While Rimuru was still tidying up, Luo Chen stretched, then lifted the curtain and walked out.

Then he was taken aback.


At this time, a woman dressed in a black deacon dress was kneeling on one knee and respectfully squatting outside the tent.

"Kuhuhuhu~Good morning, Lord Luochen~"


The people of Luochen were stupid, and they called out tentatively: "Diablo?"

Why didn't you see Diablo overnight, and Diablo became Diablo?

"Ah~ I didn't expect that after I changed gender, you can still recognize me at a glance, my lord, and I really feel extremely honored here. "

Diablo looked up like a puppy with a bone rewarded by his master, and if he, oh no, she had a tail, Luo Chen guessed that the tail would be waging like a propeller by now...

"What's going on?"

When Rimuru lifted the curtain and saw the feminine Diablo, she then looked at Luo Chen's gaze a little unkindly.

Why is there another beautiful woman next to this bastard?

"No, I really have to explain this," Luo Chen pointed at Diablo helplessly, "She was still a man yesterday!"

"It can be proved below that what Lord Luo Chen said is true. "

Diablo smiled and said, "Demons can change gender at will, and after Lord Luochen gave me a name yesterday, I think women can better serve Lord Luochen." And so she became a woman. "

"Oh roar, better service?"

Rimuru smiled lightly, then looked at Luo Chen, narrowed her eyes and asked, "It seems that Lord Luo Chen really has a soft spot for being able to switch genders at will!"

When Luo Chen heard this, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and he said in his heart that this matter is really not easy to explain now!

At that moment, Diablo suddenly saw the mask on Rimuru's waist, and then at Rimuru.

"Kuhuhuhu~ how fortunate my master is the Lord of Darkness, and his partner is so interesting~. "

Rimru looked at her with a confused expression when she heard this, thinking to herself, what did this man say?

Call..... You, Diablo, have finally escaped.....

Luo Chen breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, and then asked, "Has the king of Falmus dealt with that great priest?"

I saw Diablo nod slightly, and then pointed to a pit not far away: "I locked the two of them there to avoid disturbing the two adults." "


Hearing this, Rimuru's delicate face suddenly swelled with a flash of light.

Even Luo Chen couldn't help but blush, and then he seemed to suddenly remember something, and asked Rimuru, "By the way, Rimuru, did you meet anyone from the Western Holy Church on the way back?"

Rimuru thought for a moment and said, "Yes, but it was a student of a friend of mine, and she seemed to have misunderstood that I had killed my friend, and she didn't listen to me at all, so she had to do something with me, which really me off in retrospect!"

Hearing this, Diablo's heart moved, but he didn't say anything, and Luo Chen's face became a little unsightly.

Hinata Sakaguchi, this woman really lacks a flaw education, and she has told her that the world is not black and white, why did she still fight Rimuru as soon as she came up......

"So, you go back with Diablo first, and I'm going to go to the kingdom of Falmus. "

Luo Chen said to Rimuru: "Don't let these two people and those people in prison go yet, they are the most important certification for us to clarify the facts at that time." "

"What are you going to do in the kingdom of Falmus?" asked Rimuru, wide-eyed.

Luo Chen smiled and said, "Naturally, the Falmus Kingdom will pay for their actions. "

"Don't be stupid!"

Rimuru hurriedly said, "The king has been captured, and all the 20,000 troops he brought have been annihilated, and we have already made them pay a great price!"

"Besides, as the premier kingdom in the Western Continent, the Falmus Kingdom must still have a foundation that has not had time to come up, it is too dangerous for you to rush over like this!"

"It doesn't matter, if there is a difficult opponent, I will withdraw it. "

Luo Chen shook his head and said: "Besides, since you want to fight, you have to beat them in front of all the countries, lest anyone dare to fight Turnpest in the future!"

As soon as he heard that Luo Chen was for Turnpers again, Limuru was immediately moved.

"It's worthy of Lord Luochen, and please ask your subordinates to go with you!" Diablo said on one knee at the same moment.

"You two ......"

Rimuru sighed helplessly: "Then I'll go with you, I'm also a demon king now, and I can help you deal with difficult enemies." "

"No, I can't. Luo Chen rejected her without thinking about it.

"The two of us can't leave Turnpest at the same time, what if there are other forces that want to attack Turnpest?"

Hearing this, Limuru suddenly thought that Turnpers was in danger because he left, and he blamed himself for a while, lowered his head and said, "I didn't expect Milim to leave suddenly......"

"That kid is a detached character, and you can't expect her to stabilize. "

Luo Chen said: "She may surprise you from time to time, but it may also be a fright. "

"Alright then....." Rimuru nodded, reluctantly agreeing.

"But you're going to ...... this Die," Limuru looked at Diablo.

"Diablo. Diablo on the side reminded with a smile.

"Yes, why don't you bring Diablo with you, I think she's pretty strong. "

Rimuru said, "After all, there is no one around you to follow, so I will be worried!" (Lee's)

I just don't want anyone to share my experience......

Luo Chen was about to refuse, but when he met Diablo's eyes full of expectations, he suddenly sighed helplessly.

"Okay. "

After having the specialized flight, Luo Chen's speed can be said to have made a qualitative leap, and it only took more than a day for Luo Chen and Diablo to come to the border of the Falmus Kingdom.

It's an empty plain as far as the eye can see.

At the same time, there was a familiar figure standing on the throne. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The head of the Paladin of the Kingdom of Falmus, the saint - Hinata Sakaguchi.

Luo Chen was not surprised by the appearance of Sakaguchi Hinata, turned his head and said to Diablo: "Diablo, you are not allowed to make a move without my order later." "

Diablo nodded respectfully: "Yes, Lord Luochen." "。

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