Three days later, in the evening.

In the northern part of the island country, off the coast of Sasebo Port.

A black heavy cruiser floated silently on the surface of the sea.

The black-and-red casing, eight 203mm guns, and the iconic double-decker conning tower mark her identity as a Prinz Eugen-class heavy cruiser.

Under the cover of night, no one spotted the warship.

Lu Chen stood on the top of the bridge, looking at the coast not far away.

"Commander, will Wu Miao really come?".

Beside him, Prince Eugen, who had long silver-white hair and a tuft of red hair on his forehead, asked.

"Yes, and he will find a way to mobilize all his forces to snatch this non-existent flower. "

Lu Chen stared at the ground in the distance.

It was precisely because he had a full understanding of Wu Miao that he knew how obsessed this ghost king was with eternal life.

According to the script, today is the day when the "rich businessman" takes the flowers on the other side and prepares to set off for the return voyage.

The newspaper office leaked the itinerary again, and the boarding location happened to be in the almost uninhabited port of Sasebo.

For Wu Miao, it is just the perfect opportunity to act, and there is absolutely no reason to give up.

"Well, what if he didn't do what you wanted and went into hiding?"

Fearful asked.

From the very beginning of the whole thing, she felt that the commander was arranging and fooling around.

However, it is impossible to say whether the other party is so cooperative.

"Then let's kill the shogunate first, take the resources back and build the Gundam, and blast Wu Miao into the sky with Japan. "

Lu Chen said with a smile.

Of course, there are plans, and there is more than one.

However, he wanted to try the easiest way first, to see if he could deceive the whole family of Wu Miao and the Twelve Ghost Moons, and then get rid of them together.

By the way, there is no misery.



The other shipwives nodded, ready for battle.

Taiho and Fearful were also standing on the deck of Prince Eugen, and the water in Sasebo Port was too shallow to accommodate the hull of the aircraft carrier.

Simply fight directly in the form of a ship.

The two of them waved, and several carrier-based planes took off into the wind and flew towards the distance on the shore.

"It's coming!".

Soon, a message came from the reconnaissance plane ahead.

"35 kilometers to the northwest, a cluster of targets has been spotted! is heading towards the coast, they are fast!".




Countless black shadows that couldn't see their movements clearly ran through the forest.

They are so fast that it is almost impossible for the human eye to discern their movements.

Some of them are like reptiles, running on all fours on the ground, and some are jumping from bush to bush like monkeys.

Only by closing the distance can you find that they are all strange-looking ghosts!

Hand ghosts with a lot of wrists wrapped around their bodies, swamp ghosts in ninja costumes, arrow ghosts, and countless low-level ghosts.

Driven by the Ancestors of the Demons, they roared towards the shore.

Hyakki Night Walking.

Almost half of the ghosts of the island country are gathered here.

There was a constant creepy gurgling and gurgling in the ranks.

In the back was a young man with a pale face.

The ruler of all ghosts, the ghost dance is not miserable.

He deliberately concealed his form, perceiving his surroundings with all his might.

There are no humans, and there is no breath of a ghost slayer.

Originally, after Tong Mo died violently for some reason, he wanted to lie dormant for a while.

But years of failure, and the desire for eternal life, made him decide to take a risk.

As long as you can obtain it, from now on, the sun will no longer be its natural enemy, and it will become a perfect creature that is truly immortal.

"Strange, what about the Ghost Slayer?".

In front of the army of ghosts, there were two sturdy young men, one with pale skin, short pink hair, black lines on his face, and the word "three" engraved on his iris.

The other person has six eyes on his face, and the left and right eyes in the middle are engraved with "Shangyu" and "One" respectively.

The two winding ghosts looked around, but found no trace of the so-called merchant or the ghost killing team.

They weren't worried that it was an ambush.

As Upper String Ghosts, they can easily kill most of the Demon Slayer team members, with few natural predators.

Coupled with the countless low-level ghosts and other colleagues around him, even if it is to destroy the city and destroy the state.

Which ghost slayer can't think of it, dare to challenge so many ghosts at the same time?!


Wu Miao was speechless, and with a wave of his hand, an army of ghosts immediately dispersed and searched nearby.

Because the five senses of ghosts are far sharper than those of humans.

Soon, he noticed the warship parked in the distant sea.

The heavy cruiser gave him a peculiar and eerie feeling.

Whether it's the shape, the size, or the flag hanging on it, it doesn't look like something of this era.

"That's ......


Wu Miao stared at the sea in confusion and pondered.


"He's really fooled?".

On the bridge of Prince Eugen's ship, Lu Chen held a telescope and squinted at the situation on land.

At that time, I just opened a random brain hole and wanted to fish out Wumiao.

As a result, he really took the whole family and prepared to fight to the death.

It seems that he really wants that painted blue flower.

"A... Ten... Hundred..."

"Commander, did you stab the nest of no miserable?".

Looking at the big red dot on the radar interface, I couldn't help but complain.

Their radar is generally used to scan carrier-based aircraft and warships during naval battles, and the positioning effect on small targets is not very strong.

But there are countless ghosts, a piece of black and dark, and it is simply blinding to watch on the screen.

There are even some ghosts whose body structure is so weird that the scanner doesn't know whether to recognize them as humans, animals, or objects.

It can only be referred to as an unknown creature.

"It's a lot easier, it saves us from digging three feet into the ground to find him. "

Lu Chen coughed.

"Everyone, fire freely. "

“Remember,No-Russian...... , oh no, it should be no-Japanese?".


(The picture shows eating hands~).

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