In the Tianhua conference room, Su Yunhang gently put down the cup in his hand, took a deep breath, and then exhaled heavily.

Planning manager Wu Xuan's chest seemed to be blocked by a big stone, and it was difficult to breathe, and there was a feeling of suffocation.

Not only her, but all the people watching this scene inside and outside the live broadcast room were silent.

The words of the First Emperor pierced their hearts directly. The pain was not fierce, but it was endless.

"I really don't know who came up with this line. It makes people feel uncomfortable after listening to it. It's not the kind of discomfort that comes suddenly, but it's like... it stabs you little by little. You want to stop it, but you can't stop it at all!"

"Can Xiao Xian's live broadcast be considered an entertainment live broadcast? Just based on this conversation, is it enough to be put on the big screen of CCTV?"

"The great China, the long-standing Yanhuang, the ancestors condemned by the times, it turns out that in their eyes, we are just children, we... are indeed children!"

"Woohoo, stop talking about the people above. I can’t control myself anymore. I just feel very wronged. I feel sorry for the First Emperor!"

"I really don’t know how the First Emperor unified the six kingdoms in that most chaotic era. It must have been accompanied by killing and bloodshed that we can’t imagine, but this was inevitable. He actually bore the stigma for thousands of years. I feel inexplicably sad!"

In the reception room of the Kyoto Institute of History, Professor Dong Changping slapped the table again and again, his expression excited.

He pointed out that the scene was full of curses, with tears in his eyes.

"I once proposed to unify the planning and compilation of the Qin Dynasty's unofficial history and official history, set up a special task force, and focus on the study of the human geography of the Qin Dynasty, as well as the role models of the culture of the time, but some people really make me angry, ignorant and foolish!"

Shen Changming kept supporting his teacher, an old man in his 80s, in such an excited situation, he was really afraid of making mistakes.

However, Mr. Dong pushed his most proud disciple away, and the water in the cup continued to ripple violently because of the transmission force of the violent slapping on the table.

This shows that the old man's inner emotions have reached the peak and need an outlet

"They say that Qin Shi Huang was a tyrant who was incompetent, brainless, and burned books and buried scholars. They also say that he was narrow-minded, insidious and vicious, but they don’t think about the reasons behind all this. Just like what the first emperor said in the program just now, some crimes need to be borne by someone, and some evil people need someone to act, and he is that person!!"

The reception room was quiet, and everyone had complicated expressions, only Dong Changping's roar was heard.

For people who study history, the impact of this conversation on them is difficult for others to understand.

They are familiar with that dynasty and even more familiar with that era. The old man obviously brought himself into it.

And they also have that feeling more or less.

It's like holding back a breath in their hearts and it's hard to vent. This live broadcast of historical dialogue seems to have opened a new door for them, and there will be one more direction for future research topics.

And it is also the most important strategic policy among all historical categories.

During the live broadcast, Xiao Xian's eyes were also shaking, and he was sad from the heart.

He endured His own tears, the person in front of him is the real First Emperor, this is the real feeling in his heart. What

's even more sad is that this is not acting at all, but what the emperor who unified the world 2,000 years ago was really doing.

He had expected that he would bear the eternal infamy, but he still went his own way, because he knew that what he had to protect was the true fire of inheritance of China.

Whenever he thought of this, the bitterness in Xiao Xian's heart became more and more intense.

He bowed deeply to the First Emperor and did not raise his body for a long time."Xiao Xian, on behalf of future generations, thank the First Emperor for his broad mind, the vast land of China, and the land of China for his dedication!"

Facing such a First Emperor, he suddenly didn't know how to continue the conversation.

Whether it was the Qin Dynasty or later generations, everyone owed the First Emperor a sincere apology.

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