"If you get the [Crown of the Only God], how will you change the world?"

Lin Mo shook hands with Jibril politely and asked bluntly.

Jibril scratched her head. She hadn't thought about such profound things yet.

"Give the creator Artho a defeat, kill the gods of the forest elves and goblins, and then……"

After thinking for a long time, Jibril's magnificent eyes revealed an astonishing look.

"I have seen the future uploaded by Mr. Lin. The game world created by Tetu, the god of games, is meaningless!"

"I want to create a world where you can become stronger by killing, and the dead will be resurrected and go back to killing!"

Lin Mo slapped Jibril so hard that she lost her mind and shattered Khorne's chosen god's wishful thinking.

"I don't object to killing, but I object to meaningless killing. Forget it, let me do it."

After saying that, Lin Mo raised his hand and snapped his fingers.

The immeasurable true spirit that permeated this world view and spread to every life was activated.

The shackles of species were broken, and any life gained infinite possibilities.

The stronger the creature, For example, the gods were the first to notice their own changes.


At an altitude of 30,000 meters, beyond the criss-crossing tree branches and buildings on Abantheim's body, there is a majestic and huge temple at the highest point.

Inside the solemn temple, there are huge stone pillars on both sides.

Inscribed on it are the opponents defeated by the God of War Artesh himself.

The innermost stone pillar is engraved with the final dragon Hatirem, which was also the last time Artosh took action personally.

There is a strong humanoid man on the stone throne in the center of the temple.

The eighteen wings on the back are gathered together, and the rock-like muscles illustrate the aesthetics of violence.

Artho, the creator of the Flügel, the god of war and killing, opened his gilded eyes.

"Being a god is not the limit, there is a way to go higher.……"

"Infinite future! Endless possibilities! Hahaha! good!"

"Although I don’t know which great being gave you this gift, I, Artex, thank you for your kindness!"

The aloof God of War laughed heartily.

From now on, he will have no shortage of opponents, and he will never end!

Even if no one comes to challenge him, he will replace the strongest and become the new strongest.

Artosh can also use the strength of the last moment. Become your own opponent and never be lonely again!


The Forest of Elves in the Southern Forest of Disbod.

Inside the thousands-meter-high Divine Tree, layers of sealing magic are engraved.

There are those who crave change, such as Artho, and there are those who are afraid of the former, such as Kainas, the creator of the elves and the god of nature.

The immeasurable favor not only did not make Kainas happy, but made him even more frightened.

The first thing Kainas did when he woke up after integrating himself into the seal of natural concepts was to continue stacking self-seals, pursuing false security like a turtle.

The elf girl was dressed in luxurious clothes, her pink-purple eyes were full of anger.

She is a contemporary of the Forest Elf species [Corolla], with the highest magic aptitude in her race, and her name is Xinkonirbalen.

I was just about to pay homage to the gods and seek their guidance, but I witnessed the God of Nature acting like a tortoise.

The beautiful elf girl angrily cursed the creator of the elf species in her heart. turtle! Bastard! waste! cowardly! Worms!

Cainas, you are an incombustible piece of trash that is worth less than a sanitary napkin!


Haddonfell, the volcanic land of Disbod.

Okan, the goblin creator who forged weapons with earth fire, the forging god, paused the movement of his hands.

Okan experienced his own changes, and after a long time he said with emotion:"What a kind and great blessing, the war is meaningless."

Stationed at the door, a masculine and tough middle-aged man came in.

Thick eyebrows, short beard, brown skin, and strong muscles prove his identity as a goblin. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The man wears a scarf and a bead-like hair accessory on his forehead. His right eye is covered by an instrument similar to a monocular magnifying glass. His silver hair is tied into a braid and hangs down on his chest.

"Big Daddy, what happened?"

Okan, the god of forging, released his grip on the hammer, walked over and patted the middle-aged man on the shoulder.

"Vig, the war is over, just wait for the judgment of the great being."

"No need to resist, no need to resist, the great being has told all living beings of His mercy"

"yes! Big daddy!"


The dead soul has revived, and the God of Doubt, the creator of the machine race, has returned.

The divine girl sitting on the ink pot frowned slightly and hit the ink pot under her with a huge brush, making a clanging sound.

The immeasurable favor allowed her to solve many unknown puzzles, but more unknowns followed.

"Find Him and solve the puzzle"


Divine races, fantasy races, elves, dragon elves, giants, Flügels, forest elves, goblins... all races react differently to the unknown.

The Ex-Machina gained hearts, the Vampires got rid of the negative characteristics of their race, and the IQ that the sea-dwelling species lacked was improved.

Even the weakest human beings, who are not worthy of being ranked in the racial rankings, have also received immeasurable favor.[]

The human tribe living in the cracks does not understand that as long as you work hard, you will become stronger, and as long as you work hard, you will be rewarded.

However, human beings who are constantly striving for self-improvement have not stopped striving, but have become more aggressive.


Not long ago, the Mecha paid a heavy price and killed the Dragon King Alan Leif of the Dragon Elf.

The analytical body that mutated due to the war: c207Pr4f57t9, was judged as an unstable factor by the Ex-Machina command center, and the connection with the scrap metal was actively cut off.

An aimless Ex-Machina girl wandered in the wasteland of the post-apocalyptic world, and met the Creator of the Ex-Machina who was also wandering.

".Doubtful, are you the Creator of the Machine-King species?"

The cold mechanical sound full of order now has a human tone of questioning.

The inkpot floating in the air stopped moving, and the God of Suspicion gently tapped the Ex-Machina girl's head with a brush.

"Correct, I (Li's) name is the God of Suspicion, the Ex-Machina should be a group that replicates and proliferates from the five original creations"

"Doubt, machine-born [mind], unable to understand."

The machine girl didn't resist. She and the God of Suspicion stood there blankly. The two dazed girls looked at each other. No one knew what they were thinking.

Lin Mo, the culprit, dragged the sulking jeep and took the initiative to find him. In search of unknown gods

"Hey, girl, are you looking for me?"

Because Lin Mo did not cover up, the God of Suspicion instantly realized that the source of the infinite spread in this world came from the man in front of him! The divine girl jumped up from the ink pot and threw Lin Mo directly into the wasteland covered with spiritual corpses.

"I want more!"

The mecha girl didn't understand, and she helped the Creator hold down the Tiandao Jing's arm.

Jibril was greatly shocked. Damn it, are you gods so enthusiastic?

Picture the suspicious Shenfan Tower.

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