The Teng County episode of"Collection of China" has aroused an unprecedented response in the society.

Xiao Xian's name has once again reached a new level in the era of data networks.

Su Yunhang of Tianhua Entertainment Company was sweating profusely at this time. The influence of this program is no longer just entertainment live broadcast.

In Xiao Xian's hands, the live broadcast of"Collection of China" has risen to a certain social literary significance.

This is simply not a resource and direction that an entertainment company can control.

Tianhua Entertainment Company's phone has been almost blown up recently, all asking who will be the historical figure of the next live broadcast?

And Collection of China has been defined as authoritative!

It no longer represents entertainment live broadcast, but a truly authoritative variety show with historical archaeological literature.

"This show is just amazing, I love Xiao Xian!"

"I just called Tianhua Entertainment and they told me the line was busy? Oh my god, how did they run a company? They kept telling me the line was busy!"

"Please don't use your clever little head to challenge the limit of my sense of humour. Isn't it normal that Tianhua Entertainment Company is busy now?"

"It's not just you who has called. I've called too, and many people have called. It would be strange if the line wasn't busy!"

"I really don’t know who the next historical figure will be. I have never been so excited about a show. I can even dream of the extraordinary elegance of the First Emperor and the dream of Emperor Kangxi returning to China!

The Teng County episode has brought the entire program of"Collection of Chinese Classics" to another level. I simply love Xiao Xian to death!"

"I just finished watching the program, and I was really moved by the military spirit of the Sichuan Army. Commander Wang Mingzhang’s final statement was silent, but it seemed to tell the whole world about his expectations for the future and his thoughts about the country in future generations. I have also lived in this world for half a generation, and this was the first time I watched a live broadcast and cried like a baby!"

"I find that Xian Ge’s shows are the most likely to make people cry. The fascinating scenes and the actors’ acting skills make us seem to have really traveled back to that era with him. The sense of immersion is so strong!"

"After watching the live broadcast, I went downstairs and ran ten kilometers. My girlfriend was even more excited than me. She was eating skewers on the roadside and crying while running. I couldn’t figure out what she was crying about."

"I boldly guess that Xiao Xian really traveled through time. I bet a bag of spicy noodles. Who will come?"

"I add pounds!"

"One more pack!"


When the whole nation was discussing the incident, the night that belonged only to the Sichuan Army was destined to be a sleepless night.

The old soldier from Sichuan City, wearing the Sichuan Medal, took down the sword hanging on the wall and fought against the sky all night.

The little grandson looked at his grandfather with some fear, holding his father's hand tightly, and asked,"What's wrong with Grandpa?"

The father's face was filled with unbearable sadness, and he cried and said,"Grandpa may want to go home.……"

The driver in Hangzhou looked at his military discharge certificate, held the medal on his chest, and remained silent for a long time...

In the cold northwest, the wind and snow blew even more violently tonight. All the troops stationed on the border suddenly increased their training tonight!

The large army marched forward in the wind and snow, like a nocturnal tiger patrolling the border of our country, with murderous aura, even the wind and snow in the sky retreated a little

"Why do we need to do extra training suddenly?"Some people don't understand. They are a regular team with strict military regulations.

There are strict requirements for when to eat, when to sleep, and when to train.

This kind of sudden extra training has almost never happened. It is a strategic training plan for new recruits.

Someone told him,"Do you know that this land under our feet buried the loyal souls of a Sichuan Army 80 years ago.

Tonight, there is a man who lit up the military glory of the Sichuan Army!

This is not just our training, but also the countless revolutionary souls buried in this land eighty years ago. This is a tribute that spans the times!"

The Sichuan Army assault regiment eighty years ago, its deeds in fighting against Japanese pirates in the northwest have become teaching materials for the northwest border troops.

Every recruit who comes to the border troops must understand the soul of the Sichuan Army 80 years ago and the reputation of the assault regiment.

Suddenly, the officer leading the team in front roared,"Did you not eat? Why are you running so slowly?"

"Do you want to make our ancestors laugh at you? Do you want them to laugh at the troops of later generations, calling them a bunch of wimps?"

We are all young and full of vigor, who can stand such an insult?

"We are not!"

The officer's cold voice came with the wind and snow, and said:"If you are not soft, why are you running so slowly?

Do you know where this place is? This is the border of the country, the most important frontier position of the motherland.

Look at the momentum on you, you are just a bunch of weak shrimps, you don't deserve to be here, you will only insult this solemn and sacred border land!"

Under the wind and snow, bursts of heavy breathing sounds came from the team.

Someone shouted,"Speed up!"


Under the night sky, the army's alarm sounded a long tone, and the huge searchlight beam was like the two eyes of a tiger, overlooking the border land in the wind and snow.

The bravest soldiers of China suddenly ran quickly on this land, ignoring the wind, snow and darkness.

They carry hope and responsibility, and there are thousands of enemies in front of them.

They can't slow down, let alone stop, because the enemy's iron hoof is right in front of them.

The enemy, like a jackal, will stare closely at the thick land they are guarding.

And behind them are the people of the world!

This group of soldiers who represent youth, hope, and the symbol of the country can never relax!

"Keep speeding up!"


In the wind and snow, the warriors marched forward. Countless pairs of warm eyes seemed to appear in the darkness. They were silently admiring their offspring, and their eyes were full of pride.

The officer looked at the snowy world in the dark night with tears in his eyes, and whispered proudly,"80 years ago, you guarded this land, and 80 years later, we will take over.

Please rest assured to hand over this heavy land to us!

What we inherit is not only the land, but also the spirit of dedication of the revolutionary era, and the fearless will to kill the enemy.

We... will continue to carry the burden and move forward!"

Behind the troops, there was an old man following with difficulty. Lao Zhang was too old. It was impossible for him to keep up with the speed of the team at his current age and physical strength.

He watched the new generation of warriors running in the wind and snow, and seemed to see countless familiar loyal souls fighting bloody battles in the past.

Tears suddenly filled an old face, and he laughed proudly and proudly.

"Don't worry, I have to wait for a while before I can go down to accompany you. I haven't seen enough of the new developments of our motherland. I will tell you more about them when the time comes.……"

Under the dark sky, countless wind howls sounded in the bitter cold land of the northwest, and it seemed that countless laughter echoed in all directions.

There were also loud military songs and bugles resounding in all directions.

Two generations of soldiers who spanned different eras but were in the same position completed a silent conversation under the night sky tonight.

They had never met each other, but they were tightly connected by the same Chinese blood.

They had a common name, the Chinese Military Soul!


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