Xiao Xian had no idea that Dong Changping from the Kyoto Institute of History wanted to meet him, nor the direction of cooperation with CCTV.

The second-in-command, Su Yunhang, did not tell him tonight that dialogue with history is a performance across space based on reality.

The mental energy consumed in this is enormous!

He could guess that Xiao Xian must be very tired now, and his spirit was in an extremely excited state for an hour.

This was still a live broadcast, and there was no such thing as a halftime break. Su Yunhang was afraid that the child could not hold on during Xiao Xian's live broadcast.

But Xiao Xian was not acting, and no one knew that he was really having a dialogue with history.

In another space, he faced a real emperor, and the pressure and challenges he faced were much heavier than acting.

It was an hour or so after returning home.

Without even looking at his mobile phone, Xiao Xian fell asleep. In his dream, he saw Emperor Kangxi waving a big flag flying in the wind, and dreamed of returning to the Qin Dynasty and toasting with the First Emperor!

He wandered in the long river of history, stepping on the fonts of various eras.

They seemed to have their own thoughts, flying up and down in Xiao Xian's hands, with crisp and pleasant laughter echoing.

In the long river of text history, these little guys who record civilization are playing happily.

Xiao Xian continued to walk, the ancient river ripples, and the meaning of books.

The countdown of time came to his ears as a melodious reminder, stating an ancient and vicissitudes of great historical events.

A light spread from under his feet, the color of the times.

Finally, at the end, there was a dark figure, with his back to Xiao Xian, leaning on a cane, and there seemed to be a piece of blood-colored gauze wrapped around his head.

The figure slowly turned around, soaked in bright red blood, and his appearance was unclear.

Gold and black lines flashed on time and space, covering his broken body.

On the chest of his light yellow military uniform, there was a unique badge representing the glory of the legion, but his body was already riddled with holes, and drops of blood flowed out of it. A pool of blood gradually formed under his feet.


A gunshot suddenly sounded, and the overwhelming sound of artillery fire hit Xiao Xian's eardrums.

There was a sharp friction sound in the space that penetrated the entire void, and a shell with a ferocious face was instantly shot towards him.

Suddenly, Xiao Xian opened his eyes.

He was panting violently, and his forehead was covered with sweat.

A dream!

The strong sunlight embraced the entire room, and the dazzling luster made him raise his hand unnaturally to block it.

The sunlight danced happily around the gaps between his fingertips, caressing the skin on his fingers inch by inch.

Finally, it covered his eyes, and an invisible dance danced in the center of his pupils.

Just like the two rays of light seen in the dream, a familiar and complex emotion exploded in his heart.

The figure re-entered Xiao Xian's thoughts at this time, so profound, familiar and strange.

Who is he?

The phone rang suddenly, interrupting Xiao Xian's wonderful state.

He picked up the phone and saw that it was already 10:36 in the morning.

How could he have slept for such a long time?

He shook his head and looked at the caller ID. It was Su Yunhang.

"Hello, boss!"

"How was your rest? If you are almost done, come to the company now!"

Su Yunhang and his team worked overtime all night. When they saw Xiao Xian didn't come in the morning, they knew that the child must be too tired.

No one bothered him.

But now he had to make this call.

"OK, no problem!"

Xiao Xian hung up the phone, packed up and went out immediately.

On the other side, Su Yunhang put down the phone, looked at the middle-aged man in front of him, and smiled:"Team Leader Shen, is your History School too anxious?" In the huge conference room, in addition to Su Yunhang, Wu Xuan, Zhang Mingyu and other Tianhua backbones, there was also a stranger sitting.

Kyoto History Research Institute, Shen Changming.

After watching the live broadcast last night, Mr. Dong Changping held an emergency meeting that night.

The old man's blood is still hot, and he has great ambitions. He quarreled with another Taishan Beidou in the history world all night!

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