The picture that suddenly appeared broke the original structure of the space.

It was like a piece of crystal clear glass, with terrifying cracks like a poisonous snake. It gradually broke as it spread, and it could not be stopped at all, nor was there any ability to stop it.

The scene before his eyes completely exceeded the limits of the First Emperor's current cognition.

This was not like the work of a mortal at all!

He had many strange people under his command, and they were good at various armor techniques and escape techniques, but those were all based on the real space.

It requires some specific conditions, as well as the coordination and blessing of objects, to fully exercise the magical powers.

He had never heard of or seen such a method of shattering the world out of thin air.

"What kind of demon are you?" The First Emperor asked in shock and anger.

Xiao Xian walked slowly in the broken world. He came in front of the First Emperor, whose face changed wildly.

He asked,"Your Majesty, you haven't answered me yet!"

The First Emperor looked down and saw General Meng still standing in the wind and snow with white shoulders, but he didn't move.

He knew immediately that the other party didn't notice what happened here.

The strange man in front of him could use magic to such a superb level. No one in his dynasty could compete with him!

But he soon calmed down. As the ancestor of dragons, he had lived in a different environment from ordinary people since he was a child.

When he was a child, he had been carrying a knife on the battlefield. He had seen too many lives and deaths and experienced too many ups and downs.

Knowing that this person had such magical powers, it would be easy to take his life.

"You say you are from the afterlife, but do you have any proof?"

"It cannot be proved!"

The First Emperor took a deep breath and said,"How the future generations will evaluate me is the business of the younger generations, but the word tyrant is still mentioned implicitly even now."

When he mentioned this, his face was a little sad, with only endless grievances and sorrow that were difficult to vent.

He was originally the most noble person in the world, his identity was the focus of everyone's attention, and there were too many things to consider when sitting in this position.

People in the world called him a tyrant and an unforgivable tyrant. If the younger generations also evaluated him in this way, how sad it would be?

"I don't know!"

At this moment, the First Emperor seemed to have taken off all his disguises, releasing the turmoil and humiliation deep in his heart without any scruples.

His eyes were burning, and he said:"I unified the six kingdoms not because of ambition, but because of the future progress of China.

Those people don't understand at all. If they stick to their own ways and do their own things, they will only be wiped out by the times.

What I want to do is to unify the whole world with powerful military force, and fight against the years' indifference and destruction of life in the future time and space! What

I want to create is eternal prosperity and prosperity for generations.

But people's hearts are strange and there are as many kinds of hearts as there are people in the world.

If you express this statement in a reasonable way, will they listen?

Those people only pay attention to the things in their own dynasty. They have no plans or ideas for the future. For their own people, they only look at the present, but never think about whether there will be inheritance after hundreds or thousands of years?

When ideas that transcend the times appear in a group of self-sealed thoughts, they will be regarded as monsters.

Ignorance and pity coexist in the dynasty that has stopped. The only way to break the shackles is war and unification.

Of course, this feat can only be accomplished at the cost of sacrificing some people's lives, but if I don't do this evil, then my Chinese civilization will be shattered in the future.

There will be no hope for the day of universal peace!

I have the intention but don't do it, so I am a sinner for all eternity!"

This long statement shocked the live broadcast room and the surroundings.

Qin Shi Huang's reputation was mixed with both praise and criticism. In historical records, he was tyrannical, cruel, selfish, insidious, and so on.

But on the other hand, he was a man of great talent, vision, and foresight!

The polarized debate has always been the most headache for scholars studying the history of the Qin Dynasty.

Often because of a simple matter involving Qin Shi Huang, the two factions would fight each other and greet each other in beautiful language.

At this moment, some scholars studying the history of the Qin Dynasty in the Kyoto Institute of History Research had already had tears in their eyes.

They were familiar with the history of the Qin Dynasty, and their evaluation of Qin Shi Huang was the most thorough.

The long statement of the First Emperor directly hit their hearts. This was the First Emperor in their hearts, but some researchers only looked at his crimes and ignored his great achievements.

Every time they mentioned this, they were angry and powerless

"It's a really good show!" Shen Changming, the middle-aged leader of the academic group, wiped away his tears.

Among the old professors, the one in front was called Dong Changping, a senior researcher of the Qin Dynasty who had been in the industry for more than 40 years. At this moment, his heart was in turmoil and his hands were shaking. The colleague next to him patted his hands and said nothing. He knew his old friend too well.

If he hadn't been deeply in love, how could Dong Changping be so excited with his life experience?

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