After understanding the basic situation of the port area.

Moving forward, we came to the seaside.

Richelieu wants to show Lu Chen the technology of Azur Lane and the power of the ship girl

“Mr. Lu, we were born from the Mind Cube, a real war machine.”

“Do you know what capabilities we have?”

She stepped on the sea, looking proud and proud

“Appreciate further details.”

Lu Chen smiled and made an invitation gesture to the girl on the sea.

Of course he knew that the ship girl had some super powers, but in Sister Li’s eyes, he was still a stranger from another world. He still let her show it He was healed in a moment.

Click –

Richelieu waved, and the battleship’s rather large equipment was projected around him.

Two quadruple 380mm main guns were separated on the left and right, and the bridge and the command tower were a little behind the body.

Pure white The turret is engraved with the golden Cross of Lorraine, which is the symbol of the fleur-de-lis of liberty. The bottom and top are also outlined with golden patterns. The entire ship is as noble and elegant as its owner. I do n’t know when Richelieu had more A long gun with a golden ribbon tied into a beautiful iris on the handle.

“very beautiful.”

Lu Chen praised

“Beautiful is not an appropriate term for a war weapon, but I still accept your praise. Richelieu nodded.

“Can you project your own body? Lu

Chen asked curiously. He had never been on the ship girl before.

Bah, he had never been on the warship of the ship girl.

“Yes, but most of the time we are accustomed to fighting in ship-mounted form, which is more flexible and rarely uses the main body.”

Sister Li put away her ship’s uniform and waved her hand again.

White light flashed.

On the coast of the port, a battleship about 200 meters long appeared on the sea.

From a close distance, the main gun on the deck was even more daunting.

The ladder The command tower is tens of meters high, with countless secondary guns arranged around it. Only when you raise your head can you get a full view of this giant ship.

The first ship of the Richelieu-class battleship – the Richelieu

“Come up, you’re the first one up here”

“I basically won’t invite others to board my ship, so I’ll make an exception for you.”

Richelieu invited Lu Chen to board the deck.

“I never thought I would have the chance to see this ship.”

Lu Chen was amazed when he saw it.

If the French Army was humiliated by the 39-day speed pass in World War II, then Sister Li can be called the last glory of France.

She fought many times in Europe, North Africa, and the Pacific, and once fought with Iowa, North Carolina, Glory, Saratoga, etc. fought side by side, bombarded the mainland of the island nation, and even participated in their surrender ceremony

“You know a lot.”

Sister Li seemed a little happy when she heard Lu Chen talking about the past.

“Just a little interested in history”

“However, your place is quite modern, right?”

After walking all the way into the bridge,

Lu Chen discovered that the Richelieu was not the backward World War II battleship that he remembered in terms of facilities and furniture.

Her outer armor was not the gray-black steel of early battleships. It was a silver-white metal with golden patterns printed on it, which looked very gorgeous and sci-fi.

The command room was also magnificently decorated.

The red carpet, gold-rimmed furniture, and European-style furniture made him feel like he was in Maple. Dambailu Palace.

And advanced electronic equipment can be seen everywhere. He is sure that it is definitely not the technology that a World War II ship should have.

“Do you underestimate me?”

“It’s nice that I’m named after that battleship, but after the mind cube and port improvements, I’m not the antique you imagined.”

“In a purely naval battle, it shouldn’t be difficult for me to annihilate IJN or an aircraft carrier battle group of the White Eagle Federation by myself.”

Richelieu waved his baton forward.

After adjusting the angle, the two turrets fired a salvo at the distant sea level.

Bang bang bang – causing a huge wave.

Regardless of range, rate of fire or power, They far exceed the level of modern naval guns.

“The Mental Cube can greatly enhance the combat capabilities of our ship girls, whether it is weapon power or ship strength.”

Beifa explained a little to Lu Chen.


Lu Chen pondered for a moment

“Is it equivalent to a ship girl’s ability amplifier?”

Their weapons just look like antiques.

For example, Richelieu’s 45x 380mm main gun, Belfast’s 533mm torpedo, propeller monoplane on the aircraft carrier, etc. The

Mental Cube has greatly improved them. The energy level of the weapon is actually far more destructive than imagined

“You can understand it this way, but we were originally born from the mind Rubik’s Cube technology, and the ship girl and the Rubik’s Cube are inseparable.”

Befa thought for a while and explained

“Interesting, it is indeed a magic route.”

Lu Chen became very interested in this thing that can greatly improve the combat effectiveness of ship girls.


The Richelieu carried Lu Chen and Beifa all the way to the open sea.

This world is an ocean planet with only a few landmasses and islands.

At the same time, the population is sparsely populated. Except for the activities of ship girls near the port area, the other islands are either lush forests or ruins.

Thinking that the Red Axis had not yet split from the port area at this time, Lu Chen felt that the timeline here seemed very early.

About a few hours later.

He felt that the air around him suddenly dropped a few degrees. On the sea level in the distance, dark clouds were rolling, forming a sharp contrast with the bright port area.

“Further ahead is the deep sea where the sirens appear.”

“For safety reasons, we don’t want to get too close, otherwise it will be very troublesome.”

Beifa reminded loudly.


Lu Chen held on to the railing and looked around. There was a group of strange-looking black battleships cruising on the sea in the distance. There seemed to be a cyan-skinned, human-shaped siren ship girl looking over here.

She must be the enemy of the ship girl.

“How long have you been fighting the sirens?”

“I can’t remember clearly, but Minato has been at war with the sirens since I was born. Richelieu thought for a moment

“Three years? Five years? Or longer? We have fought many fierce battles with each other and want to completely eliminate each other.”

“But later it was discovered that we did not have enough strength to go deep into the deep sea, and they could not enter the port area, so we were in a stalemate.”

“Are sirens very powerful in combat?”

Lu Chen then asked

“Very strong, we almost never take advantage in large-scale naval battles, they seem to have some unknown technology.”

Richelieu pondered for a moment.

“After our discussion, we believe that the power of this world alone is no longer enough to defeat the Sirens.”

“So I hope you can bring some more advanced technology or magic from other worlds to help us defeat our enemies.”…

The picture is still Sister Li.

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