Erina Nagikiri watched the sun gradually rise in the middle, and her heart became more and more anxious.

"Why hasn't that guy come back yet, is he really angry with me?" Erina Nagi bit her dry lip, she had been thinking about Lin Chen until now.

There was a "bump", and the sound of the key turning came from the door.

Erina Nagi hurriedly ran to the door, watching the keyhole gradually turn, and Erina Nagikiri's heart speed slowly increased.

She was about to apologize to this man, and she was worried that Lin Chen would not forgive her and kick her out.

If she were really kicked out, it would be difficult for a person like her, who had no status, to move in this country.

"You, you're back." Seeing Lin Chen's figure appear at the door, Erina Nagi said in a small voice, but Lin Chen could still hear it clearly.


Although he was very excited in his heart, Lin Chen couldn't expose it at this time, so he responded calmly.

With that, Lin Chen walked towards the refrigerator, and he wanted to put the food he bought in the refrigerator.

Hearing Lin Chen's cold tone, Erina Nagikiri's heart tightened.

"He's not really going to chase me away!" Erina thought to herself.

"That, that today's incident was my mistake, please forgive me." Erina Nagikiri's face turned red, and she said loudly to Lin Chen very nervously.

"It's okay, it's good to know it's wrong, just pay attention next time." Lin Chen's heart was about to jump out of his excitement, but he didn't expect Erina Nagi to really apologize to him.

You must know that Erina Nagikiri is a very proud and tsundere person, so Lin Chen really has no bottom in his heart, whether Erina Nagikiri will really apologize to him.

Originally, he thought that it would take a few more days for her to admit her mistake to him, but he would never have thought about how much psychological struggle Erina had gone through this morning.

Hearing Lin Chen's answer, Erina Nagikiri felt relieved, and it seemed that she would not be kicked out.

In fact, even if she didn't admit her mistake, Lin Chen wouldn't really be ruthless enough to kick her out.

At most, if the atmosphere is cold for a few days, he will forgive her, and I don't know what kind of mood Erina Nagikiri will feel if he knows, and of course this will not happen.

"Give me the ingredients, I'll make lunch." Erina Nagikiri walked to the kitchen and took the dish from Lin Chen's hand and found that there were other things inside.

"This, what is this!" Looking at the oversized set of lingerie, Erina Nagikiri's face turned red, and she realized that she didn't seem to slander him, and questioned him loudly.

"Aren't you going to stay here? I'm going to buy you some clothes, or you won't be able to wear mine.

"Oh, that, thank you." Erina Nagikiri's face turned red, she suddenly thought that she was no longer in Yuanyue, and she looked at Lin Chen with guilt as she spoke.

"Well, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have questioned you without asking anything." Erina Nagi whispered, her head lowered as she spoke.

Obviously, she had already admitted her mistake, but it didn't take long for her to question him again, which showed that the sensitive Erina Nagikiri didn't trust Lin Chen at this time.

Lin Chen, who was still thinking about whether he should change (training and training), was very surprised when he heard Erina Nagikiri's apology, he didn't expect Erina Nagi to apologize as soon as possible.

"It seems that what happened in the morning changed her a lot." Lin Chen thought for a moment, and then, with a smile, he was one step closer to victory (top base).

"It's okay, after all, it's very difficult to change your habits, and you can't change it all at once." Lin Chen said, and his hand subconsciously stroked Erina's head.

"Hmm," he felt the touch on his head, and some strange sensations appeared in Erina Nagikiri's body, which he felt like Erina Nagi had never felt.

She has been pinned on by her family since she was a child, so let alone the touch of her parents, even the praise of her parents is rarely seen. So this is really the first time.

Erina Nagikiri's face was completely red, she quickly snatched the remaining things in Lin Chen's hand, glared at Lin Chen with a shy face, and hurriedly ran to her room.

With a bang, the door of the room was slammed shut.

"I actually touched Erina Nagikiri's head!" Lin Chen sniffed his hands in disbelief, and the fragrance coming from his hands made him know that he was in reality.

Even so, he still couldn't believe that he really touched it easily.

In fact, the main reason is that Erina Nagi only knew that he was an anime character in the morning, and then regretted it all morning, and the whole person has not been able to recover so much, so he can succeed so easily.

Otherwise, Erina Nagikiri would probably pull his hand away at the first moment, and then question him with sharp eyes.

It's a pity that there is no if, and our Erina Nagikiri is holding the pillow at this time, burying her whole face in the pillow.

"Hmm, why do I feel that way, can't I like that guy? No way, it's only been less than a morning, will he think I'm a random girl, what if he hates me.

The more Erina Nagi thought about it, the redder her face became, and she thought of the love comics that Shinto Scarlet brought to her, and it was the heroine's reaction like this.

"Do I really like that guy? How could it be, it must have been caused by the events of the morning, how could I fall in love with such a guy"

Erina Nagi thought, and her heart couldn't calm down for a long time.

Changed back to Lin Chen, at this time he was leisurely eating instant noodles and brushing the spirit of the halberd, after all, he had seen it a long time ago, and many details were not clear, so he decided to brush it again to reminisce and reminisce.

Looking at the proud and confident Erina Nagikiri in the anime, and then comparing Erina's shy appearance just now. At this time, his heart was as sweet as honey.

This shows that he may have really left something in Erina Nagikiri's heart. (One of the three major delusions in life: she likes me)

He may be able to go straight to the base soon, even if it doesn't work, at least after this incident, his relationship with Erina Nagikiri began to intersect, and it is no longer an ordinary tenant and landlord.

Thinking of this, Lin Chen couldn't help but show a smile on his face, if Erina Nagikiri was present, he would definitely stay away from him directly.

After almost a few hours, Erina Nagikiri's door finally opened, and she walked out with red eyes, feeling that she was not in a good mood.

When she came out, she glanced at Lin Chen viciously (Erina Nagikiri herself thought), but she didn't know that her vicious appearance was very cute in Lin Chen's eyes.

At this time, Erina Nagikiri was like a sulking child, she looked at Lin Chen's leisurely appearance, and she couldn't get angry.

"I've been thinking about it all afternoon, and I've been depressed all afternoon, and you, the culprit, are still so leisurely.

No, how can you be so relaxed and happy.

Thinking about it, Erina Nagi decided to fix Lin Chen, so her tears began to fall drop by drop.

Looking at the tears on Erina Nagikiri's face, Lin Chen immediately panicked, he really didn't expect that Erina Nagikiri would cry because of such a small matter.

He ran up to Erina Nagi and hurriedly asked, "What's wrong?" Why did I cry suddenly, I did something wrong, rest assured that I will be responsible.

Hearing this, Erina Nagikiri felt a hint of sweetness welling up, and even she didn't notice it.

Actually, in the past, Erina Nagi would never cry casually, because when she was in the far moon, she represented the Nagi family, and if she cried, it would affect the reputation of the Nagi family.

So at the first autumn audition, Nagi Alice cried loudly, and she expressed her envy for being able to cry at will.

In fact, it can be seen from this that she is indeed a poor girl, which makes people pity and care. (The other one I think is Yono)

is obviously a girl who should be fragile and dependent on her parents and others, but she has been helpless since she was a child, her mother can't take care of her because of her own reasons, her father has some distorted education, her grandfather has to manage Yuanyue, and she is busy all day, and Alice has gone to Northern Europe again.

The only one who is Scarlet Scarlet Nito, but Scarlet Sand has never regarded herself as a friend of Erina Nagikiri, she thinks that she is just a follower of Erina Nagikiri-sama.

But as everyone knows, it is precisely because of these that Erina Nagikiri is very eager to make friends and fall in love like an ordinary girl.

But she can't, because she is the eldest lady of the Nagi family, and she has been burdened with the family's mission since she was a child.

And so such a twisted girl was born.

Lin Chen didn't notice, and even Erina herself didn't realize that the sweet smile on the corner of her mouth was so real.

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