The system's answer made Lu Chen wonder for a long time.

What does it mean to upgrade to a full-fledged civilization?

There are not enough people, and the strength is not enough

That can't, he glanced at the extradimensional star map, after the vanguard fleet arrived in this world, when he looked at the strength comparison of the ghost destroying world, the other party's military strength had become as humble as an ant.

The natives of the steam age and the pre-space age can't beat the ship girl at all, they are all one civilization, why am I not?


Since it is not a military, scientific, technological, or economic reason, it can only be analyzed from a more abstract perspective.

Look at what you are missing from other civilizations, or other countries.

The industrial agricultural system?

It doesn't matter what's more, some technological civilizations don't believe in God at all.

The system of government makes some sense, but it's not all.

He noticed that on the map, the name of his world was simply a "place to live".

"The ...... elements that make up a civilization".

Lu Chen struggled to think about the difference between himself and the rest of the world in his mind.

"Economic, military, cultural, political...... Name!?".

"Name ?!?".

Suddenly, there was a flash of inspiration.

"Everyone, assemble! I have important things to discuss. "


Half an hour later.

Naval base, inside the office.

The 30 shipwives of the Pioneer Fleet gathered here, looked at Lu Chen in front of the conference table, and couldn't help whispering:

"Huh, why are you suddenly going to assemble?".

"I don't know, the commander said that there is something very important to ask for advice. "

"Who is the commander going to swear to?" Which pest is ......?"

"Dafeng, you ...... normal".

A few destroyers and submariners even carried a net of sea fish in their hands, thinking that they had just blown up fish on the shore when they were pulled over.

"All the people are here?".

Lu Chen coughed, and everyone quieted down.

"Commander, what's the matter?".

Richelieu asked, holding the Bible in his hand, frowning slightly.

"We want to build a nation. "

"Determine the name of the country, the military flag, the uniform of the army... and the Founding Ceremony. "

Lu Chen said succinctly.


The ship's girls were stunned and speechless for a long time.

"What do you mean?".

Essex asked.

"It's a must-have for a formal civilization. "

"In the future, when we fight in other worlds, we must have a loud name and a flag that represents us. "

Lu Chen replied.

Because his previous attention was entirely focused on the construction of the capital, he ignored this simplest thing.

Since it is a civilization, it must always have a name and a sign that represents itself.

"Hmm...... Is that so?".

"Then Commander, it's better for you to decide, this is your world after all. "

Fearful thought for a moment and said.

"No, no, no, thanks to your blessings, this place can be built, everyone is considered the founding father, you can say anything you want. "

Lu Chen said with a smile.


The shipwives let out a burst of exclamation.

Founding fathers.

Yes, they were the first companions to accompany the Commander in rebuilding civilization on Earth.

Although there are not many people, the significance is extraordinary.

Everyone was happy to hear that they were so praised.

Start brainstorming soon.

"The port area is called the Blue Route...... Why don't we give it a similar name, Azure Lane?, Azure Phantom?".

Yukikaze was the first to raise his hand.

"It's weird, change it. "

The other shipwresses shook their heads.

"We have to get a lot of knowledge and technology from other worlds to deal with the sirens, so how about being called knowledge managers?".

Ning Hai then raised his hand.

"No, your name is weird. "

Lu Chen refused.

"The earth here is the first territory for us to land in another world, and it has a special significance, otherwise, it is called the guardian of the holy land?"

Fearful answered.


"Another one. "

"The Commander can observe the movements of the multiverse in high latitudes, how about the Mystic Observer?".


"Are you going to talk about military isolations and ancient caretakers?!Gone to the wrong set?!Hey?!".

Lu Chen supported his forehead.


Yat-sen clasped her hands to her chest and thought for a moment.

"The universe is as endless as the sea of stars, and we want to build a civilization across dimensions in it, and at the same time establish ......cooperative relations with many civilizations."

"It just so happens that we are also in the port area, so otherwise, it's better to call it the Star Sea Alliance?"

"That's it!".

Lu Chen's eyes lit up, and they immediately made a decision.

He is worthy of Yat-sen, gentle and elegant, and knowledgeable.

It's a loud enough name, it's compelling enough.

"From now on, we are the Star Sea Alliance. "

"This year is the first year of the Star Sea Alliance, and every year in the future, today will be the National Day of the Star Sea Alliance!"

"Amnesty, change the yuan, and hold the founding ceremony !! on a certain day".

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