
It's a joke to build a Star Destroyer or something like that.

Although the power of the starship far exceeds that of the Gundam, it will not be able to build it for a while.

In the future, with the Star Destroyer weapon, it is a big deal to install it on the Gundam, anyway, Lu Chen has full confidence in the compatibility of his body.

There are so many wonderful technologies and magic in the world that there is no need to stick to one thing.

Handsome is a lifelong thing, eh.

Gundam caused a stir among the little ship girls, and they became interested in this kind of big guy who can go to the sky and the earth.

Every day, they either pester Lu Chen, they want to sit together and fly high, or they go to Akashi and want to borrow a mecha to open it.

It bothered the proprietress too much.

"Aren't you ship girls? What kind of mecha are you driving?!".

"In the future, when we fight, after the other party blows up our Gundam, a ship girl explodes inside?! This picture is too strange, hey ?!...



Two weeks later, in the evening.

In the office of the naval base.

Lu Chen was working with Richelieu on the documents at hand.

"Commander, Ninghai Pinghai has sent a report that the first batch of supplies for the Ghost World Destruction will be delivered soon. "

"Including iron, steel, coal, non-ferrous metals, and other agricultural products, textiles, etc...... The amount seems to be staggering, and we're going to have to send Brie to transport resources. "

On the list, Ninghai Pinghai clearly calculated the amount of tributary resources of each country.

Industrial countries such as the British Empire and France are mainly refined minerals, while agricultural countries are mainly agricultural products and textiles.

"7 million tons of refined steel, 54 million tons of coal, 60,000 tons of tin......".

Just one glance at the report will stunt at the sheer volume.

That's dozens or hundreds of times more than this side of the world.

This is only the first batch of resources, and in order not to affect the development there, the proportion of extraction is quite conservative.

When the world is modernized and the world is elevated to the industrial age, the benefits will be even more staggering.

"For the Hong Kong district, they are experimenting every day to create new weapons, and resources should be quite tight. "

"In addition, I would like to tell the company, what is lacking in the future, I will take care of all the consumption of the ship in the port area. "

Lu Chen waved his pen.

This was not originally part of the trade agreement between the two sides, because in a sense, the Demon World was considered its own spoils.

However, Lu Chen is very grateful to the ship's mother who pulled herself in the case of running naked at the beginning.

"It's very atmospheric, Commander. "

Richelieu smiled.

"What about our side? Continue to invest in the construction of the capital, or build some torpedoes, carrier-based aircraft, and other military industries?"


"Stop, stop, don't use it to build torpedo bombs and carrier-based aircraft, we have too much ammunition in our warehouses to run out. "

"If it weren't for the fear of causing chaos in the Demon Slayer World, I would like to export a batch to them. "

Lu Chen knocked on the table.

"Take it all and make the Mind Cube, and then make Brie. "


Sister Li blinked, unable to understand.

"Didn't I eat a Rubik's Cube in Minato before? Akashi said that because there were not enough resources, Minato didn't create a new Rubik's Cube. "

"Now that we are backed by a whole world, we can't use up the resources, so for the sake of future development, of course, we have to start popping Bri. "

Lu Chen explained a few words a little.

"For example, at the beginning of the game, the most important thing is to develop the economy and have more minecarts and farmers under the condition of ensuring your own safety. "

"There are more farmers and minecarts, and when you rebuild heavy industry, explode soldiers, and go out of the combat laboratory, you won't get stuck in the money, and the speed of development will be faster and faster. "

"If you first use all your resources to build tanks to beat your neighbors, although you can gain an advantage in the early stage, but due to the lack of follow-up, this kind of person will not be able to win in the end. "

"There is no population limit to where we live, so of course the more farmers and minecarts the better, and the more spectacles in the future. "


Richelieu had a question mark about Lu Chen's theory of peasants and minecarts, and it took her a while to figure it out.

But there is no doubt that Brie is indeed a universal worker-like character for Minato and where he lives now, if not stronger.

They can not only mine and smelt, but also repair warships and make all kinds of munitions for shipwives, and even Lu Chen's Gundam is knocked out by Brie with a wrench.

A little more Brie, the development speed here will indeed be much faster in the future.

As for the little yellow chicken...... They can only do some miscellaneous work such as carrying and farming, and they have to rely on Brie for industrial things.

Five minutes later.

Akashi, who was fishing, was brought over by Richelieu again.

"Commander, you're going to give me back the Mind Cube and the money to build the Gundam?"

"It's 160 million yen in total, but with our relationship, we can give you a 95% discount. "

The maintenance lady took out a small notebook and prepared to ask Lu Chen for an account.

"Hey, it costs money to build a Gundam?!You didn't even say you would charge for it??!

Sister Li was speechless at the profiteers.

"Don't worry, I can give you back the Mind Cube, as long as you do me a small favor. "

Lu Chen pulled Akashi over.

Let her look at the list of resources.

"If all these resources are given to you, how many Mind Rubik's Cubes can be made?"

"So much?!all for me?!".

Akashi's eyes lit up, and he counted with his fingers for a long time.

"About 8,000 of them......


"Then if you use it to make Brie, how much Brie can be made if you count the resources spent on the hull?"



She brushed the cat's ears and did the math again.

"The special cloth and the trial cloth consume more resources, and the general-purpose cloth is less, according to the general proportion...... That's about 6,000 in total?".

"Good. "

Lu Chen patted Akashi's head again.

"Take it and make 6,000 bries, and the rest will be my reward for you. "

"Meow ???!!


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