the next day!

As the Demon Suppressing Division released the news that the old demon Chi Yue would be killed in public at the Martial Arts Square in Tianyuan Ancient City, it instantly caused a shock to all living beings in the city.

Many practitioners gathered towards the Dharma Field...

at the same time!

A large number of demon-suppressing envoys are also firmly guarding each pass, and the entire city is under martial law to prevent unexpected situations.



At noon, accompanied by the sharp sound of iron chains, a group of powerful demon-suppressing envoys came to the square step by step, escorting a man with disheveled hair and a slightly older face.

Although he looked miserable and covered in blood, he still exuded an extremely strong and sinister aura.

Especially the fierce and fierce gaze makes people terrified!

"Is this the old demon Chi Yue? He is indeed a vicious person!"

Someone said in shock.

"I heard that Old Demon Chiyue is the great demon of the Underworld Demon Sect, and his cultivation has reached the seventh realm, which is enough to be compared with the Grand Governor of the Demon Suppressing Division."

"In order to suppress the old demon Chi Yue, the Grand Governor Zhao Xuanxiao seemed to have suffered a lot of harm..."

"Hmph, that's nonsense! The Grand Governor is clearly in seclusion for a breakthrough!"

"Today's supervisor is said to be the new master of the Demon Hunting Hall?"

"Just a young boy, how capable he can be..."

"I heard that the Underworld Demon Sect has sent experts to rescue the old demon Chi Yue. I don't know if it is true..."

There were many voices of discussion among the crowd.

"Kneel down!"


Under the gaze of countless people, a group of masters from the Demon Suppression Division escorted Old Demon Chiyue to the execution ground and forced him to kneel on the ground.

In response to this, Old Demon Chi Yue was furious, his eyes full of fierce light!

"Zhao Xuanxiao, you are a sanctimonious hypocrite. You know how to use conspiracy and tricks to harm me. If you have the ability, you will have a fight with me."

"Using despicable and shameless methods to harm me, your Demon Suppression Division only has this ability."

"Even if I go to hell and become a ghost, I will never let you go..."

The old demon Chi Yue roared crazily.

His face was extremely ferocious!

As his voice sounded, many whispers came from the surrounding crowd.

It is clear!

Everyone is talking about what Old Demon Chiyue said...

"It seems that Zhao Xuanxiao was able to suppress the old demon Chi Yue, and he did use dishonorable means."

"Hmph, why should we talk about light and justice when dealing with this kind of devil?"

"You are about to die, yet you still dare to quibble!"

"Hey, why don't you just chop it off with a knife..."

The crowd was filled with excitement!

call out!

call out!

call out!

While they were discussing, bright streams of light suddenly flashed through the distant sky. Immediately afterwards, the four deputy governors of the Demon Suppressing Division and the eight palace masters arrived at the Martial Arts Square.

As soon as the big shot arrived, he immediately attracted the attention of everyone...

"Brother Lin, you are the supervisor today, please take a seat."

At this time.

First Deputy Governor Li Bingtian pointed to the main seat on the execution ground and said with a smile.

Hear the words!

Lin Wudao didn't refuse, nodded, and sat directly at the supervisor's position. With a pair of indifferent eyes, he looked at the old demon Chi Yue not far away.

In his eyes, this is a treasure!

at the same time!

The crowd of people watching around him were all full of surprise and curiosity, and their eyes were focused on Lin Wudao.

They all know that the Demon-Suppressing Division has succeeded a demon-hunting hall master.

And, very young!

When I saw it today, it was indeed the case.

"You have become the master of the Demon Suppression Division at such a young age? Does he have the ability to control it?"

Someone questioned.

"Hehe, if people from the Huangquan Demon Sect come to rob the law later, there will be a good show..."

"I don't know, is this Palace Master Lin a calm person?"

"I see Xuan~"

No one is optimistic about Lin Wudao!

after all.

He is too young, and his ability and strength are definitely not that good.

Lin Wudao looked calm in response to the comments from the people around him.

He didn't speak!

Just sit quietly on the main seat alone, close your eyes and relax...

that's all.

Time passed quickly without realizing it.


It’s just past three o’clock!

"Master, the time has come~"

Han Qingshan, standing aside, reminded in a low voice.




Lin Wudao pulled out a command arrow from the table in front of him and threw it onto the execution ground.

"The time has come for execution!"


A demon-suppressing messenger raised his voice and shouted.

Hear the words.

The executioner on the execution ground immediately raised the ghost-headed sword in his hand and slashed at Old Demon Chiyue's neck.

this moment!

The whole place was silent!

Everyone opened their eyes wide, looking forward to the head of the old demon Chiyue falling to the ground...


However, just as everyone was holding their breath and concentrating, a fierce hand transformed by spiritual power suddenly struck from outside the executioner's field, shattering the executioner's ghost-headed sword with one punch.

The powerful force destroyed most of the entire magic field!

"Who dares to kill me, a member of the Huangquan Demon Sect?"

call out!

A streak of light streaked through the air.

Then, along with the overwhelming aura of evil, ten terrifying figures descended from the sky, tightly surrounding the old demon Chi Yue on the execution ground.

"Underworld Demon Sect!"

"Damn it, they really came to rob the law field!"

"Hmph, this is a blatant provocation to our Yuanzhou Demon-Suppressing Division..."

Seeing the ten figures on the execution ground, Li Bingtian and others' expressions became extremely gloomy.

at the same time!

His eyes were filled with solemnity!


Each of the ten figures in front of him is actually the strength of the Dao Palace Dzogchen. With just the strength of the four of them, there is no way they can fight against them.

"Hey, Lin Wudao, are you still alive now?"

"I didn't expect that the Huangquan Demon Sect is so powerful. In order to rescue the old demon Chiyue, they did not hesitate to send ten masters of the Great Perfection of the Dao Palace..."


Compared to the seriousness of Li Bingtian and others, Chen Taiji's heart was full of gloating.


He wished that Old Demon Chiyue would be kidnapped!

Even if Lin Wudao could be killed, it would be even more perfect...

In this way, the position of the master of the Demon Hunting Hall can fall into his hands.

Think of this.

Chen Taiji was immediately filled with anticipation. He had already opened his eyes wide, ready to see Lin Wudao's next joke.

at the same time!

A group of people from the Huangquan Demon Sect saw the panic-stricken look of the Demon Suppressor, and all of them had disdainful sneers and ridicules in their eyes.

"Yuanzhou Demonic Control Division is nothing more than this!"

"Chiyue, let's rescue you and go home..."


The group of people glanced at Li Bingtian and others coldly, and immediately pulled up the old demon Chi Yue and left from the execution ground.

"Wait a moment!"


Just when they turned around, a dull voice came from behind. Looking closely, it was the young man sitting in the main seat.

"Why, even the four deputy governors of your Demon Suppression Division don't dare to stop us, do you still want to take action?"

An old man in red robe sneered disdainfully.

To this!

Lin Wudao's expression was always calm, without any disturbance.

"I want to ask, are all your people here?"

"What's the meaning?"

"If we are all here, let's go on the road together..."


Send us on our way?

As if hearing a big joke, all the demons headed by the old man in red shook their heads and laughed.


They will soon stop laughing!


At this time Lin Wudao took action...


Just when they were about to leave with Old Demon Chiyue, suddenly, a big hand transformed from majestic spiritual power penetrated the void and fell hard on one of them.


Lin Wudao raised his hand, and the master of the Underworld Demon Sect was hit hard to the ground, and his whole body turned into a puddle of mud...

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