Black Tower Space Station.

Main Control Module.

Central Stand.

Qiong, Sanyueqi and his group have already joined Jizi and Esta.

Black Tower's puppet has also officially come online. With her help, the antimatter army of the space station is still invading, but it no longer poses any threat.

So now they all have free time to go to the live broadcast room...

As the announcement was released, the live broadcast camera also fell on them.

A ball of white light suddenly appeared.

The next second, a beautiful girl with long gray hair and golden eyes appeared in front of Qiong.

"She is so pretty."

Qiong said subconsciously while looking at her who had not yet opened her eyes.


San Yueqi and the others all looked towards Qiong, their eyes full of strangeness.......

【Kafka: I think so too~】

【Silver Wolf:......】


【March 7: This child......】

【Qingque: Could it be that he fell in love with his sister at first sight?!】

【Pera: If you keep saying that, I'm going to get angry.】

【Shiluwa: I can’t knock on this, right?】

【Jeppard: +1】

【Hanabi: But, are the star cores also related by blood?】

【Sambo: That’s a good question!】

【Gui Naifen: But they all have gray hair and golden eyes?】

【Su Shang: I just don’t know if it will be as abstract.】

【Silver Wolf: If there are any problems this time, it has nothing to do with me. It's all Aha's fault.】

【Hanabi: But the techniques and operations are all from you, right?】

【Black Tower: Just leave one for me to study~】

【Qiong: I am her guardian, please give me money first】

【Black Tower: Didn’t Estelle give it to you?】

【Qiong: That’s what I earned from selling the"little golden man"!】

【Qiong: Yours is a different price.】

【Black Tower: Okay, I am very interested in you now, I can accommodate you as long as I can give.】........

Black Tower Space Station.

Main Control Module.

Central Stand.

Xing Mei covered her dizzy head and slowly opened her eyes.

The first thing she saw was Qiong, who had the same hair and eye color as her.

Ever since she was born, before she opened her eyes, the images and conversations in the live broadcast room had already appeared in her mind.

However, she was not so fast in receiving information.

"Who are you......?"

Xingmei asked in confusion

"Call me brother first."

Qiong said


Xing called out subconsciously

"Hey, my little sister is so good!"

Qiong smiled.

A little sister is given to me for free. It's a waste if I don't take advantage of it.

He originally thought it was a pity that he didn't have a lovely little sister Xing.

He didn't expect that she would appear in this way.

He still had to thank Aha for this.!

"Although I want to complain, it seems to be true......"

Sanyueqi looked at the proud Qiong in silence.

"Do you remember your name?"

Qiong asked again


Just as Xingmei was trying to recall, there was a new notification in the live broadcast room..........................

【Now onto the Q&A session!】

【Question: How will"Xing" introduce himself in the future? (Single-choice question)】

【A、Hello, my name is Xing】

【B、I am the protagonist】

【C、I am the Galaxy Bat Man!】

【D、My name is a secret!】

【E、I am a star core spirit!】.....

【The number of candidates for this round of quiz is: 3】

【Please answer within 30 seconds!】

【Before the answerer answers,"Star" will be muted!】

【Start answering now!】.....

【Silver Wolf: This child is so pitiful, he was banned as soon as he was born......】

【Kafka: @Xing, don't be sad.】

【Qiong: Mom, will you still love me?】

【Kafka: Of course ~ The palms and backs of my hands are all made of flesh~(〃▽〃)】

【March 7: Hey, they are the notorious star core hunters. You are now a member of our Star Train, Qiong. Although you were created by them, who knows what they are thinking! Maybe they are just using you!】

【Qiong: March Wife, you are not allowed to say that about your future mother-in-law.~】

【Firefly: Huh?】

【Pera:"March Wife" (drool!)】

【March 7:!!!】

【March 7: You’re taking advantage of me again!】

【Qiong: It's just a joke, just call me sister】

【March 7: No!】

【Pera: There's something wrong with you.】


【Shiluwa: The answers to this question and answer session are not quite right either.】

【Qingque: Single-choice question, there is only one serious answer】

【Gui Naifen: All the others are abstract answers】

【Silver Wolf: Could this new account also be an innate abstract holy body?】

【Qiong: Little Wolf, don’t slander me, how am I abstract?】

【Silver Wolf: Hey, it’s all because this live broadcast room led you astray......】

【Qiong: Indeed, I also feel that every word you say is responsible. When I get my bank card, remember to pay me some compensation for mental damage.】

【Bluebird: 6!】

【Su Shang: 6!】

【Gui Naifen: 6!】

【March 7: How shameless!】...............

【The quiz is over!】

【Randomly selecting people to answer questions......Extraction successful!】..............................................

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