
The sudden vision caught Lin Wudao's attention!

Through the vast and strange blood light, he clearly saw that there was a man's body in the bronze coffin. For some unknown reason, the body had not been corrupted.

Still as normal as a normal person, lifelike!

at the same time.

In the man's hand, he is also holding a fist-sized, black-red prismatic ore...


After just one glance, Lin Wudao felt the boundless evil aura sweeping over him.

That way!

It seems that there are endless resentful spirits hidden in the monstrous blood.

It’s so vicious!

"The Demon Mine!"

A message came back.

Name: Tianmo Demon Mine

Level: Imperial Material

Introduction: The Demon Mine is formed by adhering to the resentment of heaven and earth. It can attract and gather all kinds of evil auras between heaven and earth, and has the potential to grow into the ultimate material.

Note: In another 10,000 years, it will evolve into ultimate matter!

"It's actually imperial material!"

Lin Wudao was a little surprised.

He really didn't expect that there would be such good things in Lu Tianxiong's tomb.

Although this piece of demonic ore is extremely evil in nature, it is actually a real imperial material. If it is paired with a skilled weapon refiner and mixed with various spiritual materials, it will definitely be able to forge imperial spiritual weapons.


Due to the evil nature of the Demon Mine, it can erode the minds of living beings and plunge them into endless madness and killing. Even if they are able to forge imperial spiritual weapons, ordinary people cannot control them.

It will even bring disaster to the world!

"Perhaps Lu Tianxiong also knew this clearly at the beginning, so he brought this demon mine into the coffin..."

Lin Wudao secretly guessed.

Lu Tianxiong has good intentions, but his son is unfilial!

After an evil obstacle like Lu Yunsheng's appearance...

"Finally found!"


Looking at the Demon Mine in the bronze coffin, a smile of extreme surprise appeared on Lu Yunsheng's face under the mask.


After examining it for a while, he directly grabbed the Demon Mine in his hands without any hesitation.




The moment the Demon Mine was picked up, it seemed to be activated.

Streams of mighty blood flowed like a flood, illuminating the entire tomb...

at the same time.

The terrifying royal aura was so overwhelming that Lu Yunsheng could hardly breathe.

"Go quickly!"

As quickly as possible, Lu Yunsheng put the Demon Mine into a mysterious box. After greeting Chao Zhen who was looking for the treasure, Lu Yunsheng turned around and left.


The Demon Mine has been obtained, and his plan has been more than half successful.

Next up!

As long as he follows the secret method and absorbs the imperial power of the Demon Mine, his cultivation level will definitely increase greatly...

Think of this.

Lu Yunsheng's eyes were full of anticipation!


God's wish is not fulfilled!


Just when Lu Yunsheng turned around, a terrifying palm print suddenly shot out of the void, carrying a huge force, and landed on him hard.


With a scream, Lu Yunsheng was caught off guard and flew backwards.

Even the Demon Mine in my hand fell...

"Who dares to ruin my good deeds?"

Everything happens in an instant!

Faced with this sudden change, Lu Yunsheng was both angry and terrified. He raised his head and looked around, but found no one.

"Hey, he's not dead?"

at this time.

A cold and ruthless voice suddenly came from the void.

Lu Yunsheng's pupils tightened in an instant!

"The demon is disintegrated!"

Just when Lin Wudao's terrifying big hand seal fell again, he pinched a mysterious seal with both hands, and his whole body instantly turned into a strange black light and disappeared from the place.


Before leaving, he clearly saw that under the terrifying palm print, Chao Zhen, who had no time to escape, was directly beaten to pieces in half of his body.

All vitality has been wiped out!

"If you do bad things to me, I will curse you to a bad death..."

The voice of incomparable hatred came from a distance.

this moment!

Lu Yunsheng's heart was filled with endless anger and hatred. In order to obtain this piece of demon mine, he had made careful plans and preparations.

Now, I finally get what I want!

Unexpectedly, all the efforts were made in vain...

This result.

It made him extremely heartbroken!


Now that he was in danger, he didn't care about the fallen demon mine and directly used the secret method of the demon to escape.

"Hmph, do you think you can escape my eyes?"

"Seeing that you still have a little bit of use value, I will spare your life for the time being. After all the value in you is drained, there will be no need to continue to exist."

Lin Wudao's eyes were cold.


As he spoke, he took out the bronze coffin and put Chao Zhen's body inside.


[You collected Chao Zhen’s corpse and obtained one hundred thousand low-grade spiritual stones. After strengthening the system ten times, you obtained one million low-grade spiritual stones! 】

A familiar beep sounded suddenly.

To this.

Lin Wudao looked indifferent!

The probability of things like spirit stones appearing is too high. As long as he continues to collect corpses from now on, he will continue to obtain a large number of spirit stones.


Lin Wudao is destined to have no shortage of money!

He doesn't have much interest in spiritual stones...

Instead, it was the Demon Mine in the box that attracted his attention.

"System, can this thing be strengthened?"


"When the host collects the corpse, it can only obtain things that the deceased owned or had contact with during his lifetime. This demon mine is what the host found himself, not the system's collection of corpses."

"Therefore, it cannot be strengthened!"

The system gave an explanation.

Hearing this, Lin Wudao's heart moved.

"Then if I put this Heavenly Demon Mine back into Lu Tianxiong's hands, can it be strengthened?"

"The items obtained by the host are determined randomly!"

"Even if you put the Demon Mine back, you may not be able to extract it..."


Wouldn't this be a huge loss?

Lin Wudao decisively gave up this idea.

The Demonic Mine is definitely the most valuable thing in Lu Tianxiong's body. If it is put back and the body is collected and it cannot be found after collecting it, then it will be a waste of money.

"It seems that it is impossible to take shortcuts."

He sighed.

call out!

At this moment, he felt a sharp sound breaking through the air quickly sweeping over him. When he looked up, he saw that the Lu family was about to arrive.

See it!

A cold smile appeared on Lin Wudao's lips.

"It's rude to come and not reciprocate!"

"Lu Yunsheng, if you want someone else to take the blame for you, then I will do the opposite..."


He transformed the clone's body and face into those of Lu Yunsheng, then carried Lu Tianxiong's bronze coffin on his shoulders and strode out of the tomb.

Outside Panlong Ridge!

call out!

call out!

call out!

At this moment, accompanied by rapid sounds breaking through the air, a group of Lu family masters headed by Lu Qinghou came to the location of the ancestral tomb in an aggressive manner.

Upon seeing this, Zhao Mang and Han Qingshan were shocked!

"No! Lu Qinghou is here!"

"The master of the palace is still in the mausoleum. If he is caught, then..."

Zhao Mang didn't dare to think about it.

He was praying crazily in his heart that that embarrassing and exciting scene would never happen.


Han Qingshan on the side also looked anxious and worried.

My heart was in my throat...




Just when the two of them were worried, suddenly, there were heavy footsteps in the tomb.


Under the gazes of Zhao Mang and Han Qingshan, a figure strode out carrying a bronze coffin.

Head-on, they bumped into Lu Qinghou, who had just arrived...

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