Outside the unfinished building,

Wu Bianzao and Wu Fengshui stood there uncomfortably.

The battle inside lasted too long.

Even though they trusted their elders' abilities very much, they could not help but feel a little worried.

"I'd better go in and take a look."

Wu Fengshui, who had already treated his injuries, couldn't help but say

"No, have you forgotten what Uncle Horio said before? No matter what happens, you are not allowed to go in."

Wu Bianzao quickly grabbed her

"But it has been almost ten minutes. Even if the opponent ran away, Uncle Horio should have come out, right? But there is still no sign of him, and the movement inside... makes me a little uneasy."

After hearing what Wu Fengshui said, Wu Bianzao also fell silent.

Yato didn't know that although the battle between him and his opponent was in the unfinished building, because the surroundings were very quiet and the interior was too empty, some noises would inevitably be transmitted to the outside.

Especially Wu Horio looked like a human-shaped beast, punching and kicking like a typhoon, causing great damage to the interior of the building.

If he was given enough time, it was possible that he could demolish the building alone.

Wu Fengshui and Wu Bianzao are both martial artists with superhuman physiques, and they are particularly sensitive to this kind of movement.

They can roughly feel the intensity of the battle.

What they thought was a sure thing turned out to be heading in an unknown direction.

That's why they felt uneasy.

But soon - something happened that made it even more difficult for the two to remain calm.

There were footsteps inside the unfinished building.



When they saw who it was, they were shocked beyond words.

That's right.

It was Yato.

He was covered with bruises all over his body.

Some of his movements and postures looked very awkward. For an expert, they could tell at a glance that these were signs of fractures.

And judging from the number of fractures, the degree of fractures was not light.

The possibility of massive internal bleeding could not be ruled out.

Yato tried hard to open his swollen eyes and stared at Wu Bianzao and Wu Fengshui.

Although his injuries had accumulated to such a terrible extent.

But after being stared at by his eyes.

Wu Bianzao and Wu Fengshui felt a chill all over their bodies, as if they were being stared at by a wounded beast. For a moment, they did not dare to act rashly, for fear that any radical move would bring about a fatal blow.

"……If someone comes within five minutes, that guy can still be saved."

Ye Dou suddenly spoke up, breaking the silence of the confrontation and calling back their attention.

Wu Bianzao and Wu Fengshui looked at each other and instantly understood what he meant.

"I'll go, you call for help."

Wu Bianzao said, and rushed into the unfinished building to look for Wu Horio, probably wanting to do some temporary first aid measures.

Wu Fengshui also quickly took out his mobile phone to send a message to his friends in the Tokyo group for help.

The Wu clan has sufficient experience and means to deal with this situation.

If it were an ordinary person, he would just wait to die in five minutes.

The ambulance would not be able to arrive in time.

But for the Wu clan, five minutes is enough!

Putting down the phone, Wu Fengshui looked at Yato who was walking towards him, and his breathing could not help but stagnate.

He had experienced a bloody battle, and the breath on his body was too tragic.

He could smell a pungent smell of blood between breaths.

"……You, what do you want to do!"

She thought that Yato was not satisfied after knocking down Uncle Horio, and wanted to continue to attack her. She subconsciously took out the dagger to defend herself.

However, Yato ignored her intention at all.

The two passed by each other.

Just like that.


Wu Fengshui came back to her senses after a while.

Her back was already wet with cold sweat.

This sense of oppression and aura.

Compared with before, it was as if she had completely changed into a different person!

For a moment, she felt as if she was suffocating.


Yato ignored the strange looks from passers-by, walked to a corner, took out his phone and called Himuro Ryo.

Fortunately, even though he fell from the fifth floor, his phone was not broken.

Only the screen was cracked.

He had to slide his finger for a long time before he could successfully turn it on.

"I must change to a keypad phone if I have a chance."

Yedou thought viciously.

Soon, the call was connected.

"Hello? Yato, what's wrong? You called me right after you left."

Himuro Ryo's voice came through the phone.

Maybe because the receiver was partially broken, the sound was a little low.

Yato didn't care. It was the best thing that he could get through.

"I'm at the corner next to the hotel, 500 meters east of the bar. Come and pick me up."

"Your voice……?"

At the bar, Bingshi Liang raised his eyebrows when he heard this, and his expression changed instantly.

"Wait for me, I'll be there soon, and don't hang up your phone." He put down his phone, and without even saying hello to anyone, he rushed out of the bar and headed to the place Yato mentioned.

Five hundred meters is not a long distance.

This is why Yato called Himuro Ryo first instead of calling an ambulance.

Because Himuro Ryo was the closest.

"How did you get into this state? Who did you fight with? An assassin from the Dragon Ball Group?"

Seeing Yato sitting on the ground leaning against the wall, Himuro Ryo was shocked.

With his eyesight, he could roughly judge the extent of Yato's injuries at the moment with just a quick glance.

But what made him feel a little strange was that Yato had no gunshot wounds on his body.


Yato raised his eyelids and looked at him, then his body relaxed and he lost consciousness.


His heart tightened, and he quickly squatted down to check Yato's heartbeat and pulse.

Fortunately, it was not what he thought.

He felt a little relieved.

"But this kind of injury... the one who did it must be a master. It's a pity you can survive."


"It's a miracle that you survived."

The same words were heard the next day in the hospital ward funded by the Wu family.

The speaker was an old man who was so thin that his bones were just skin and bones, with sunken eye sockets and looked like a mummy.

In front of him, Wu Horixiong was lying on the bed. His huge body made the quilt look like a small hill.

His neck was wrapped in a white bandage.

Apart from his pale face, he seemed to be fine.

"……I'm sorry, Master Huiliyang."

Wu Hori said listlessly.

"There is no need to apologize to me. It was the transformation and Feng Shui that saved you. You let them both down."The current patriarch of the Wu clan, who has lived for who knows how many years, Wu Huiliyang's words were unexpectedly vicious, and there was no sign of care and love for the younger generation.

"What about that kid?"

Wu Horixiong did not refute. He was used to the sarcasm of his elders. He calmly asked a question that he cared about very much.

"The kid from the Igarashi family? Although his father is just a businessman, he is surprisingly capable as a son. He almost killed you, the so-called"ghost bull." The old man laughed, his voice was hoarse, but it revealed a hint of appreciation,"Don't worry, I heard from his men that he is still alive, but unlike you, he is just an ordinary person and is probably still in the ICU for emergency treatment."

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