But it's a pity that the messages sent by Erina Nagikiri kept showing that she couldn't connect to the network, which meant that she could only see the messages sent by Lin Chen, but she couldn't send them to him, and her mood suddenly fell again.

What could be more painful than watching your lover care about you and not being able to answer yourself?

Later, she received fewer and fewer messages from Lin Chen, and she kept trying to send messages to Lin Chen, but this affection could not be conveyed to another world after all.

Lin Chen has also been sending messages, every day, all the time, but he can't see Erina Nagikiri's message at all.

Lin Chen would try to make a call to Erina Nagikiri every morning, in case he was connected.

Finally, a few days later, when Erina Nagikiri was about to lose Lin Chen's message, the phone was connected, and the phone finally no longer showed that the other party was not in the service area, but that it was ringing.

Lin Chen's heart hung in the air, he was afraid that Erina Nagikiri didn't bring her mobile phone with her at this time, so I was afraid that this call would not be able to be connected, Lin Chen had a hunch that this call was probably the last time the two of them contacted each other.

If Erina Nagikiri didn't answer the call this time, then I'm afraid there would never be a chance in the future.

At this time, Erina Nagikiri is tasting at the restaurant, and although she is in a low mood, after a few days of rest, she still has to finish what needs to be done.

Erina Nagikiri was about to comment on the taste of the restaurant when Shinto Scarlet reminded her that her mobile phone was ringing.

So Erina Nagi didn't care about the image anymore, she hurriedly ran out in the surprised eyes of everyone, and everyone wondered why this cold and elegant eldest lady would behave so rudely.

But Erina Nagikiri couldn't care so much anymore, she hurriedly went to the car and took out the mobile phone, the phone was vibrating constantly, looking at the familiar name that called, Erina Nagikiri hurriedly connected the phone.


Lin Chen's hoarse voice came from the other end of the phone, he has spent the past few days in despair, every day at home will recall the bits and pieces of Erina Nagikiri, the more he recalls, the more painful it is.

But he didn't have the ability to find Erina Nagikiri, so he could only keep sending messages to Erina Nagikiri, but all of them were lost.

He was completely desperate, and he thought that if he and Erina Nagi really couldn't see each other again, then he would end his life without hesitation, and maybe he would be able to meet the person he had in mind below.

The Cowherd and the Weaver Girl can still see each other once a year, but he and Erina Nagi have said goodbye forever.

In the past few days, Lin Chen has tried to numb himself with alcohol, but he found that no matter how much he drank, he couldn't forget that unforgettable emotion, and in the end he could only keep entering the dream in pain, and only in the dream could he temporarily forget the fact that Erina Nagikiri had left.

But when she woke up, she found that she was still gone, and she was sad and miserable by herself.

This is Lin Chen's life these days, the best way to destroy a person is to give him hope, and then destroy his hope with his own hands, there is no doubt that Lin Chen is on the verge of destruction at this time.

If Erina Nagi saw Lin Chen now, she would definitely be very distressed, she didn't expect that such a dazzling man would be as haggard as a homeless man now.

Listening to the phone connection, a trace of joy flashed in Lin Chen's heart, and he hurriedly turned on the phone on speakerphone, hoping to hear Erina Nagikiri's answer.

After hearing Lin Chen's hoarse voice, Erina Nagi almost couldn't hold back her tears, she could hear from his voice what kind of pain he had gone through in the past few days, although Erina Nagi was also very painful these days, but she could also numb herself through work and cooking, but Lin Chen couldn't.

From the moment Erina Nagi found that her message could not be transmitted to the past, she once again closed her heart, and the closure was stronger than before, and from the outsider's point of view, Nagi became very cold, and the indifference in her eyes was far greater than when Nagi Thistle was first driven away.

Nagi Senzaemon also discovered his granddaughter's abnormality, he often talked to his granddaughter, hoping to open her heart knot, but after he found that no matter what he said, he couldn't change Erina Nagikiri, so he had no choice but to give up, and could only hope that the food would make her feel better.

He just opened the Jade Era so that his granddaughter could grow up healthily and not be controlled by the Tongue of God like her mother, and he specially asked Seiichiro Caiba to send Kohei Soma to Yuanyue, but now, all this he did had no effect.

The bell must be tied to the bell, this matter was caused by Lin Chen, and naturally it should be solved by Lin Chen.

"Well, I'm here."

Hearing the familiar voice, Lin Chen's tears fell involuntarily, and finally, he was finally able to get in touch with Erina Nagikiri.

"Are you okay these days? You should go back to the far moon.

"Well, I've had a good past few days. What about you? Erina Nagi replied, in fact, she had been in a lot of pain these days, but she didn't want Lin Chen to worry.

"I'm not having a bad time, by the way, Erina." Lin Chen didn't want Erina Nagi to worry either.

"I'm here!"

"Forget about me in the future and find someone to live happily for the rest of your life."

Lin Chen didn't want Erina Nagi to delay his life because of him, he used to have the ability to make Erina Nagi happy, but now they may not even see each other again, so Lin Chen wants his lover to find someone who can be trusted, and not to be immersed in his affairs all day long.

"This is impossible, Lin Chen, let me tell you, I will not marry you in this life, I will absolutely, definitely not go to find anyone else."

Erina Nagi said excitedly, she could naturally see Lin Chen's thoughts, but she couldn't do what Lin Chen said, because she was Erina Nagikiri.

"Hmm~" Lin Chen was very moved, and said from the bottom of his heart, he didn't want Erina Nagi to find someone else, who would want his lover to find someone else?

Lin Chen's heart gradually became firm, he thought that he could no longer be as decadent as he was now, he had to find a way, a way that would allow him to travel to the world of Erina Nagikiri, even if it took a lifetime, he would not give up.

"Erina, I will definitely find you, I will, I ~ promise you."

The voice on the phone gradually intermittent, indicating that the signal was about to be interrupted, Lin Chen hurriedly said

, "Erina, wait for me!"


" "Finally, Erina, I~~ love~~ you, favorite...!"

Eventually, the signal disappeared.

As Lin Chen's last voice disappeared, Erina Nagikiri was already in tears at this time, she really didn't expect that she would still be able to hear Lin Chen's voice.

Scarlet Sand next to her looked very distressed, and at the same time wondered why her beloved Erina-sama was so sad at this time.

"Erina-sama, are you alright?" Shinto Scarlet took out a tissue and said with concern to Erina Nagikiri.

But in fact, Erina Nagi was not sad at this time, she was more moved, she thought about it, she wanted to live a good life, and waited until the day when Lin Chen found her.

Obviously, it sounded completely impossible to find her through the world, but for some reason, she was very confident that Lin Chen would be able to find her at this time.

"I'm fine, Scarlet, thank you for your concern." Erina Nagikiri showed a bright smile, like a melting glacier, and her voice was full of happiness.

Her eyes were no longer cold, and her closed heart opened again, because she knew that one day, her lover would be able to wear through countless worlds, find her world, and find her.

Until then, she wants to become the gourmet emperor of the entire neon of King's Landing, and then marry that man in her best self, and she has a hunch that this day will not last.

(Erina rolls end).

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