The long pink hair is tied up with a double-ring flying fairy hairpin, and the golden hairpin on it sparkles in the midday sun.

The girl in front of him is not only extremely beautiful, but also has crystal-like eyes on her forehead, which are even more eye-catching. But the most amazing thing is the white silk tights under the girl's colorful skirt that outline the perfect leg lines.

Whenever he sees this scene, Bai Heng can't help but feel a little puzzled.

Which genius invented the combination of Hanfu and tights?

It should be enjoyed in the Taimiao!

Yes, that reliable height of just 1.5 meters and the iconic white silk, plus the unique self-titled name on the Luofu Fairy Boat. The one who appeared in front of Bai Heng's store was not someone else, but -

Taibu Si, Fu Xuan

"It is my fault for letting the Grand Master wait for me, but the business of my shop has been slow recently, and the rent and taxes have risen sharply. I have no interest in opening a stall to do business. I am afraid that it will not be long before my Daxuewang Tea will have to close down in Changletian~"

Bai Heng said this with his hands folded in his sleeves and sighed, his words were full of the sadness of being squeezed.

"Absolutely not!"

Fu Xuan's suddenly high tone startled Bai Heng, and he couldn't help but shrink back half an inch.

Perhaps realizing his own gaffe, the majestic Master Taibu coughed lightly and said seriously:"The rent and taxes are all managed by the Land Measure Division. I don't know the specific facts. If you have any difficulties recently, I will help you."

"But you, the Daxuewang Tea House, must not close!"

The last sentence was said by the Grand Diviner with a serious expression, as if he was talking about something related to life.

In fact, it was true.

All workers in the world are one family. Although Fu Xuan is in a high position and is the head of the Grand Diviner's Office, the things she has to deal with every day are no less than those of ordinary fortune-tellers, and even several times more.

Whenever she was overwhelmed by the various affairs, she would have a cup of Daxuewang tea to relieve her fatigue.

This is what the workers commonly call"milk tea to prolong life".

When Fu Xuan thought that after Daxuewang Tea closed down, she could only choose the weird-tasting"Star Taro Bobo" as a second choice, she felt like she was going to fall into the devil's body five hundred years earlier.

Although she was indeed keen on"Star Taro Bobo" before, there is a saying.

If I had never seen the light, I could have endured the darkness.

After tasting Bai Heng's Daxuewang tea, which was of high quality and good price, Star Taro Bobo?

Sorry, I'm not familiar with it.

"It's a pity that Lord Taibu has been troubled by providing aid, but our shop hasn't reached that point yet. Recently, we are going to launch a new product called 'White Chocolate Milk Pudding' to make a comeback!"

""If you, Master Taibu, can help our store to be the image spokesperson, Master Taibu's prestige and popularity among the people of Luofu are comparable to General Jingyuan, I think you will definitely help our store to resolve the crisis!" Although it was a request, Bai Heng was humble and modest in both words and gestures, and he looked like he had made money without doing anything.

On the other hand, when Fu Xuan heard Bai Heng's request, she was embarrassed at first.

After all, as a dignified Master Taibu, it was somewhat embarrassing for her to endorse a product.

But after Bai Heng said, 'Master Taibu's prestige and popularity among the people of Luofu are comparable to General Jingyuan', the embarrassment disappeared without a trace.

"Um....I think I have been under your care for tea for quite some time, so I will do you this favor."

"How do you want me to cooperate with you? You can tell me in detail later. Now, give me a cup of tea to relieve my boredom."

After saying that, Fu Xuan picked a seat and sat down, rubbing her eyebrows.

In recent days, an unknown small screen appeared in front of her eyes, playing a story that was neither long nor short. At first, this story was very beautiful, with the relationship between men and women, and the sweetness of the love between the man and the concubine was higher than any love story book in Luofu.

But as the story progressed, the heart-wrenching plot in it made Fu Xuan unable to sleep all night, so that she still couldn't recover.

However, looking at Bai Heng who was busy on the workbench.

Fu Xuan verified his guess.

It was indeed a story that happened in another parallel world. Although the appearance was almost the same, in terms of temperament and personality, the Bai Heng in front of her was quite different from the Bai Heng in that story.

Just when Fu Xuan was thinking about something, Bai Heng, who was busy with his hands, suddenly spoke:

"By the way, the Grand Master once told me a fortune telling, saying that choosing this location for a shop would not only bring wealth and fortune, but also bring a good marriage."

"Nowadays, we can still see a few fortunes and blessings, but I have never seen a good match."

That was not long after Bai Heng came here.

Knowing that he did not have a golden finger, he relied on the limited start-up capital to set up a small cart and sold Daxuewang tea on the streets of Changletian.

But at that time,"Xingyu Bobo" was rampant, and his business was bleak. He was alone under the night sky of Changletian, which was too miserable.

In one sentence: That year, I was eighteen, standing like a minion on the street of Changletian.

Perhaps out of pity or curiosity, the passing Taibu Lord became his first customer and was successfully captured by this industrial sugar water from another world.

Not only did he buy Bai Heng's cart with a wave of his hand, he even read a fortune for him for free.

"cough...."Fu Xuan was a little embarrassed when talking about this.

She knew that Bai Heng had saved her face. At present, the Snow King Tea Drinks could not be said to be able to gather wealth and fortune. With the current bleak business, bankruptcy might be a foregone conclusion.

"There won't be too many deviations in the deduction of the Qiongguan formation. The current bleakness may only be temporary. As for the matter of good fortune,....I will help you to tell another fortune.���

After saying that, the pink-haired girl closed her eyes and moved her fingers.

Not long after, when she opened her eyes again, there was a little surprise on her delicate face.

Looking at Fu Xuan's appearance, Bai Heng, who placed a cup of tea in front of Fu Xuan, couldn't help but ask:


"Fire and Heaven are great, Li is on top and Qian is on the bottom"

"6.5. His trust is as good as his authority. It is auspicious."

"Good luck in three days"...........

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