In the evening, a grand bonfire was held in Turnpest..... Village held.

Just as Luo Chen expected, now the Moe King has recruited the three major races of goblins, tooth wolves, and dwarves, followed by the big ghost clan, lizardmen and pig-headed people.

And immediately afterwards, Red Pill and they also informed the others at this party that the pig-headed clan was coming to attack.

For a while, the surrounding atmosphere became a lot more serious, except for Luo Chen and Limulu, who did not change, one of them held the script in his hand, and the other felt that this kind of thing would be good to cover up the water.

So the two of them were still eating food and drinking goblin fruit wine.

To be honest, the fact that goblins can make wine really gave Deloris a bit of a shock at the beginning.

In her opinion, goblins have always been synonymous with evil, cunning, stealing, and plundering.

As a result, I didn't expect that the goblins here are all very hardworking and friendly, and they are not as hateful as the goblins I saw before.

The goblins in this monster village can even be described as "clear eyebrows".

Except, of course, the gobta.

It seems that what Mr. Luo Chen said is not wrong, not all monsters are enemies of humans, and the monsters in this monster village are not half hostile to humans, and they can even be said to be very friendly.

At this time, Deloris couldn't help but feel lucky, if it wasn't Luo Chen who came here today, but other adventurers who were as naturally hostile to monsters as her, I am afraid that there would not be this harmony here at this moment, but a bloody killing.

"Mr. Luo Chen, who are you? Where did it come from? Where are you going? "

Faced with Rimulu's rather philosophical question, Luo Chen just smiled and said, "I'm in the group." "

When Rimuru heard this, he became vigilant almost instantly.

I saw him sit up straight and quietly, and then asked, "Who are you?" "

"It's not just about killing goblins anyway." Luo Chen smiled.

After saying that, Luo Chen obviously noticed that Limulu had relaxed a lot: "That's good." "

"How did you find me?"

"I'm an adventurer, and your monster village is too lively, and it has already attracted the attention of the adventurer's guild, so you sent me to take a look."

Limuru suddenly became a little nervous: "What should I do then?" "

"What's the hurry? Normal development is fine, and the big deal is to arrange a circle of enchantments outside the village. "

"But, I don't know how to enchant..."

Rimuru was a little embarrassed, and at this time, the Great Sage had not yet finished breaking the seal of Verudra, so he had not mastered the skills related to the enchantment.

"It's okay, you'll be there later." Luo Chen said and took a sip of wine.

Rimuru: ???

This affirmative tone.... How do you feel like this person knows a lot about me?

Although the fruit wine is delicious, it has a lot of stamina.

It didn't take long for both Luochen and Rimuru to feel dizzy.

"Hey! Do you dare to say who you are? The weakest player in the group? Be cautious? Am I not a god of law? Which one the hell are you?... Hiccup~".

I saw the drunken Limulu grabbing Luo Chen's collar and belching and asked.

"Guess, I'll tell you if you guess!" Luo Chen was also drunk.

"How can it be repaired..... Guess I still need you to tell me! "

"Then you rua me and I'll tell you!"

“rua.... rua what rua! You pervert, you! "

"Who wants to rua you now, idiot! I wanted to try the feel of your slime form! Quick, or not a good brother? If yes, just cool me off! "

Luo Chen said as he spoke, while the groping pig hand had begun to uncontrollably grasp Limulu's body, trying to force him to form a slime.

"Stop, hentai!"

The fight between the two naturally attracted the attention of the others, and at this time, whether it was a dwarf or a goblin, they were all dumbfounded.

It was the first time they had seen Lord Rimuru and others drunk.

And it's still so playful..... Madden!

At this time, Delores, who was closest to the two, was even more confused.

It turns out that Mr. Luo Chen is a person with this kind of character? I always thought he was the kind of person who was calm and personable at all times.

I didn't expect there to be this kind of gaffe and fight with people!

And from the very beginning, Deloris found that she suddenly couldn't understand what the two were talking about.

Although the two of them spoke words that they could understand, when they were put together, she felt as if she was listening to a book from heaven.

In the group?

Kill only goblins?

Be cautious?

Am I not a god of law?

What is this??

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