As a live broadcast history program, the professionalism and authority of"Collection of Chinese Classics" is self-evident.

Xiao Xian has also been arguing that every live broadcast must be complete and reasonably accurate.

Otherwise, it will not be recognized by official channels such as the Institute of History Research.

""My dear Xiao Xian, my teacher, Professor Dong Changping, admires you very much and specially asked me to come and meet you. As the name suggests, you are talking to the ancient sages. I believe your ability and character must be good!" Shen Changming said seriously.

Xiao Xian immediately waved his hand and said with a smile:"Brother Shen, you are flattering me a little.

I am just a young man with my own ideas and research.

You have to be good at history. In Professor Dong's eyes, the younger generation is a little bit of a jack of all trades."

"A gentleman is modest and does not do anything more than make the best use of things. Your ability is enough to deserve this praise!"

Shen Changming paused, and then continued:"In fact, I came here this time because the old man asked me to ask you in person... Was Qin Shihuang really a tyrant?���"

As soon as these words came out, Su Yunhang and several others in the conference room looked at each other. They had flown here all the way overnight.

Just to ask such a simple question?

Shen Changming knew what others were thinking, but he didn't care. The topic of historical figures was the most rigorous issue for people in their circle.

Even if they had to work day and night and not eat or drink for three days, they had to study it thoroughly.

Dong Changping was an expert among them. If he was ordered to inquire about this topic, would he dare not come?

He had to make a report after returning.

Xiao Xian's face did not show much surprise. He said seriously:"Brother Shen, logically speaking, you are experts in this field.

If I talk about history in front of you, it would be a bit disrespectful to the elders."

Shen Changming immediately waved his hand and ignored Xiao Xian's words

"Academic discussions are not about time or size, just say whatever you want to say, don't be too restrained!"

Xiao Xian smiled and nodded, thought for a while, and the vicissitudes of the first emperor flashed through his mind. After half a minute of silence, he solemnly said:

"I think the First Emperor was a wise ruler!"


Several people in the reception room looked up at Xiao Xian at the same time. Throughout the ages, few people dared to evaluate the First Emperor in this way.

Xiao Xian continued:"But, he is also a tyrant!"

""Brother Xiao Xian, please explain it clearly. I have also studied the culture of the Qin Dynasty. Although the First Emperor was talented, according to the historical documents I have studied, he was indeed a real tyrant. He had some elements of a wise ruler, but definitely not many!"

Shen Changming directly changed the way he addressed Xiao Xian.

Xiao Xian looked at Shen Changming seriously. This was an old historical research expert. In front of professionals, he knew what his words symbolized.

"Brother Shen, we only know about Emperor Qin from historical records. Has anyone seen him in person?"


"Therefore, tyrants and incompetents are all speculations from later generations and the writings of the victors of the dynasty, but we can also glimpse one or two truths in them."

Shen Changming took a deep breath, took out the recorder, and said solemnly:"I'm all ears!"

Xiao Xian's previous live broadcast of history showed sufficient professionalism and sufficient respect for history.

It was worthy of this old historian to do so!

Xiao Xian paced quietly in the room, and the entire conference room was quiet. The atmosphere was a little serious for a while.

The status of the few people present in society was very important. At this moment, they were like elementary school students, waiting for a young man's answer.

The picture looked a little funny, but it was very harmonious, without any discomfort.

After about 30 seconds, Xiao Xian stopped, and Shen Changming's breathing was obviously heavier.

Xiao Xian's eyes flickered, as if he looked at the ancient Qin through the window sill and saw the emperor who swore to the sky in the wind and snow.

He said with a little heaviness:"The junior is walking the history of the Qin Dynasty, only speaking according to my original intention, and has nothing to do with the official records of the major national treasuries, the evaluation of experts, and the comments of later generations. Only in this chapter, the junior made comments, please forgive me!"

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