"Young man, give me the scalpel. Yes, it's in that box!"

Xiao Xian rummaged around in a large medicine box and took out a neatly wrapped package. It felt hard to the touch, and it was obviously filled with some kind of metal. He handed it to the military doctor.



In front of the military doctor was a seriously injured soldier, with a bullet lodged under his shoulder bone, but hidden by flesh and blood.

It was no longer possible to simply use external force to remove the bullet, so surgery could only be performed on the spot.

""Child, I am going to cut your flesh through this wound now, but the conditions here are limited and we don't have anesthetics!" The military doctor looked at the wounded in front of him and spoke gently.

From the movements and voices, it can be judged that this is a female military doctor. Although she is wearing a mask and disguised very tightly, she can still be distinguished.

The wounded is a young man, about 20 years old.

The shoulder has been stained with blood, and the clothes there have been cut open with medical scissors, revealing a hideous wound.

Unlike the roundness of gunshot wounds in TV dramas and movies, Xiao Xian only took a first look and couldn't bear to look at it a second time.

The wound under the soldier's shoulder skull looked like it had been gnawed by a wild beast, and the whole mark was irregular in shape.

It is also an explosive laceration.

It is difficult to deal with, and without anesthetics, the pain endured during the period will be unimaginable.

""As long as you can survive and kill the enemy, that's enough!" The young soldier said indifferently, with an indifferent expression on his face.

The military doctor's eyes were moist,"Then I will start the operation now, you bear with it, I will take out the bullet as quickly as possible!"

"bring it on……"


The sound of screaming rang out at this moment. The severe pain caused his body to spasm and move unnaturally.

Several soldiers who were ready immediately stepped forward and held down his body. Between struggling and trembling, the soldier was forcibly fixed.

The expression on his face was hideous, painful, unwilling, angry, but helpless.

Xiao Xian processed the picture of the scalpel stirring the flesh and blood, using a blurred filter.

However, even so, many people outside the live broadcast room could not stand it.

"Woo woo, brothers, I can’t stand it anymore, I’m going to go out for some fresh air first!"

"I'll go to you***Ben, when I see this gunshot wound, I get so pissed!"

"Why does it hurt so much? It’s not like that in movies or TV shows."

"How naive are you? You've been watching for so long and are still discussing movies and TV series here. I even suspect that Xiao Xian traveled through time. The battlefield was restored 1:1. It's too real."


Xiao Xian stood up and continued to run around the battlefield, helping out.

One soldier’s leg was blown off by a bomb, and because the wound was not treated in time and he lost too much blood, he closed his eyes forever in his brother’s arms.

A female soldier was stabbed three times by the enemy in order to protect a child hiding in the attic, and she was dying!

On the other side, Xiao Xian saw the little soldier who had protected him before, putting the bodies of the brothers in his team together.

He knelt on the ground, crying silently.

Xiao Xian saw him say to the body of the 1.85-meter-tall burly soldier:"Brother Zhuang, I didn't find three of your fingers, I'm sorry.……"

Behind a broken wall, Xiao Xian saw Kong Laosan and Liu Feng sitting together. Kong Laosan had a bandage on his leg and was holding a small flute in his hand, showing off to Liu Feng!

"My daughter plays the flute very beautifully. She used to play the flute for me every night before I went to bed. I have been out for three years and she should be more than eight years old now. I am tone-deaf, but my daughter takes after her mother. I have saved some money and plan to send her to learn music after the war."

"Is this true? Are you just bragging?"

"Get lost, I have a photo of my daughter, let me show you……"

"This doesn't look like you. You are so ugly, how can your daughter be so beautiful?"

"Bullshit, I was also a handsome man when I was young!"

"Just blow it.……"

Xiao Xian looked at this short peaceful world with tears in his eyes. Under the night sky, the footsteps of death resounded everywhere on the land left after the war.

The only warmth seemed out of tune with this world.

Every moment a life fell, and they symbolized the unyielding loyal souls.

In this night sky, they sang military songs, played military bugles, and strode towards the distance.

In another world, they are still Chinese soldiers and indestructible fighting spirits.

They will continue to fight desperately with the enemy's dead souls in another space that is different from the real world.

Faith is undefeated, and the soul is not extinguished!

The soul of the Sichuan Army will soon usher in a more brilliant bloom!

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