【Diary screen.

Ye Xuan ignored the girls in cat ear hats and floated in the air, urging spiritual power in his hands.

As Ye Xuan's spiritual energy was activated, the formation spun wildly, and finally, the huge rift of dozens of miles was completely sealed.

Cocolia: ??? ???!!!

Bronya: ??? ???!!!!!!

Pera: ??? ???!!!

Looking at the new content in the diary, the girls were all shocked.

March 7: Wow, Ye Xuan's speed is too fast, such a large rift, how long has it been? The seal is over?!!

Estelle: Uh... How long has it been, it's too exaggerated——!

Jizi: No matter what you want to seal, it is a very complicated matter... not to mention that it is such a troublesome thing to seal the Rift. Under normal circumstances, even if someone is willing to spend a lot of money to seal a Rift, it should not be so fast.

The three of them were all shocked by Ye Xuan's strength, so they expressed disbelief.

However, when Kokolia looked at the diary they sent, her eyes lit up and she felt that she seemed to understand something.

Kokolia: Tsk tsk, I thought you were in the same group with the owner of the diary and teamed up with him to deceive us. Now it seems that you don’t believe that Ye Xuan can seal the Rift?

March 7: What nonsense are you talking about? It’s not that we don’t believe Ye Xuan, we are just shocked. Shocked, do you understand?

Xier: Can this Ye Xuan... really seal the Rift?! This picture doesn’t look fake.

Sealing the Rift is a matter of life and death for Beloberg.

As long as Ye Xuan can seal the Rift, then Beloberg can expand its living space, and what awaits Beloberg may not necessarily be destruction.

In this way, they have a chance to turn things around.

Therefore, no matter how strong Ye Xuan is, as a Beloberg, they don’t care much about him now.

Now, they only care about whether Ye Xuan can seal the Rift.

Of course, as for dealing with things like star cores, they have to see that Ye Xuan can seal the Rift before they can say anything.

Ling Ke: You may not believe it when I tell you... Just now, I saw with my own eyes that Ye Xuan sealed the Rift.

Xiluwa:? ?!!! Ling Ke! You also have a diary?

Ling Ke: Sister, I’m sorry, I didn’t say anything before, I was a little doubtful whether the content in this diary was true... But now, I am sure that the content in this diary is true, there is really a Ye Xuan, and he can really seal the Rift easily!

Bronya: Ling Ke, is it true that the person who appeared in the diary screen just now is you?! How could you appear there?!

Cocolia: Didn’t I ban polar expeditions a long time ago?!

Lingke: Great Guardian Cocolia, I know that you, like us, are determined to save Beloberg from destruction, but now, you should face up to a reality, that is, outside of this world, there is really someone who can deal with the disaster brought by the star core. No matter whether your choice is right or wrong, it will lose its meaning after this person appears.

Pera: Lingke, you mean, you really saw the man named Ye Xuan seal the rift?!

Lingke: I really saw it. Not only did I see it, but all my scientific expedition teammates saw it... They are now so shocked that they are speechless. The mysterious diary owner named Ye Xuan is now like a god. He is in the sky before my eyes, covered with divine light, and people worship him.


After confirming that Ling Ke really saw Ye Xuan seal the Rift, the girls couldn't help but take a deep breath.

Is it true?

Is all this really true?!!

What was written in the diary is all true. That person named Ye Xuan, can he really seal the Rift?!

【"It seems that I can now easily seal the rift."

"It is indeed a fairy formation, the Taiqiong Sealing Formation. Even for a beginner like me, after using this formation for the first time, I actually felt that everything in the world could be sealed."】

Bronya: Are immortal cultivators really that powerful? He... He just started to learn immortal cultivation. When he used that formation for the first time, he had such power?!!

Pera: In addition to being powerful, he knows many things, even the Rift. This immortal cultivator is really an incredible existence.

Clara: Not only that, you see, he can fly in the sky!

Hook: Is there anything he can't do?!! I have decided that one day, I must find him to learn his immortal cultivation skills!!!

At this moment, the Cocolias were in the Great Guardian's Mansion, looking at the contents of the diary, and the whole person could not help but waver.

Could it be that outside this world, there are really strong people like Ye Xuan, and there are existences like the train group, who can easily seal the star core and easily deal with the disaster of Beloberg?

Moreover, more importantly, it seems that they will really go to Beloberg soon.

If that is the case, then, what does everything she did before count for?!

Have I been wrong all along? I am not saving Beloberg, but pushing the entire Beloberg into the abyss before dawn?

No, it can't be--!!

Suddenly, Cocolia's eyes lit up.

She seemed to have thought of something and made another comment.

Cocolia: I understand, Lingke, you are in the same group with that Ye Xuan, right?

Lingke:? ?!!!

Cocolia: If that Ye Xuan is so powerful that he can even seal the Rift, then why did he come to Beloberg first and seal the Rift that invaded Beloberg? Instead, he went to seal the Rift in an uninhabited place?! Lingke

: What is he going to do, how do I know?

【Although I know that it won't be long before the train arrives at Beloberg, and then the disaster at Beloberg will naturally end.】

【However, I have now arrived at Yalilo VI. I just sealed the rift I encountered on the road. I have practiced for a while. Now, whether it is sealing the rift or sealing the star core, it should not be difficult for me.】

【In that case, I will go to Beloberg and seal the star core as well.】

【Then, when San Yueqi and the others come over, they can have a good time in Beloberg, and they don’t have to be chased and beaten by Beloberg’s people like in the game plot. 】

Girls: Good fellow——!!!

So, Ye Xuan just sealed such a huge rift just to practice?!!

If he really starts to fight, then, what will happen?!!


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