The sudden silence in the hall made Xiao Xian a little uncomfortable, and his face looked a little unnatural.

Those pairs of burning eyes fell on him, and there was an indescribable feeling of heat.

Like a kind of recognition, a responsibility, a mission.

At this time, he had not yet realized what kind of changes the live broadcast of the dialogue history would bring to Tianhua Entertainment Company?

He was not a professional planner, nor was he a senior executive at the company.

It was just that in this situation, he did something he thought he should do. There was a brief silence in the space, and then thunderous applause rang out throughout the Tianhua Entertainment Company.

Everyone looked at Xiao Xian with golden eyes. Amidst the crowds of gazes, he walked into the conference room a little confused.

"Brother, you are finally here!" Director Zhang Mingyu was sweating profusely, and seeing Xiao Xian was like seeing a savior.

This dialogue history program was created by him, including special effects, scripts, lines and actors, all of which were coordinated by him.

However, the fact is that he really knows nothing.

Everything was done by Xiao Xian himself, but others simply did not believe him.

The level of special effects that can rival the top special effects in Hollywood, could it be created by Xiao Xian's own operation team?

Obviously, it is impossible.

And the capital investment must be very large. This one-hour live broadcast probably cost at least 30 million.

This is just the special effects, not including the actors, the scene decoration, and all the other money-burning places.

"Leaders... don't look at me like that!" Xiao Xian was a little embarrassed. These big leaders were all in their fifties or sixties, and some were investors.

Their status in the self-media industry was definitely extraordinary.

The way they looked at him was like looking at a treasure.

There was no way, Xiao Xian was now a cash cow.

They had to be respectful, and each of their faces was filled with a bright smile like the sun.

"Xiao Xiao, if you have any questions, just ask them. The company will meet all your requirements!"A big boss from the investment side, with gray hair, said with a smile.

Other leaders in the conference room also echoed.

Xiao Xian thought for a while and said,"I want to create the next live broadcast myself. From special effects to team operations to finding actors, I will be responsible for everything.

Tianhua Entertainment Company started as a self-media, and its live broadcast history is definitely incompatible with the entire media industry.

I have my own ideas and can do it well, but I need full freedom. I hope that the senior leaders in the company can forgive me to the greatest extent."

Su Yunhang, who had not spoken all night, spoke solemnly at this moment and said,"I now appoint you as the general person in charge of this live broadcast as the vice chairman of Tianhua Entertainment Company.

All matters, big or small, are up to you. You are the boss in this live broadcast. No one, including me, has any right to point fingers at you!"

Many senior leaders were shocked!

This act of delegating power was simply too bold, and the other party was a young man with great potential.

If Xiao Xian had ill intentions and jumped to another company with huge traffic, they would have no way to deal with it.

Entertainment companies pay the most attention to their image. Xiao Xian's number of fans is obvious to all. If Tianhua uses the breach of contract to attack Xiao Xian, his fans may rise up and attack him.

Only then did they suddenly realize that Xiao Xian's influence alone could shake the huge castle of Tianhua!

Su Yunhang waved his hand, glanced at the many leaders around him, and said,"The big boss is not here, I have the final say here.

I will be responsible for any problems, and your dividends will not be less. Also, leaders, invest where you should, and take advertisements where you should!

Take out your money and invest in it. I think you will understand the huge profits."

In the conference room, many leaders were in turmoil.

Investment is certain, the question is how much to invest.

Su Yunhang dismissed everyone, looked at Xiao Xian, his eyes flushed, and patted the young man on the shoulder heavily.

""Child, do you know how many people's fate you saved tonight?"

Xiao Xian was still a little confused. In his opinion, the live broadcast of the conversation and the explosion of traffic were obviously successful.

How could it be related to fate?

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