【Ding, congratulations to the host, the diary is written successfully, and the reward is: Teleportation Talisman.

At this moment, the system prompt sounded again in Ye Xuan's mind.

"Teleportation Talisman?"

Ye Xuan's mind moved, and he extracted the reward from the system and held it in his hand.

""System, what is the use of this talisman?" he asked the system

【Ding, although this talisman is called a teleportation talisman, it is not a traditional immortal cultivation item, but a system function item. Using this talisman, the host can be teleported to any place the host wants to go without any restrictions. The cooling time is one hour.】


After hearing the system's explanation, Ye Xuan finally understood that this talisman was actually a system function item.

Doesn't that mean that with this talisman, he doesn't need to follow the train set or buy any star shuttles, and can travel freely in the universe, and the speed is very fast.

This is a good thing.

Thinking of this, Ye Xuan's mind moved, and he began to feel the power of the teleportation talisman.

"In this case, I will go to Yalilo VI to take a look."

Then, Ye Xuan's body disappeared in the space station in a flash, and no trace of him could be found.

In the vast universe, there are countless stars. The universe is so big that even in light years, it seems very small.

And among the vast sea of stars, there is an asteroid. This asteroid is between the stars and is called Yalilo VI.

Ye Xuan had just arrived at Yalilo VI, and before he had time to sigh at the environment here, he suddenly found that in front of him, there was a huge rift.

In the frozen world, in the strange rift, there were terrifying monsters running rampant.


Looking at the horrifying scene in front of him, if Ye Xuan was just an ordinary person, he would probably be scared to death.

Fortunately, not only is he not an ordinary person, but he also knows that the more powerful the monsters in the rift are, the less likely they are to get out of the rift.

Therefore, no matter how powerful or how many monsters there are in the rift, they cannot threaten him, and... with his strength, he really doesn't have to be afraid of these monsters.

At this time, in the capital of Beloberg, Cocolia was working.

However, although it was an office, she now had nothing to do except standing in her office in a daze every day.

Until, an electronic diary suddenly appeared in front of her eyes, and she couldn't help but show a look of surprise.

"Ye Xuan's diary, Cocolia's exclusive... What is this?"

With curiosity, Cocolia reached out to the diary.

And Bronya, who was patrolling the street, was also attracted by the electronic diary in front of her.

"This... is the diary of a man named Ye Xuan? How did I get a copy of his diary? How strange."

Although she was curious, Bronya still stretched out her hand.

Pera was in the square of Beloberg at this time, telling the children some history texts about Beloberg.

Hill was teaching a few vagrants who were making trouble on the lower streets of Beloberg.

Natasha had just prescribed medicine for a patient.

Hook was playing games with the children...

Clara, who had obtained the diary earlier, was watching it. At this moment, almost at the same time, copies of the diary appeared in front of their eyes.

Under the magical attraction of the diary copy, everyone couldn't help but open the diary.

""What's so interesting about the diary of this man named Ye Xuan?!"

Although they said so, everyone's expressions were very sincere when they looked at the contents of the diary.


They were soon shocked by the contents of the diary and their eyes widened.

Ye Xuan's diary has many functions.

It can not only record the scenes that Ye Xuan saw, but also be matched with text to show Ye Xuan's thoughts at the time in real time.

Through the diary, the girls experienced some of the things that Ye Xuan had experienced in the space station before from a first-person perspective.

Hook: What kind of diary is this? It's amazing. The owner of this diary can actually solve that kind of horrible monster so easily. No, it's not solved. He just blew a breath and blew the monster to death, and he didn't let the people around him find out? It's amazing!

Clara: Hook, you...you have a diary too?

Hook: Huh? Clara, you actually have a diary too? Great, in this way, can't we make copies of this diary in the future? Are you afraid that the old witch will find out if we can chat quietly in private? You don’t know, the old witch is so mean, she forces us to take a nap at noon every day and doesn’t let us play together at noon.

In the lower floor of Beloberg, inside the clinic, Natasha looked at the diary comments written by Hook, and the corners of her mouth twitched slightly.

Although Hook didn’t say who the old witch was, she had guessed who it was.

It seems that her skin is itchy again. She hasn’t been disciplined for some time, right?

Hill: This diary is really magical. Not only can we see some of the things that the owner of the diary has done, and some of his thoughts at the time, but also, as long as we chat in the diary, the time in the outside world seems to be prohibited. Doesn’t that mean that if we want, we can keep chatting here?

Bronya: Take a good look, there is a countdown. I guess if the time is delayed too long, people will notice it.


Natasha, however, did not rush to comment, but read the contents of the diary carefully several times.

Then, she could not help showing surprise.

Because, she was sure that the contents of the diary were definitely not created by the people of Beloberg. The world in the eyes of the owner of the diary was too broad, and it was not comparable to the small Beloberg.

Sure enough -!!!!!

The things written in some of the articles she had read before were not wrong. Hundreds of years ago, before the disaster of Beloberg, there were aliens in this world... There really were aliens outside this world.

""The diary of an alien... hehe."

Looking at the diary, Cocolia couldn't help but sneer.

If she had seen this kind of thing a long time ago, she might have regarded it as a salvation from an alien.

But now, she just saw it for fun.

Beloberg, Cocolia, no longer expected salvation from the alien.

No matter how powerful the owner of the diary was, could he come to save Beloberg?

【Finally, I came to Yaliluo VI again.

A new sentence appeared in Ye Xuan's diary. Esta : ? ? ?!...

【Or... this place should be called, Beloberg.】


Cocolia slammed her hand on the desk in shock.

Natasha could no longer maintain her composure.

Everyone in Beloberg who saw the diary was surprised.

The mysterious owner of the diary, Ye Xuan, came to Beloberg?!!


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