"Come, follow me, first turn the soil with a coulter, and then put the seeds in. "

"The row spacing is 30 centimeters, and each corn plant should be separated by 20 centimeters, and fertilizer should be applied every 10 days, understand?".

Outside Constantinople, in the demarcated agricultural area, Ninghai and Pinghai are teaching the little yellow chicken to farm.

The two bent over, holding the seed in one hand and the tool in the other, demonstrating and explaining at the same time.

If the unsuspecting onlookers see this scene, they will only shout: "It's fierce, someone is teaching chickens to farm?!".

The two sisters were surrounded by a group of brute chirps, looking at the two of them with cute faces.


"Do you understand?".

After doing a demonstration, Ning Hai asked the little yellow chicken.


The little yellow chicken nodded.

"You try. "

Ning Hai handed the little yellow chicken a handful of seeds.

He pretended to think for a few seconds, and ate all the seeds in one bite.



Ning Hai gave it a popping chestnut.

"I didn't let you eat!! learn to farm with me!!".

She pulled out another small dried fish from her pocket.

"Farming, fish to eat, stealing seeds, being beaten, understand?".


After a few beatings, the little yellow chicken probably figured out the causal relationship between these things.

Whenever it eats the seeds, it will be hit with an iron fist, and if you put the seeds in the soil, you will get a small dried fish.

The intelligence of the brute is not too high, but the instinct to seek advantage and avoid harm has made them learn to plow the ground with their claws, and even use tools to plow the land.

"Is this Pavlov's dog?reflex training?!".

The onlookers were unconscious.

I feel that the teaching methods of the two sisters seem to be very advanced, after all, in the port area before, no one thought that these stupid little yellow chickens could still farm.



Pinghai watched Ning Hai train the little yellow chicken like a dog, hugged his chest and pondered for a while.

"Hand farming is still too slow, or we should find Akashi to build some cultivators or something, and let the barbarian do the math himself?".

Thinking of the endless plains in the future, the little yellow chicken is driving a tractor to harvest crops, and the painting style of the port area in the future seems to be very strange.


The other side.

When Ninghai Pinghai was in full swing tossing the little yellow chicken.

Lu Chen opened the overview interface after a long absence, wanting to see the development of the place of residence.

[Civilization Overview].

[Civilization Type: Technological Civilization].

[Technological level: pre-space age].

[Members: 331].

[Species: Human, Ship Niang].

[Ruling area: 5220 square kilometers].

It's only been less than two months since I was thrown here, and I've already run into the pre-space age.

— or the Age of Magic.

The technology of the Azur route can hardly be called "technology" in the strict sense of the word.

It seems that the start of naked running is not too bad, just have a good neighbor.

More than 300 members, probably the number of themselves + ship mother + Brie, the brute is treated as a pet and is not counted in the statistics.

The area of more than 5,000 square kilometers should be the newly built naval base of the Vanguard Fleet, as well as the surrounding sea area.

Cities on land have not yet been built, otherwise they would have been larger.

Of course, the fastest progress is in the level of technology.

Relying on the support of the blue world, you can directly cross the Bronze Age, the Steam Age, the Electric Age, etc., and enter the pre-space age.

It's still a step away from the space age.

As for whether there are more advanced civilizations above it, it is unknown.


He suddenly found that in the species column, there was an additional illustrated function.

"And the Species Atlas?".

Lu Chen was a little curious.

Clicked on the illustrated book of "Ship Niang".

[Blue Ship Girl].

Born from the Mind Rubik's Cube, a species between artificial intelligence and magical creatures.

It has marine adaptability, is good at naval warfare, and most of them belong to the orderly and good camp, and can effectively use various equipment on the technology side.

"Interesting. "

The illustrated book is equivalent to giving yourself a hint that you can easily understand the characteristics of other species.

Ship girls like to stay at sea, and at the same time, most of their combat power comes from their own ship equipment, and they can improve their strength by changing into more advanced weapons, which belong to the creatures on the technology side.

It's orderly and kind, and it's easy to understand.

The ship's mother is basically very simple, even if Chong Sakura, Iron Blood, like Akagi, Dafeng, Ron, etc., it's just that the personality is a little worse, and it's not evil.

"Are there any other creatures?".

Lu Chen found that there were still many illustrated books that were gray and had not yet been collected.

"Elves, Heroic Spirits, Valkyries, Lawgivers, Magical Girls, Cat Lady, Dragon Lady, Kivotos Superman, ......


"You have a lot of species in this book?!".

[Collect enough species to unlock special rewards.] 】

[Please try your best to develop civilization, increase the ruling range of the empire, and enrich the diversity of species~].

The system sounded briskly.


"Is this a wife Pokémon?".


"Wait. "

Looking at the statistics panel, Lu Chen suddenly remembered something.

Initial task.

Recruit 20 people, as well as build civilization.

There is a place to live, and there are people.

There are hundreds of people here, and even if Brie and Brute Chirp are removed, the Vanguard fleet has 30 ships.

Why didn't the task be completed?

Then this task can't be done.

"Hey, hello, is there a bug in the settlement?".

He immediately asked out loud.


The mechanical sound starts.

[Objective 1, Recruit 20 companions in your residence, completed.] 】

[Objective 2, Build a Civilization, uncompleted.] 】

"What do you mean?".

Lu Chen looked puzzled.

[Your place of residence is not currently recognizable compared to other civilizations.] 】

[Ask the host to upgrade the colony to a full-fledged civilization.] 】

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