"Have you noticed anything unusual about Lin Chen recently?"

"No" Wu Tao replied honestly, in front of his uncle, he didn't dare to make a mistake, plus Lin Chen didn't care about him at all, so even if Lin Chen had changed, he wouldn't know.

Wu Tao looked at his nephew, and instantly became angry, obviously with his support, but he still couldn't compete with the kid surnamed Lin.

"Then have you noticed that Lin Chen has been getting close to someone recently."

"Last time, I saw Manager Lin come and call him." Wu Jian thought for a moment and replied.

Manager Lin is another manager of Lin Chen's company, different from the older Wu Tao, Manager Lin's real name is Lin Yuruo, and he is a top student who graduated from Jinda University, a top university in China, and he came to their company as a manager as soon as he graduated, and he is very beautiful.

At that time, he was still jealous of why such a beautiful female manager would go to Lin Chen, and now that he thinks about it, the two must have had some unclear relationship.

In fact, that day, Lin Yuruo asked Lin Chen to do a project that was particularly important to the company, you must know that Lin Chen was the best person who worked the most at the grassroots level of their company, but because of Wu Tao's suppression, he had not been able to be promoted.

"Sure enough, that kid really has a backstage." Wu Jian secretly said in his heart, he was doubting why Lin Chen dared to fight against him, it turned out that it was Lin Yuruo, a little girl, who supported him behind his back.

"It's a pity, Lin Yuruo is still too young after all, after a while, I must let her know how good I am after I become the general manager, and Lin Chen's kid, I really think that there is a manager as the backstage who dares to do it against me, he is still too young." Wu Tao thought about Lin Yuruo's beautiful face and seductive figure, and a trace of evil fire flashed in his heart.

But now he is not sure who the boss will choose to be the general manager, but his probability should be greater, after all, he has been working "diligently" for the company for decades, how can it not be as good as a newcomer who has just joined the company for less than a year, and he still has some chassis that he has not come up with.

"You go back first, don't trouble Lin Chen these days, understand?" Wu Tao warned Wu Jian that he didn't want to be disturbed by such a small matter at the critical time of his campaign for general manager.

Wu Jian nodded, so he walked out quickly, looking at the figure of Wu Jian leaving, Wu Tao sighed, he could only rely on himself, he took out his mobile phone and made a call...

Back to Lin Chen's side, soon the afternoon's work was over, and when Lin Chen was about to get home, the sky had already begun to darken.

Lin Chen dragged his tired body home, and after opening the door, he found that the house was very quiet, and he was very puzzled, this point Erina Nagi should have prepared dinner at home and waited for him to come back.

"Is something wrong?" Lin Chen anxiously walked into the room and saw Erina Nagi lying quietly on the sofa at this time, with her eyes closed, at the same time there was saliva at the corner of her mouth, her hair was messily scattered on the ground, and the notebook in front of Erina Nagi was still playing the spirit of the halberd.

Lin Chen walked in front of Erina Nagi and found that the trash can next to her was full of melon seed shells.

"This guy should have fallen asleep while watching anime." Lin Chen said silently in his heart.

Looking at Erina Nagikiri, who was sleeping soundly, Lin Chen didn't want to spoil this beauty at this time, he gently closed the spirit of the halberd, and then went to his room in the dark environment to get a blanket and gently covered Erina Nagikiri's body.

When Lin Chen was about to get up from the sofa, Erina Nagi turned over gently, just pressed her head on Lin Chen's lap, and seemed to use Lin Chen's leg as a pillow, Erina Nagi reached out and held Lin Chen's calf, and then pulled it to her side, and the whole person's head lay directly on Lin Chen's lap.

Then I adjusted to a comfortable position and began to sleep.

Erina Nagi slept soundly, but Lin Chen was miserable, he was afraid of waking Erina Nagikiri, so he sat motionless on the sofa. The sky gradually turned to darkness, and the whole room was pitch black, and I couldn't see my hands when I opened my eyes.

I don't know how long it has been, when Lin Chen felt that his thighs were unconscious, Erina Nagikiri's saliva had already begun to soak his pants, Erina Nagi moved, she opened her eyes in a daze, and when she saw the familiar figure in front of her, she felt nothing, and turned over again.

After a while, it seemed to react. jumped up directly from Lin Chen's legs, and then looked at Lin Chen with a flushed face

, "You, why didn't you tell me when you came back." Erina Nagi had just woken up and her tone was very weak, but Erina Nagi was very impatient.

"How long have I slept on your lap!"

"It's not long, it's almost an hour." Lin Chen turned on his phone and looked at the time when Erina got up.

"Ah, what about you, why don't you call me." Erina Nagi said shyly.

"I saw you slept soundly, so I didn't call you."

Erina Nagikiri became even more shy, she looked at the small wetness on Lin Chen's pants, and then thought of her drooling when she slept.

"Ah, I'm even more shy, what should I do, will Lin Chenjun blame me for getting his pants wet, will he think I'm disgusting."

Erina Nagikiri blushed, her eyes glancing at Lin Chen from time to time.

Noticing Erina's eyes, Lin Chen smiled at her, Lin Chen's gentle smile calmed Erina's heart a lot.

"Now that you're awake, let's eat! I've been hungry for a long time. "


Erina Nagikiri nodded, and she quickly ran into the kitchen as if something terrifying was behind her.

It didn't take long for the enticing scent to come out of the kitchen.

Lin Chen thought about it, he should buy a TV, otherwise Erina Nagikiri looks at the notebook every day, and it will be bad if she finds his study materials.

As we all know, every man's mobile phone and computer store a large number of learning materials, so most men will ask their friends to help format when something happens, after all, social death is much higher than physical death.

And a large-screen TV can also be more comfortable to watch anime.

But now he is running out of money, and he has no money left to buy a TV.

"It's still about finding a way to make money." Lin Chen said silently in his heart, but he still has a job, and he will not resign from his job casually until he finds a partner to work with.

After all, this job was only brought in by his family, although the salary is low, but it is better to be stable, and this salary is more than enough to live in this small city.

"I can only see if I can go to the object of cooperation in the past few days" Lin Chen sighed, he still needs to worry about money, he doesn't care, the key is that Erina Nagi has to suffer with him.

Watching the person he likes suffer with him, he really feels very uncomfortable.

At this time, Erina Nagikiri walked out of the kitchen and found that Lin Chen's face was very bad, and she couldn't help but ask worriedly

, "What's wrong with you?" Is it because of me?

Erina Nagikiri's face was full of worry, she was afraid that Lin Chen would blame her for not cooking in time when she fell asleep in the afternoon, and she didn't know why she cared so much about Lin Chen's thoughts.

"It's fine, it's just that I'm having some problems at work." Lin Chen's expression eased, revealing a relatively relaxed expression.


"Of course it is, by the way, are you going to eat? It just so happens that I'm hungry, so let's eat.

Erina Nagikiri was silent, she could see that Lin Chen must have something on her mind, and she had a hunch that it must have something to do with her.

She didn't want Lin Chen to hide from her, nor did she want Lin Chen to deceive her, she even hoped that Lin Chen could share the difficulties with her, so that she could also help Lin Chen solve them.

But Lin Chen just carried it by herself, she didn't tell her at all, and she couldn't force Lin Chen to tell her, after all, the relationship between them was just a tenant and a landlord.

During the meal, Lin Chen tried to chat with Erina Nagikiri, but Erina Nagi did not respond to any of them, and finally the two finished their dinner in silence.

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