The girl's choked words passed through the screen and reached the ears of all the viewers in the live broadcast room.

The helplessness and hope for the boy to live in those words also penetrated into their hearts. At this moment, as viewers, their faces could not help but dim.

They knew that it was difficult for anyone to powerlessly accept the departure of an important person.

No matter how relieved and regretless you were before, when that moment really comes, your subconscious nostalgia for the important person will turn into a contagious disease, infecting all the relief and regretlessness you have prepared.

At that time, you will only keep trying to scream four words to that important person in this endless nostalgia:

"Don't leave."

Ying:"Miss Liuying's words made me feel like my chest was blocked.....」

Yae God:"Mr. Bai Heng, as a citizen of the stars, has left the deepest mark in Miss Liuying's life. Even though she knew that such a day would come, she still chose to stay by his side, but this does not mean that she accepted that ending."

Yae God:"Perhaps in places we cannot see, this silver-haired girl has also read countless materials, or consulted the magic cat who can see through the future, but she who stands here and shouts such powerless words, I think she didn't get the answer she wanted."

Black Swan:"That's right....No matter how wonderful this month is, and how many memories are left, when this moment comes, these beautiful memories cannot make up for the pain brought by the departure of important people."

Huabi:"Aren't people like this? Driven by emotions, and played by emotions, so come and join us, the Masked Fool. We drive emotions and play with emotions."

Kiana:"Is there really no perfect solution?.....」

Kafka:"All stories in the world are not necessarily perfect. No matter how much human effort is put into changing them, there will always be some things you are not satisfied with. So don't worry too much. The only thing we can do now is to watch the story of the two of us to the end and keep it in mind."

Alicia:"That's right. Whether the ending is happy or sad, let's keep this story in mind."...."Watch till the end."

Although sadness still permeated the hearts of everyone in the live broadcast room, as Kafka said.

As viewers, the only thing they could do was to watch this story of stars and fireflies to the end and remember it in their hearts.

After calming down a little, everyone once again turned their attention back to the screen........

【That was the first time you saw a girl crying. Crystal clear water drops kept flowing out of her beautiful eyes. When the drops fell to the ground, sadness also spread out like ink drops falling into water.】

【Normally, you would be happy to know everything about the girl, but her current appearance makes you feel extremely sad.】

【Walking in front of the firefly, as if to fade away the sadness in the girl's heart, the gentle smile on your face is more gentle than before】

"Crying and making a fuss is really unlike you."

Walking to Liuying, Bai Heng wiped away the girl's tears with his fingertips and spoke softly.

"Don't make that expression."

"I once heard a saying that our life experiences are all for the purpose of having something to remember before we die."

"I once wondered, if it were me, what would I think before my life came to an end?"

"I didn't get the answer because for the past 14 years and 10 months, I lived a meaningless life numbly and numbly accepted the fate of being 'traded' to Pinocchio."

"But fortunately, in the last two months, I found the answer.

Bai Heng's voice was calm and soothing, and he looked at the girl with a gentle gaze.

"That's everything to you"

"Maybe until the last second before I die, I will probably still be thinking about things related to you, etc......"At this point, Bai Heng suddenly raised his chin and thought for a moment, then made a formal correction:

"Given how obsessed I am with you, I'm afraid I'll keep thinking about you even after I die."

After saying this, he nodded in satisfaction.

Although the topic was related to such a heavy word as death, Bai Heng's tone was very light, as if he was talking about something very ordinary.

But then he frowned again:

"But I am still a little distressed. After all, I will never see you again after I die."

"ah....I am looking forward to your more mature appearance in the future. Will your legs be longer? Will your waist still be as thin as it is now? Or will my departure cause you to become depressed and overeat, and eventually become a chubby girl?"

"hiss.....If you think about it, it doesn't seem impossible! After all, you seem to have no resistance to delicious food."

"That kind of thing will never happen!"

She shouted subconsciously, waving her fists with shame and anger on her face.

Perhaps Bai Heng's words worked, and she didn't know when the crystal water droplets had left those beautiful eyes.

Looking at her like this, Bai Heng smiled,"Really? Then I feel relieved."

"Then, let's make a promise."

He stretched out a finger.

"Promise?" Liuying blinked in confusion.

"Well, don't be sad after I'm gone"

"Don't stand still."

"Don't let the haze cover your smile"

"By the way, don't ever try to cheat, because......"Bai Heng gave Liu Ying a warning smile, then took a step back and opened his arms wide.

Behind him, the dark night sky had enveloped this dreamland, and the meteors in the sky were like sharp blades cutting through the curtain of the sky, with tail lights constantly passing by.

"I'll always be watching you"

【Godfathers, can the flowers exceed 20,000? 】

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