience was there, and she made rapid progress even when she relearned the sword dance.

Lian Ashbell's contracted elf is not considered strong, it can only be considered average, but as a former disciple of Gravas, he is also a high-level elf.

The elf is a long sword with the blessing of the wind attribute. By releasing the elf magic costume and chanting elf magic, you can get the protection of the wind element, and your own speed can be increased by a level in a short time.

Her ability is pretty good, and with a little bit of practice, Lian Ashbell gradually mastered everything.

Just when Roja thought the sword dance festival would begin smoothly, an unexpected surprise came again.

To be precise, it is not an accident.

Velselia Eva Frangelto arrives.

Although this girl's reputation is not as famous as Lian, she is still very famous in the Odessia Empire.

Vilselia participated as a representative three years ago, but was defeated miserably in a duel with Ren Ashbell.

From then on, Vilselia became very obsessed with the gain and loss of power and became very paranoid.

If the former Vilselia could be called a knight, the current Vilselia can only be described as pursuing power but losing herself.

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