"How rude! Do you think too highly of yourself or do you look down on me?"

Xina tapped the ground with her toes and floated backwards quickly on the green vortex of wind.

Possessing the power of the Herrscher of the Wind, she was retreating in a strange parallel position with Yulandel who was charging at full speed.

After waving her hand and smashing down a dozen icebergs to surround herself and Yulan Dale, Xina stopped Yulan Dale on her way and smiled, saying: "Miss Yulan Dale, I didn't say you can leave!"


After stabbing her lance straight into the iceberg like a steel spike, Yulan Dale stood upright on the lance, looking up at the Herrscher on the top of the iceberg, and asked in confusion: "You guy, didn't you see the Anti-Entropy mecha taking away the third Herrscher?"

"Of course I saw it!" Xina nodded, looking down at Yulan Dale below, and smiled:

"But... don't you think it's better for me to let the third Herrscher fall into the hands of Anti-Entropy than in the hands of Destiny?"

"What do you mean?" Yulan Dale asked.

"Because those good guys of Anti-Entropy are very sensible and use gems to artificially create Honkai! This is the case in Changkong City and Singapore City."

While saying this, Hina did not forget to point her lips in the direction of the 'Herrser of Death' and said nonsense to Otto who was peeking at the screen: "Originally, Singapore would only produce one Herrser, but... Anti-Entropy was too sensible and insisted on buying one and getting one free, artificially creating Honkai. Now, my ally has appeared!"

"Anti-Entropy...really, I'm crying!"

After saying this, Hina did not forget to squeeze out a few drops of Honkai energy solution that was no different from tears, to express her gratitude that she did not have in her heart at all!

Of course, while Hina and Yulandel were talking, except for the iceberg under their feet, the other icebergs had begun to decompose and crack from the inside out.

Hundreds of Temple-level Honkai beasts, carrying many Honkai emperors, advanced rapidly towards Siegfried.

They have only one purpose - to obtain the data of the Holy Fire Judgement for Xina.

Siegfried, holding the Holy Fire Sword, stared at the creature that first arrived in front of him. The six flying diamond blades on both sides of its body stretched out from behind first, and then spread out, flying towards him like a rotating circular saw.

The Holy Fire Sword quickly attacked, and with just one blow, the blazing flames engulfed the Ice King.


This terrible creature that had just rushed out of the ice roared under the burning heat wave.

The Ice King, who was burned by the flames released by the Holy Fire Judgement, tried to charge forward, as if to walk out of the flames.

Boom! Boom!

The huge bodies of the other two Ice Kings fell from the sky behind Siegfried, destroying everything around the landing point.


When dust mixed with fine stones rose up, the two Ice Emperors who avoided Siegfried's front and the one who was burned in front formed a triangle and quickly surrounded Siegfried.

"Useless things, I have to do it again!"

The soft voice swept through the air slowly with the cold current, covering the burning land with frost.

With the help of Hina, the flame burning on the Ice Emperor finally went out.

But... the Ice Emperor who survived the disaster now looked a little embarrassed: its huge body was also charred, and the whole Honkai beast was a little listless.

Taking out a diamond cone gem from the skirt, Hina crushed it with her bare hands and condensed a gem-like object again.

And the 'Herrser of Death', who was wrapped in black mist, quickly came to Hina after breaking the neck of a Valkyrie.

"Hey, why did you call me here?", the Herrscher of Death asked with a straight face.

"Look, I was hurt just now~", Hina pinched her fingertips to show the conspicuous scratches on the back of her hand to the Herrscher of Death.

While handing the pseudo-gem she had rubbed to the Herrscher of Death, she said coquettishly: "You don't want me to fail, right? 'Lend' me some power, I'll trade with you!"

"What a trouble!", the Herrscher of Death rolled his eyes at Hina, and impatiently threw a black gem into Hina's arms in the same way: "Take it! Don't die!"


Thus, Hina finally didn't have to suppress her recovery ability, but blatantly used the power of three Herrschers at the same time.

The corresponding abilities were also obtained by those Honkai beasts with ice attributes.


The charred body of the Ice Emperor quickly faded away, and at the cost of shrinking 25% of his body, he gained a body that was more resistant to high temperatures.

Unfortunately, Honkai Beast is not a transformationSiegfried, the invincible magical girl, did not have the habit of waiting for the enemy to complete the transformation before attacking.

The half-human-high Skyfire Great Sword chopped directly on the top of the Ice Emperor's head under Siegfried's leaping slash.

At that moment, a word appeared in the Ice Emperor's primitive consciousness - danger, that is, the danger of chopping it into pieces.

So, after being slashed, when the Ice Emperor saw Siegfried holding the Skyfire Holy Judge and slashing at him again.

Its first reaction was to dodge and attack with the two Ice Emperors behind.

Siegfried reacted quickly, slashing down and turning into a single-handed horizontal slash, and the blazing fire instantly cut through the Ice Emperor's armor.


Realizing that he was being targeted, the Ice Emperor who was hit the most quickly retreated and protected a group of Temple-level Honkai Beasts in front of him.

At this point, the other two Ice Kings also began to pile up cannon fodder in a similar manner, as if they were going to use the Temple-level Honkai Beasts to surround and kill Siegfried...

Here, Siegfried was besieged by a group of Temple-level Honkai Beasts, and the Immortal Blade over there had already entered a bitter battle where its personnel were decreasing every second.

The Herrscher of Death did not fight them head-on, but chose to prioritize eliminating those heavy firepower points located far away.

Wherever the diffuse black fog reached, the firepower points there would be silenced in a few seconds, and Rita, the only one who could avoid being killed instantly in a fight with the Herrscher, could not catch up with the Herrscher of Death who had obtained some of the power of the Herrscher of Ice and Wind.

Until the last long-range firepower point was eliminated, the Herrscher of Death dragged his long sickle towards the remaining Valkyries: "Everything is here, right?"

After the words fell, a green airflow began to emerge with the Herrscher of Death as the center, and formed the prototype of a tornado in a few seconds.

Gravel, dust, ice flakes as thin as a cicada's wing but as sharp as a blade, and black death fog quickly permeated the green tornado under the strong wind.

The Valkyries below had no ability to deal with this situation, and could only watch the tornado connecting the sky above and the ground below grow bigger and bigger until it completely swallowed them.

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