Yukong: Fu Xuanbu? You...believe the words of the owner of this diary?!

Fu Xuan: Of course.

At this moment, looking at Yukong's doubts, Fu Xuan was slightly proud.

It seems that those who get the diary earlier still have advantages. Even if Ye Xuan takes out something more frightening, they are just surprised at most, not shocked to the extent of disbelief.

Fu Xuan: You should have noticed that Su Chang just said that Ye Xuan is not an ordinary person, but a legendary cultivator. So, if he really has a lifespan of 3,000 years, this is not incomprehensible. After all, in the legend of our Xianzhou, cultivators are immortals and can live forever.

Yukong: But...hasn't the legend of cultivators been proven to be false? It's just some miracles from the star gods and some folk legends.

Fu Xuan: If it was before, I also thought that the legend of cultivators was false, but now, I don't want to doubt that Ye Xuan is a cultivator.


Looking at Fu Xuan's hint, Yukong couldn't help swallowing.

At this moment, she couldn't sit still anymore, and wanted to ask Fu Xuan in person what happened in the diary before!

But, since Fu Xuan said so, she was naturally willing to believe Fu Xuan's words. As for the specific reason, it was because Fu Xuan, as the Taibu of the Taibu Division, was proficient in the method of divination. If her words were confirmed, they would definitely not be false.

In other words, can this Ye Xuan really live for three thousand years?

Yukong: Living for three thousand years, what kind of existence is this... You know, the immortal species in our Xianzhou can only live to a thousand years at most. Isn't he afraid of living too long? For him, it would be a long-term torture?

Tingyun: Yes... Could it be that he is still young and doesn't know the flaws of immortality?

【If the people in Xianzhou knew that my life span is now over 3,000 years, I am afraid they would be surprised. After all, the average life span of people in Xianzhou is less than 1,000 years. Even if someone can barely reach over 1,000 years, they are just barely surviving under endless torture. After all, most people in Xianzhou begin to fall into the evil spirit after 800 years, let alone 1,000 years. With such huge side effects, they can still only live for 1,000 years.】

【And my three thousand years of life have no side effects at all, it is perfect immortality.】

Fu Xuan: Hiss——!!!

Su Chang: This, three thousand years of immortality without any side effects? This is too exaggerated——!!!

Yu Kong: His immortality has no side effects? Why?!!! Ting

Yun: Could it be that he is really the immortal cultivator who can live forever in the legend, and he does not rely on the blessing of the star gods, but relies on his own cultivation to achieve immortality?

On the Taibusi side, Ting Yun was also shocked to the point of stiffening his ears and tail.

Just now, Ting Yun noticed that Su Chang seemed to have mentioned that Ye Xuan was some kind of immortal cultivator.

San Yue Qi: Hehe, although I don’t know how powerful the immortal cultivators are in your legends, but Ye Xuan must be the legendary immortal cultivator, so if the immortal cultivator can live forever, Ye Xuan can definitely do it too. So, three thousand years is really nothing big for Ye Xuan——!!! San

Yue Qi just got the two flying swords refined by Ye Xuan for her, and now she is having fun in the sky.

Although she couldn't bring out the true power of these two flying swords now, she still couldn't let go of the flying swords she named Star-Slashing in her hands.

Although all the women knew that Ye Xuan was very powerful, they also knew from the comments of the Xianzhou people that in this world, no matter who it was, the price to pay for immortality was extremely high.

Therefore, at first, they only thought that the immortality that Ye Xuan pursued would only allow him to live a few hundred years longer than ordinary people.

But they really didn't expect that Ye Xuan's opening words would be so scary, saying three thousand years.

Moreover, Ye Xuan also clearly stated that his immortality had no side effects.

Even if the Xianzhou people were taboo about immortality, how could they not be excited when they heard about the three-year immortality without side effects?

【Now I am only in the Golden Core Stage. Although I only have a perfect lifespan of 3,000 years, with my current ability, I cannot make others live forever. However, refining some elixirs that can make people live forever, such as medicine that can make people rejuvenate, is still not difficult for me. 】

March 7: He... he can also refine elixirs?!!


Esta: Is the elixir that can make people rejuvenate the same as Ms. Heita's theory of rejuvenation?

The ladies——!!!

Obviously, Ye Xuan's statement that he can live for 3,000 years is shocking enough, but no matter how shocked the ladies are, they are only shocked by Ye Xuan's ability.

In this world where even Star Gods exist, such an ability will shock them because of the special relationship between them and Ye Xuan.

But if Ye Xuan was someone else, their reaction might not be so great.

The lifespan of a Star God is more than 3,000 years?

They have even heard of the legend of the Star God, and now seeing Ye Xuan is just seeing a new legend.

As an immortal cultivator, Ye Xuan can live for three thousand years. Although it is special, there is no need to be so shocked.

However, things are different now.

As a legend, Ye Xuan can not only refine flying swords, but also refine elixirs, which can make people immortal?

Su Chang: I have said it before, refining elixirs is a very simple thing for immortal cultivators.

Xing: But you didn’t seem to say at that time that immortal cultivators can refine elixirs that can make people immortal.

Su Chang: Oh, yes--!!!

Su Chang only then realized that at that time, she seemed to say that immortal cultivators can refine elixirs, but people on the immortal boat can also refine elixirs, so it is not a great skill.

However, it was not until now that she realized that Ye Xuan’s refining of flying swords was not the same as their sword casting.

Similarly, Ye Xuan’s refining of elixirs is probably not the same as her understanding of refining elixirs.——!!!

【If I can make some pills that can restore youth and keep youth forever, I think it should be very popular in this world, especially since there are so many beautiful girls in this world. They must be afraid of getting old, and they must be willing to pay a lot of money for such pills. 】

Esther: I am willing to make it quickly--!!

Cocolia: If I can get such a pill, can I also restore my youth?


Those young girls don't feel the restoration of youth so clearly, but older people like Cocolia, Xiluwa, or Heita are interested in hearing about eternal youth.

Heita: If Ye Xuan can really make this kind of pill, then I must get one to study it carefully no matter what.——!

【But, it is not impossible for me to refine such a pill now, but it is a bit time-consuming and material-consuming. In this universe without immortal cultivators, if I want to research a pill formula that suits me, I need to personally study the medicinal materials and pharmacology of this world bit by bit. This process also takes a long time, and no one else can replace me. 】

Girls: Uh...

In other words, Ye Xuan is not yet able to refine this kind of pill that can make people immortal or rejuvenate?

Heita: Then why don’t you hurry up and study it, and you are still hanging around with the people in the train group all day long--!!!

Heita is really impatient now, wanting to see that kind of magical pill come out, and she even directly said that Ye Xuan was just wandering around.

Seeing the diary comments posted by Heita, Ji Zi also laughed.

How can pioneering be called wandering around? Pioneering is also one of the meanings of life, okay--!!!

Who made Heita old? Ji Zi didn’t argue with Heita.

【However, if the people of Xianzhou already have immortal bodies, it would be much easier for me to refine some pills for them that can remove the evil spirit body. Moreover, I think they should be willing to pay for it.】

【I have said before that as a cultivator, if I want to make money, it is not difficult. It is just that here in Beloberg, there is really nothing to make. After arriving at the Immortal Boat, I must make a lot of money.】


The women on the Immortal Boat were already shocked that Ye Xuan could refine an elixir for longevity.

Now, Ye Xuan actually said in his diary that he could refine an elixir that could remove the evil spirit.

At this moment, they couldn't help but be shocked again, and their whole bodies were numb with shock--!!!

For countless years, in order to find ways to remove the harm of the evil spirit, the Immortal Boat had already invested countless manpower and material resources, but with little effect.

And now, Ye Xuan could actually refine an elixir that could remove the evil spirit?!!

"He... he is not kidding, right?!!"

Tingyun looked at Fu Xuan in shock and asked her.

Fu Xuan:"Huh……"

Fu Xuan took a deep breath, and then said:

"I can tell you that what Ye Xuan wrote in his diary must be something he can do, because he has personally proved it many times."


After hearing Fu Xuan's words, Ting Yun asked in shock:

"Sir, have you seen it with your own eyes?"

"Although I haven’t seen it with my own eyes."

Fu Xuan said: (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"But I've seen him do more amazing things than this."

"What's going on?!"

Tingyun asked curiously.

Fu Xuan said:"He refined the legendary flying sword, not by scientific means... Moreover, he can also use the legendary immortal magic to change the ecological environment of an entire planet in a short period of time, from hundreds of feet of frozen land to four seasons of spring."


Hearing what Fu Xuan said, Ting Yun couldn't help but gasp, her whole body numb. If the legendary flying sword was not refined by scientific means, doesn't that mean he can refine the magic weapon that only the immortals have?

This was enough to shock her, but the following content made Ting Yun doubt her life even more.

Using magic in a short period of time to change the ecological environment of an entire planet, from an environment of hundreds of feet of freezing to four seasons like spring, such a miracle, no, it is a miracle of immortals, can it really be done by human power?

Fu Xuan said:"Now, do you understand? Compared with what he has done, what he said now that he can live for three thousand years and can refine things like elixirs of immortality are nothing. Of course, after all, they are things in different fields, and I am still very shocked and surprised."

"Then, he can refine the elixir that can remove the evil spirit.……"

Tingyun's eyes widened, and the fox tail behind him swayed unconsciously.

"It must be true."

Fu Xuan said with certainty


Tingyun couldn't help but take a breath.

Although the fox people only have a lifespan of two to three hundred years, they are short-lived and don't have to worry about the troubles of the demonic body. However, as people from the Immortal Boat, they naturally know about the demonic body and are very worried.

If some important people they know are hidden in the demonic body one day, what should they do?

However, if there is really someone in this world who can remove the demonic body, then they don't have to worry anymore.


Fu Xuan looked at Tingyun's shocked expression, and then continued to say to her:"You don't have to be too excited. This matter may be very important to Xianzhou, but it may not be important to some people... Because Ye Xuan just said that this time, he is going to make a lot of money."

"This is natural.

Tingyun said:

"If he can really refine such a good thing, he would not give us the immortal boat for free, right?"

At this moment, Tingyun had already had some thoughts in her mind.

If everything in Ye Xuan's diary was true, wouldn't it mean that one day, Ye Xuan would do business with their Xianzhou Luofu?

Such a business would sooner or later fall into the hands of a capable person.

And she was the capable person of this Xianzhou merchant group!

Tingyun had secretly made up her mind that when Ye Xuan and his friends arrived at the Xianzhou, she would definitely be the one to receive Ye Xuan and his friends.

Moreover, what's more...

Ye Xuan had said before that a great lord of extinction had already sneaked into the Xianzhou, and that great lord of extinction might still be eyeing her.

Although she didn't know how a little fox woman like her could be targeted by a great lord of extinction, but now... after being tricked by Fu Xuan just now, she herself scolded Huanlong as a pig in the comment area.

If Huanlong held a grudge, he would definitely target her.

However, according to what Ye Xuan said about the plot, the people of the Xianzhou could not protect her at all, and she would be caught by Huanlong sooner or later.

She was more willing to believe Ye Xuan now than the protection of the Xianzhou.

【Well, okay, let's stop writing today's diary here. 】

Just when the girls were still waiting for Ye Xuan to continue writing his diary, they didn't expect that Ye Xuan would suddenly say this again. All of a sudden

, the girls were all depressed.

Why is Ye Xuan always like this when he writes his diary? When he writes about the content they care about, he suddenly stops writing--!!!

He did it on purpose--!!!

The women in other places are fine, but the girls on the fairy boat are very interested in what Ye Xuan said about immortality, immortality pills, and methods to remove the evil spirit body.

Yukong: He (Zhao Lehao) he... why did he suddenly stop writing? Could it be that he knew we were peeking at the diary and did it on purpose--!!!

Now Yukong has just obtained the diary and is curious about the next content of the diary.

Fu Xuan: Don't worry, this is just Ye Xuan's basic operation. He prefers to upload pictures rather than bothering to write a diary.

Su Chang: Not bad, Master Siduo, Ye Xuan's diary pictures are more interesting than the diary he writes--!!!

Su Chang spent the past two days reading her diary to kill time when she was bored.

This feeling was just like watching Xiao Guizi's live broadcast before, which was very interesting.

It was a pity that Xiao Guizi didn't know what had happened during this period, and she hadn't started live broadcasts.

Moreover, she couldn't interact with Ye Xuan, the owner of the diary. This made her have a lot of complaints sometimes, but she had no chance to say them, and she almost made her pillow swollen from holding it in.

Just as Fu Xuan said, after Ye Xuan stopped updating the diary, he started the diary screen recording mode.

However, this time, what he recorded in the diary was the scene he saw in front of him.

At this time, Ye Xuan was sitting in the restaurant of the hotel with Dan Heng, eating breakfast...

Although Beloberg had nothing good to do now,���However, Ye Xuan and his party were of noble status in Beloberg, so the food they served to Ye Xuan and his party could be considered luxurious.

However, Ye Xuan's eyes would occasionally look towards Dan Heng.

Being frightened by Ye Xuan's gaze, Dan Heng finally couldn't help but ask Ye Xuan,"Brother, brother:

"Do you have any help?"

"It's okay."

Ye Xuan shook his head.

【Although I have planned not to write a diary, but seeing Dan Heng, I remembered that I still have a live dragon in my hand.】

Girls: ??? ???!!!

Su Chang: He, he he... he said he has a live dragon in his hand, what does that mean?!!

Ting Yun: This... is this also true?!!

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