It was only then that Kaijin and the Black Guards understood Luo Chen's intentions.

No wonder it's the magic ore and the heart of Sares, it turns out that Luo Chen intends to gather these rare materials together to forge an artifact!

Originally, they naturally wouldn't believe that a human in Luochen had the courage to challenge the artifact.

You know, that's the lifelong dream of many grandmaster-level forgers!

And Luo Chen is just a young man!

Still a human!

But now, they have to believe and look forward to witnessing this history-making scene in their hearts!


With another thunderclap in the sky, the light circulating on the sword embryo gradually began to become obscure, obviously, this was the magic in the magic ore that was about to be absorbed by the Heart of Salis.

Once the mana is absorbed, the magic ore will completely disintegrate, and the heart of Salis will be destroyed by the impurity-filled magic.

Seeing this, Luo Chen, who was holding the sword embryo in his hand, had no change in his complexion, and as his mind moved slightly, an incomparably pure magic power flowed along his arm along the sword embryo, and was transmitted to the heart of Salace!

In an instant, the dark blue and near-black light that flickered on the sword embryo became stable again, only this time, the color of that light was closer to darkness!

Soon, the light on the sword embryo began to gradually condense, and finally enveloped most of the sword embryo inside.

Although Luo Chen's magic power is pure enough, it is limited after all, and it is still a little unbearable under the continuous absorption of Salis's heart.

So, soon, cold sweat began to slide down Luo Chen's forehead, at first it was only the size of a grain of rice, and after a while, it became as big as a soybean, but even so, Luo Chen still gritted his teeth and insisted.


The ball of magic light wrapped in the sword embryo suddenly trembled, and everyone present only felt that their hearts were also twitching.

I saw that Luo Chen's face became more and more pale, and a crack gradually appeared on the substance-like ball of light!

"Don't...."Zhu Cai subconsciously called out.

The Black Guard lowered his head, and even Kajin couldn't help but let out a deep sigh at the moment.

Gambling is angry, but there is no doubt that none of them want to see Luo Chen fail.

But obviously, forging an artifact is not an easy thing to do after all.

And just when everyone was feeling disheartened, Rimuru, who had not spoken, suddenly raised her hand, and a blue magic began to flow down Luo Chen's arm into the heart of Saris on the sword embryo.


A ripple of magic spread out, the crack on the magic light ball quickly healed, and Luo Chen's face also softened significantly!

His eyes were still staring at the sword embryo without blinking, and soon a transparent magic film was wrapped above the magic light ball, and the ice blue magic film wrapped the black magic light ball, and the two wonderful magic powers were close together, intertwined and fused.

It didn't take long for the two powers to merge, and an incomparably vast amount of magic spread out, enveloping the entire blacksmith shop, and then quickly returning to its original nature, shrinking back into the heart of Sares!

At this moment, Rimuru has already put down his hand, there is only so much he can help Luo Chen, and the rest depends on himself.


With the third thunder in the sky, at the same time, Luo Chen had already raised his hammer again and struck on the sword embryo!


A crack suddenly appeared on the sword embryo, and this scene made everyone's hearts instantly rise to their throats.

The forging technique of the artifact is one thing, and luck is also the other, when many forging grandmasters forge the artifact, they are in the last step of forging due to bad luck, so they have to sacrifice their bodies, resulting in the death of the weapon.

Could it be that Luo Chen is also going to fail?



Then there were two more soft sounds, and the crack on the sword embryo became deep and long, and a touch of brilliant brilliance was revealed!


As Luo Chen's hammer fell again, a large piece of the sword embryo was peeled off, and the short sword that emitted a faint blue light inside appeared in everyone's field of vision.

It's done!

The crowd let out a cheer, and the dwarf Cajun jumped up from his stool and danced upwards with clenched fists.

He almost wanted to rush over and pick up Luo Chen and turn around now!

You know, they have witnessed the birth of the artifact today!

How many blacksmiths have dreamed of their lives?!

Everyone wanted to hug each other and cheer and celebrate at this moment.

But Luo Chen really rushed forward as they expected.

However, immediately after that, he jumped past the crowd and directly picked up Rimuru, who looked confused.

"Huh?" This sound was made by Zhu Cai.

"Huh?" This sound was made by Aster.

"Rimuru, thank you so much! If it weren't for you, I would have failed! "

"No, you're welcome, don't hug me, there are two girls next to me....."Rimuru struggled.

"No, I'm going to hug you, or you can switch to a female form and let me kiss it! You're cool, I'm cool! Luo Chen was extremely excited at the moment.

"Neurotic, you! Zhu Cai and Shion are right next to them, you go and kiss them! "

"It's really not okay, it's not impossible to be genderless....."

"No, dead pervert, you don't want revenge!" Rimuru was on the verge of collapse at the moment.

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