Harem group, bah, girls who love each other and belong to a family are very interested in novel things.

Even though they are all at level 11, except for Othinus, Empress, Nephthys, Proserpina, and Voodoo Girl from the Demonic Forbidden World, Zhao Qi, the leader of the Great Dao Sect in the Fairy World.

The rest are immersed in the founder's game.

There are those who are striving for involution, and naturally there are those who are Buddhist and follow fate. Everyone has their own ambitions and cannot force themselves to achieve it.

Their respective virtual projections looked at the other girls. Some of them had met in offline gatherings, and some could only understand each other's personalities through daily chats.

Smiling politely without losing embarrassment, they chatted for a while. Depending on the closeness of their relationship and their respective personalities, the girls either stayed in groups or walked alone, and began to play [Unreal Infinite Server Zero] specially made by Lin Mo.]


On the other side, ignoring the busy servers 1 to 16, Lin Mo focused his attention on server 17, preparing to watch the fun of the sand sculpture group members.

Looking through the ending at a glance brings boredom and emptiness, making an already invincible life even more lonely.

Game Life World View 17 Server Orpheus

"emmmm is worthy of being an infinitely cute dragon that acts as a vanguard."

Lin Mo complained with a weird look.

The operation of the infinite cute dragon is very strange, but it fits her character very well.

In the novice stage, Ophis used his authority to destroy all matter in the universe and created a group of ouroboros to sleep and rot.

Ophis Sri Lanka's civilization will definitely not be able to withstand the first screening mechanism.

The catastrophes encountered by the Infinite Dragon Group, which is born with a huge innate size of 267, will increase dramatically. The turbulence of time and space, the wind of chaos, the invasion of disasters, the collapse of the universe...

It doesn’t matter if Ophis is messed up, the Infinite Dragon race she created also inherits the fine tradition of being messed up, with countless inferior, inferior...The universe is full of bastard dragons

"Zifei Yuan knows how happy fish is, so forget it, let her do it if she likes."

Lin Mo laughed dumbly, raised his hand and pointed at the diversity of infinite cute dragons, stopping the civilization selection mechanism, allowing the infinite dragon tribe to live in a quiet void forever.


Transferred to the side of Miss Xia Mi, the strongest second generation species of shame in the first generation.

There is no doubt that the pure-blood dragon clan is the well-deserved overlord.

The Creator's love gave the pure-blood dragons the power to command nature with words, and also guided the pure-blood dragons to develop alchemy, a discipline that contains the principles of heaven and earth.

There is no such thing as unity among the powerful dragon clan. They have no enemies, and their own kind is the biggest enemy.

Devouring black, spiritual white, earth and mountains, ocean and water, bronze fire, sky and wind.

The six are the six leaders of the dragon clan. The most powerful ones are the Black King who has the ability to devour, and the Mountain King who is immortal because the earth is immortal.

Miss Xia Mi conveniently doubled the super invincible code for Shan, and concentrated on creating the second ethnic group of the era - human beings.

An intellectual species with weak innate strength but strong learning and understanding was born.

If the weak want to survive, they must either rely on the strong, become strong themselves, or join a group to keep the strong from attacking easily.

"So that’s it, are you looking for a way to peace that doesn’t involve war?"

"The most dishonest and most chaotic first-generation species also have the idea of giving peace to the world."

Lin Mo did not remind Xia Mi, but he still understood the reason behind watching the game without saying a word.

The newly born human race was raised by the powerful dragon race.

It is a toy, a pet, a blood food, and a consumable.

The creator is a virtual authority, and creates things that cannot be done by creation. Changing the self of creatures.

Creating species and developing civilization are processes; testing ideas and gaining wisdom are pursuits.

Just as Xia Mi doesn't care how many people and dragons die. To her, they are just cold numbers in the game that have no real sense.

In the aspiring world Under the leadership of the people, by sacrificing a small number of people, more people can survive, so as to silently accumulate strength. The human race conceals the fact that it also has an illusory universe, and there are not only dragons as special intellectual species. This concealment has become engraved in the bones of human beings inheritance.

As time went by, the third intellectual race, a hybrid of humans and dragons, was born.

Inheriting the power of dragons and the wisdom of humans, it should have become a good medicine to ease the relationship between the two races.

But in fact, the mixed race of humans and dragons The human race despises the mixed-race race for being too dirty, and the dragon race despises the hybrid race for having impure blood. During the long years when the dragon race ruled the world, the arrogant dragon race was the first to have problems within it.

The first civilization screening mechanism came, The Black King is selected as the examiner by the Tribulation of Thinking. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) The

Black King whose thinking is affected uses the illusory universe to deduce infinitely and concludes that he can devour the White King (ccde ) is truly invincible.

He is one of the strongest. He does not need investigation or evidence. Whoever has a problem will have a problem. If not, there must be one. The

Black King devoured the White King and was forged with the White King's old body. The Dragon-Slaying Sword.

It kills the immortality of pure-blooded dragons by erasing their spirits.

The spirit is polluted and becomes full of impurities.

The power blinds the mind of the Black King. He who holds the Dragon-Slaying Sword is superior to the dragons and is the true king of the world. , aiming the butcher knife at the dragon kin of the past

"No! It shouldn't be like this!"

"The task I set for the Black King is obviously to clean up the redundant and devouring world!"

Xia Mi tugged at her hair. Just as she didn't discover that creation also has an illusory universe, she also didn't discover the civilization screening mechanism.

The killing made the Black King stronger, and he drank the blood of the souls of his own people to become an illogical, A monster with confused thinking.

In desperation, Xia Mi placed his hope on a newborn child.

The first hero appeared, White Dragon Girl Yue, with an ordinary and meaningless name.

She is a hybrid of human and dragon. , In terms of force, it is no less than the Dragon King level, and in terms of intelligence, it is not inferior to the smartest wise men and sages of the human race.

[Yue]'s special identity and the common enemy of the three tribes made it possible to join forces.

In order to prevent the Black King from becoming stronger, the few remaining pure-blood dragons took the initiative to reincarnate.[]

The four kings of wind, fire, water and mountain jointly exerted the power of the ancient dragon. Before reincarnation, they struck a powerful blow, reshaping the earth, fire and geomantic omen of a certain time and space, and severely damaged the confused Black King.

Successive humans and hybrids bravely sacrificed their lives, but could not reach the seriously injured Black King.

[Yue] believes that only the strongest spear can penetrate the strongest shield.

She found the dragon-slaying sword that had been knocked away, and her own spirit resonated highly with the resentment of the White King.

"The blood of any king will end with the sword!"

The girl who could no longer tell whether she was the [Moon] or the White King, took advantage of the Black King's serious injury stage and desperately pierced the Black King's head with a sharp blade. The

Black King's bloody and chaotic eyes showed a trace of clarity, and his eyes were very... Complex, [The King of White Moon] distinguishes relief, regret, unwillingness, malice, and hatred……

"Bai, my power belongs to you, and you will be the executor of the next screening!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the riddled Black King turned into black energy and gave everything he had to his mortal enemy without reservation. The pure white girl who slayed the evil dragon was surrounded by black energy.

Thin black and white hair sprouted all over her body. Dragon scales, hair dyed black

"I..."[Month] want to explain

"The great dragon-slaying hero White Dragon Girl! If you really fight for the future of the world, please sleep forever like the Elemental Dragon King!"

A human wise man with a cane walked out of the crowd, his old face full of regret.


The sound of a sharp sword slicing through the throat echoed in the silent wildness.

PS: While the painkillers were still taking effect, I coded two in one go. My waist is starting to hurt. That’s it for today..

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