"No, Great Guardian Kokolia, this is not rebellion, this is..."Revolution!"

As Bai Heng said this, he took a heavy step forward in the eyes of countless people, not afraid of the cold icy spear in Cocolia's hand, with a look as firm as iron.

"Cocolia, let me ask you a question."

"As a great guardian, can you imagine what Beloberg will look like in the future?"

Bai Heng's voice was very calm, except for a little hoarseness, there was no emotion.

"Of course I can...."

Cocolia still maintained her aloofness, but before she could finish, Bai Heng raised his voice by one decibel and interrupted her.

"You can't!"

He shouted angrily, and pointed his right hand at the Beloberg people standing behind him.

"Look at these people of yours, there is only sorrow and sadness on their faces, and they can never be sure whether their lives will wither before tomorrow comes!"

"Look at this city again! The trauma brought by the Rift is eroding the land beneath our feet bit by bit! The roar of the creatures from the Rift echoes in our ears all day long! Even accompanies us to sleep!"

"But! It's not the cold wave, nor the creatures from the Rift, that caused all this, but you, the Great Guardian!"

"That’s right! Belloberg might be engulfed by the cold wave one day, or it might be eroded by the rift, but no matter what the outcome is, it has not happened yet!"

"But you, Cocolia! Before this end comes, you want to deprive us of the right to pursue the future!"

"Cocolia, as the Great Guardian, you are the plague that leads Beloberg to corruption!"

The moment the voice fell, Bai Heng pointed the axe in his hand forward and stopped at Cocolia.

Unlike the last simulation, in this cold wave land, Bai Heng is an iron-blooded soldier. His eyes reveal a burning belief, as if to burn through the freezing snow and wind. His actions are like arrows from a string, swift and without regret.

Such a person is being seen by a girl who is cowering behind Cocolia.

Bronya Rand, the Great Guardian heir appointed by Cocolia, is still young and can't tell whether what the person in front of her says is right or wrong.

But when the iron-blooded soldier finished speaking, Bronya saw"shake" on her mother's face for the first time.

And the next moment, when Cocolia ordered the Silver Mane Iron Guards to aim their weapons at civilians, Bronya knew that the mother who had always been regarded as perfect by herself might not be completely right.

【The man used his words and actions to spark the first rebellion, but he obviously underestimated the incompetence of those in power. When the Silver Mane Iron Guards pointed their weapons at the marching civilians, the rebellion was doomed to fail.】

【The demonstration was easily suppressed, and the man was sent to prison, labeled a"rebel". Perhaps he will be judged at the coming of the spring equinox.】

【But his efforts did not come to naught. On that night of rebirth, his actions and speeches planted the seeds of"reform" in the hearts of countless people.】.....

Watching the gradually fading images and the descriptions on the screen, the people in the live studio were filled with emotion.

Ying:"Compared to the last time, this story seems to be even heavier.....」

Alicia:"In order to save the land under his feet, he was neither understood nor favored, but he still firmly believed and took action. Mr. Bai Heng in this world reminded me of a friend.....」

Xing:"Excuse me, your friend.....Still alive?"

March Seven:"What dangerous things are you thinking about!?"

Xing:"Just give yourself some psychological preparation first!"

Kiana:"I suddenly miss the last story a little bit. At least last time, except for the ending, the rest was relaxed and happy.....」

Ji Zi:"There's no need to be so sad. There are more stories in the world than just tragedies."

Keqing:"By the way, Mr. Bai Heng was sent to prison. He should be fine, right?....」

Yae Kamiko:"You can rest assured about this. This story has obviously just begun. Even if this story is going to usher in tragedy, now is not the best time~"

Xing:"? Are you also a mature knife man?」.........

While everyone in the live broadcast room was discussing, Bai Heng's simulation was also continuing.

【The unrest you started was easily suppressed. Although you made preparations in many aspects, you did not expect that Kokolia would directly attack the people.】

【Because of this, you received more support from not only ordinary people, but also some soldiers. But soon, these voices disappeared silently.】

【Cocolia did not judge you. In her opinion, the best punishment is for you to pursue the future and helplessly watch the end come.】

【In this way, you were imprisoned day after day. In that dim and lightless small cell, you could hardly tell the passage of time.】

【But even so, the fire in your eyes has never been extinguished, your faith has never disappeared, in this dark prison, you train your body day after day, looking forward to one day in the future, you will return to the light.】

【Four years have passed. On this day, the prison where you are imprisoned welcomes its first guest in history.】

【She was a girl wearing the uniform of the Silver Mane Iron Guard Commander. Her beautiful silver hair was tied into three strands and spread out behind her. Her silver-grey eyes were filled with a cold look.】

【You have seen her before, and you know her name, Bronya Rand. On the night of your rebirth when you started the turmoil, the girl in front of you snuggled up behind Cocolia, looking at you with fear in her eyes.】

【Now, as time has passed, she not only has the Silver Mane Lieutenant Commander's medal on her chest, but her face is also more beautiful than before.】

【As you stared at her in confusion, the girl took off her gloves and held out her hand to you. Her cold voice echoed in the small cell as she said:】

"Rebel Bai Heng, are you willing to join me in saving this broken country again?"

Just at this moment, a ray of moonlight fell from the prison window, all falling on the girl, reflecting the girl's face beautifully.

PS: Godfathers, please don't rush me. I have been thinking about the plot for a few days and I am afraid that I have made a mistake in the slightest place. I will speed up the update, hehe!!!

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