[Uzumaki Naruto’s words left Jiraiya speechless. How could he be so unfaithful to a teenage child? 】

[If word of this spreads, it will greatly damage his reputation as Toad Immortal! 】

[But…Jiraiya weighed it again and decided to wait until after the Chunin Exam. 】

[After all, he returned to the village this time because of the summons of the Third Hokage. 】

[He knew very well that the Third Hokage’s face didn’t look very good when he talked about Naruto. It seemed that the old guy was not very successful in wooing Naruto. 】

[What I want now is to re-instill the will of fire that protects Konoha into Naruto. 】

[If Minato’s Bagua seal is unlocked, Naruto will not only be able to use a little bit of Kyuubi’s power, but will be able to fully use Kyuubi’s chakra! 】

[I’m afraid even I can’t stop it…]

Uzumaki Naruto: “Luxury Sento, it turns out it was the Third Generation Grandpa who asked you to be my teacher. It’s a shame you were reluctant at the time!”

Jiraiya: “This…this…”

Sarutobi Hiruzen: “Naruto, don’t believe the nonsense of Jiraiya in that world. I admit that I recalled Jiraiya to Konoha, but that’s because you are about to take the Chunin Exam. You and Kaka Nishi’s attributes are not suitable, so I asked him to teach Sasuke and choose a more suitable teacher to teach you.”

Sarutobi Hiruzen: “Naruto, think about it, with Jiraiya’s help, has your strength improved rapidly? Even the geniuses of the Hyuga clan are no match for you!”

Uzumaki Naruto: “This…well…that seems to be the case! Although the lustful immortal is really lustful, he always has to use the seduction technique first before he is willing to teach me, but I have become stronger because of him. a lot of!”

Uzumaki Kushina: “Jiraiya, you bastard, what did you make such a young Naruto do?”

Namikaze Minato: “Jiraiya-sensei… it’s better to keep Naruto away from that kind of thing…”

Even Minato was speechless;

How could anyone let a teenage child seduce him all day long?

This is really outrageous!

When he and Jiraiya were practicing,

There has never been such a request!

[“Sorry, Naruto, I decided to wait until the Chuunin exams are over before I give you this key!”]

[“That’s it…it doesn’t matter.”]

[Uzumaki Naruto retracted his fingers, put his hands behind his head, and said with a very nonchalant expression on his face. 】

[“Then wait until after the chuunin exam is over!”]

[If he wasn’t still worried about Jiraiya’s strength, Naruto would have snatched it away. 】

[But he fought against Orochimaru, who was also one of the three ninjas, although Orochimaru was beaten away by him. 】

[But firstly, Orochimaru’s body cannot display his strength, and secondly, he doesn’t want to cause too much noise by alerting the snake. 】

[Naruto still sees these very clearly. He will not be too arrogant because he just defeated Orochimaru. He still needs to be careful! 】

[“That…that…Naruto…is the ninjutsu about seduction…”]

[Jiraiya looked at Naruto with a very eager and curious expression. 】

[Seeing this, Naruto opened his mouth, showing his white teeth, and said with a smile. 】

[“Then let’s wait until after the Chunin Exams! Let’s go!”]

[After Uzumaki Naruto finished speaking, he turned and left, leaving only Jiraiya with a look of regret. 】

[He even…began to wonder…if he was thinking too much? He was really interested in that seductive ninjutsu! 】


[Night, above Konoha. 】

[A ninja in black clothes, wearing a fox mask on his face, is jumping quickly on the roof. 】

[This fox masked man is naturally Uzumaki Naruto. 】

[Through the clones hiding in various places in the village for more than ten days, he has a very clear understanding of the areas where these Konoha Anbu are usually patrolled, so Naruto is relieved that no one will find him! 】

[He walked forward without stopping. His goal was very clear, which was a house that looked pretty good. 】

[Uzumaki Naruto can see Gaara in a daze inside the house through the window. 】

[“Doesn’t this guy sleep at night? No wonder he has such obvious dark circles!”]

[Uzumaki Naruto couldn’t help complaining. He really didn’t expect that at this time, Gaara wouldn’t rest and was still refining chakra. He was working too hard! 】

[The moment Naruto whispered, a figure appeared in front of him. 】

[“Hey, where are you from? What do you want to do here?”]

[The person speaking was none other than Maki, the Jounin responsible for guarding Gaara. He was responsible for this trip.

Responsible. 】

[Gaara couldn’t sleep, and he could barely sleep, so he could only catch up on his sleep during the day! 】

[Naruto was naturally not surprised to see Ma Ji’s appearance. He had already found out about this matter. 】

[As Naruto raised his hand, a kunai shot out. 】

[“Ninja Technique·Shadow Clone Shuriken!”]


[“Wind Escape·Whirlwind Technique!”]

[Maji reacted very quickly, forming a seal quickly, and saw that the surrounding wind suddenly turned into a blade, not only rebounding the flying kunai back, but also cutting towards Naruto’s mask! 】

[Uzumaki Naruto pushed his feet hard, jumped up high, and ran away in one direction without looking back! 】

[“You guys want to run away?”]

[Maki didn’t want to chase him at first, but he still became suspicious after seeing that the ninjutsu used by the fox masked man was a shadow clone shuriken. 】

[This ninjutsu…isn’t it the ninjutsu that the Third Hokage of Konoha is good at? 】

[Could it be that he was sent by the Third Hokage? 】

[Then his purpose is not to target the tailed beast in Gaara’s body, right? 】

[Although I think it shouldn’t be so obvious, with such suspicion and the fact that his purpose of coming to Konoha this time was not pure, he was also worried about the plan being exposed. 】

[“No, I have to stop that guy!”]

[Maki covered the soles of his feet with chakra and immediately chased after him. 】

[“Humph, it’s really here!”]

[Under the fox mask, Naruto put on a smile, and the plan was going smoothly. 】

[Tonight is destined to be Marky’s death! 】

[Naruto sensed the distance between Ma Ji and himself all the way, always allowing him to maintain the illusion that he and he could catch up. This is why Ma Ji never gave up. 】

[Unknowingly, the two have been chasing each other for a while. 】

[“Damn you, when I catch you, I have to kill you!”]

[The irritation in Ma Ji’s heart is that he is almost close, but whenever he gets close to the distance where the ninjutsu can be used, the guy’s speed will suddenly increase, and he will instantly distance himself from him! 】

[“Did he do it on purpose?”]

[By the time Maki reacted, the two of them had already chased into Konoha’s Hokage Building. 】


[There was a sound from the front, and Ma Ji watched helplessly as the man in the fox mask disappeared from his eyes! 】

[“Bastard…bastard…is this a shadow clone?”]

[While he was hesitating, two Konoha ANBU came out of the shadows, one of them had long flowing purple hair. 】

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