The young soldier guarding Xiao Xian hid under the trench, shaking violently and crying loudly.

The captain was dead, but he still had to obey the orders he had given him.

"Scholar, I will take you to a safe place, please leave here quickly!"

The little soldier's voice was a little cold. If it weren't for this person, he would definitely participate in the battle.

In that case, his brothers might not have ended up so miserably.

Xiao Xian's eyes were filled with tears. At this point, he finally regretted traveling to the present time period.

He thought he could accept it, but he overestimated his ability to bear it.

These people are real!

The scenes here were recorded by the times decades ago.


Although there is no weapon in this world that can hurt Xiao Xian, he knows the nature of a soldier.

The captain of the little soldier asked him to protect himself, so as a soldier, he must obey orders and will not leave without permission just because he said"don't worry about me".

And he is constrained by the system. He has no right to intervene in the series of events that have happened in the current era. He belongs to the future and cannot change the past. In the defense of Teng County, he could only watch everything that happened here, but he had no right to intervene.


The fighter jets in the sky were still circling back and forth. In the distant building, the insidious sniper was like a dark The lone eagle in the sky is searching for every Sichuan Army general on the field!

Every fang represents a life, and he never gets tired of it!

The battlefield was in chaos, with stray bullets and gun smoke everywhere, and bombardments from small artillery barrels.

The sound of grenades being pulled in the air was endless.

Xiao Xian was secured behind a huge load-bearing wall, and so far he has not seen where Wang Mingzhang is.

This battlefield is too big, with about 40,000 people participating in the battle on both sides of the enemy, and the battlefield extends for thousands of miles.


A new round of fighter bombing is coming, and the unique roar of the engine has become the true spokesperson for the god of death on the battlefield.

"Kong Laosan, set up the anti-aircraft gun for me to disrupt the trajectory of the enemy fighter planes!"

A shout came from somewhere in the war, and Xiao Xian saw a middle-aged man with a cigarette in his mouth, a full beard, and a face full of flesh, running a few steps to a cannon.

He looked at the fighter planes in the sky flying from a distance,"Load the bullets!"

"Kong Laosan, let me help you stabilize the artillery position!"As soon as a soldier came up, he was kicked down by Kong Laosan.

""Get lost, I'm flying a fighter plane, Liu Feng, don't make trouble for me, do you want to compete with me for military merit?"

Liu Feng said angrily:"Get lost, you can't even hold this turret by yourself!"

Anti-aircraft guns, anti-aircraft weapons, are the only deadly weapons that can threaten fighter planes on the battlefield!

The caliber is about 20 mm, and the recoil is so strong that it can dislocate a person's shoulder.

"I can!" Kong Laosan looked at Liu Feng seriously.

Liu Feng's eyes turned red. He knew what Kong Laosan meant. Once you are on the turret, you are a living target. The pilots on the fighter planes will look at you like an ant.

If anyone is going to die, the main gunner must die first!



Kong Laosan looked at the plane approaching, his voice cold and serious, and even commanding.

Liu Feng wiped the tears from his eyes, and went to load the ammunition while cursing. There were also several young soldiers serving the anti-aircraft guns with him.

""In position!"


"Eight o'clock!"






Xiao Xian saw the port of the anti-aircraft gun spurting out more than 20 centimeters of cold, hard red fire, like a knife!

It was aimed at the fighter plane flying in the sky!

At this moment, the battle between the earth and the sky officially began!

"Keep reloading!"

"Adjust the angle!"

"Twelve o'clock!"


"Lock on to the enemy aircraft!"





The fighter plane in the sky was like a soaring eagle, looking down at the ants on the ground challenging its authority.

Rows of steel-like fangs extended from its abdomen, and it opened its ferocious mouth towards the ground.

Da da da...




The pilot on the fighter plane was an ace pilot. He knew clearly that the anti-aircraft guns on the ground were the only weapons that could threaten his supreme status.

If he didn't deal with it, his situation would be very dangerous!

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