[Although many people object, in their opinion, the seventh class is divided into groups. 】

[Even more outrageous than the pig, deer and butterfly combination bound to eternity! 】

[But Iruka has no choice. 】

[He has no right to group. This is all the intention of the Third Hokage. 】

[He is just conveying it! 】

[With the end of the division. 】

[Uzumaki Naruto in the black screen also saw the copy ninja-Kakashi Hatake! 】

[The same is the criticized appearance of kidney deficiency, the classic start of intimacy in heaven. 】

[It was also at this time that Uzumaki Naruto knew that the test would be launched tomorrow. 】

[Those who fail need to return to ninja school! 】

[But Naruto in this world doesn’t have much of an opinion. 】

[He quickly figured out that it was right for the Jonin to test it himself! 】

[After all, if the ninja assessment is just a three-body technique, it would be too much! 】

Uzumaki Naruto: “Hmph, the Three Body Technique is also difficult, okay?”

Haruno Sakura: “Is it possible that it’s just for you, Naruto?”

Inuzuka Kiba: “You’re right, even my Akamaru has learned this three-kaya technique!”

Inuzuka Hana: “Ga, you are going a little too far. Although what you said is indeed true, the ninja dogs of our Inuzuka clan still have no problem mastering these basic ninjutsu!”

Uzumaki Naruto: “…”

Uzumaki Naruto: “Am I worse than a dog? (Incredible!)”

Namikaze Minato: “It’s okay Naruto, in that world you were no less powerful against the demon Zabuza. Don’t forget, you are the hero of the Land of Waves!”

Uzumaki Naruto: “That’s right! It’s just a three-kaya technique, it doesn’t matter if you don’t know it!”

[“My name is Hatake Kakashi. I don’t have anything I like or dislike.”]

[Kakashi’s face shows an expression without worldly desires. 】

[Uzumaki Naruto snorted in his heart and complained in his heart as usual, ]

[“Who are you showing off by pretending to be so cool?”]

[“If you have no desire, what is the paradise of intimacy in your hands?”

【”You really think I don’t understand anything?”

Hatake Kakashi: “…”

Kakashi didn’t expect it either.

The kid these days knows a lot!

[“My name is Uchiha Sasuke. I don’t particularly like anything. I hate a lot of things.”]

[“I may not be able to say what my future dreams are, but I have an ambition that must be realized.”]

[“Reviving the Uchiha clan, and there is a man, I must kill him”]

[Hearing what Uchiha Sasuke said, Kakashi naturally understood. 】

[Who is the man Sasuke said he wanted to kill? 】

[“My name is Haruno Sakura, do you like me…”]

[Sakura said as she secretly looked at Naruto, then moved back to Sasuke. 】

[Naruto or Sasuke, this is really a difficult choice! 】

[“My name is Uzumaki Naruto, I hate it, I don’t want to say it. As for dreams…”]

[“I want to rebuild the Kingdom of Whirlpool!”]

[Kakashi was instantly shocked when he heard Uzumaki Naruto’s words. 】

[The face that was originally still trying to live was filled with surprise that could not be hidden. 】

[Unexpectedly, at such a young age, Naruto already has such great ideals and ambitions! 】

[As expected of being the teacher’s child! 】

[But Kakashi endured it and remained calm on the surface. 】

[He wants to continue to observe this Uzumaki Naruto! 】

[“Gather at the training ground at five o’clock tomorrow morning!”]

[“Remember to bring your ninja tool!”]

[“Don’t eat breakfast, you’ll vomit!”]

[After Kakashi announced the disbandment, leaving behind a white mist, the whole person disappeared! 】

[As Kakashi left, Sakura was still ready to say a few words to Naruto. 】

[But Uzumaki Naruto also turned into a white mist and disappeared in place! 】

[Sakura looks at the remaining Sasuke awkwardly. 】

[“Sasuke, do you want to go for a walk together?”]

[Sasuke ignored Sakura at all, turned around and walked away alone. 】

[“Damn it, don’t you two feel my charm?”]

Yamanaka Ino: “Hahaha, I thought there was nothing you could do, Sakura. Even if I gave you a chance, you would be useless!”

Haruno Sakura: “Shut up, Ino Ino, huh, you must be jealous of me in another world!”

Yamanaka Ino: “Come on, sooner or later Sasuke and Naruto will know that I from the Yamanaka family is more suitable for them!”

Nara Shikamaru: “Didn’t you listen to what Naruto said? He wants to rebuild the country of Uzumaki. I think maybe both of you will marry him!”

Haruno Sakura and Yamanaka Ino were still arguing in the group,

Neither of them paid any attention to Shikamaru’s analysis.


They didn’t even notice it themselves,


Sakura and Ino in this world,

He was actually jealous of Naruto from another world!

Looking at the two jealous people,

Naruto in this world can only drool with envy,

If he could also get Sakura and Ino at the same time,

Then it doesn’t take off in a spiral?

[Naruto on the black screen rarely practiced for the next day’s assessment. 】

[He untied all the clones scattered throughout the village practicing, and then had a good and full sleep! 】

[The next day, it was dawn. 】

[After Naruto Uzumaki made a delicious breakfast, he went to the gathering place. 】

Uzumaki Kushina: “I didn’t expect that our Naruto can actually cook!”

Namikaze Minato: “Yes, he is really excellent!”

Kakashi: “A certain Naruto is still drinking expired milk at this time!”

Uzumaki Naruto: “…”

[“Hey, Naruto, I remember that silver-haired guy said that breakfast is not allowed.”]

[Faced with Kyuubi’s reminder, Uzumaki Naruto snorted coldly. 】

[“Am I going to have to fight on an empty stomach when I meet the enemy in the future?”]

[“Or is it that the enemy has forbidden me to use ninjutsu, so I can only use taijutsu?”]

[“Big Fox, think about it, doesn’t it make sense?”]

[After hearing Naruto’s explanation, even Kyuubi was slightly startled. 】

[Breaking the rules, unexpected answers! 】

[“This kid seems to be really different from the previous Jinchūriki!”]

[Kyuubi’s evaluation of Naruto Uzumaki can’t help but be a little higher! 】

[Finally Naruto arrived at the training ground, and Sasuke and Sakura also arrived. 】

[But Kakashi hasn’t come yet, he seems to be lost. 】

[Seeing such a good opportunity, Haruno Sakura quickly revealed the information about Kakashi that she had found yesterday. 】

[This is the opportunity she carefully prepared to talk to Naruto and Sasuke! 】

[“You may not know that our Kakashi-sensei looks unreliable.”]

[“But he graduated from the ninja school at the age of five, became a chuunin at the age of six, and became a jounin at the age of twelve!”]

[“Later, he was quickly valued by ANBU and joined ANBU at a young age!”]

[Sasuke was slightly moved after hearing Sakura’s words. 】

[This one named Kakashi seems to be quite powerful. 】

[His elder brother Uchiha Itachi entered school at the age of six, graduated at the age of seven, opened the Blood Chakra Eye at the age of eight, was promoted to chuunin at the age of ten, and entered the ANBU at the age of eleven! 】

[If it looks like this, isn’t Kakashi even better than Itachi Uchiha? 】

[If you follow him, you might be able to defeat Itachi! 】

[Obviously Uchiha Sasuke is still very innocent at this time. 】

[Naruto felt regretful in his heart, but it was not because he regretted looking down on Kakashi yesterday. 】

[But this is the first time I heard that you can graduate from ninja school early? 】

[Why didn’t anyone tell me? 】

[The bullshit Three Body Technique of Ninja School, I mastered it in one day! 】

[Tell yourself earlier, I won’t waste so much time in this crappy school! 】

[Uzumaki Naruto regrets it! 】

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