Punklod is a closed planet.

The legendary hacker named Xianzhe threw his body into the black domain and became the first ghost to wander forever in the interstellar Internet.

And he was also the first person to open the door of Punklod and go to the endless universe.

Now, after many years.

Punklod's tightly closed door once again welcomed two legends.

Their hands were placed on the door together, and they were just a little bit away from pushing it open.

The sky was already dim. Located at the highest point of the neon city, Bai Heng and Yinlang could see all the surrounding scenes at a glance.

The phantom fluctuations of many data began to flash continuously, and one after another, the figures gradually solidified on the top of each high-rise building.

The speed of the first batch of arrivals showed that they had broken through the smoke bombs left by Yinlang in a short time, which also showed that their hacker level was at the forefront of Punklod.

But it was not over yet, the next moment.

Countless jumping data streams appeared out of thin air, and a group of terrifying hackers appeared around again."920" occupied all the buildings around Sagarmatha in a short moment.

However, despite the overwhelming advantage in numbers, none of them took the initiative.

As soon as they appeared, they almost all looked at the same place.

The top of Sagarmata.

That was the object they were going to challenge.

The first on the bounty list, the emperor of Punklod.

The name of the invincible silver wolf and white fox resounded throughout Punklod.

Facing such an existence, they only looked up at the two people on the top of the tower.

"They clearly have an absolute advantage in numbers, but they have no intention of taking the initiative. Is this the natural vigilance of hackers?"Looking at the scene, Bai Heng curled his lips.

"It is a taboo for hackers to act rashly in a battle without knowing the enemy's information. They still adhere to this creed."Silver Wolf said in a lazy tone with a hint of coldness.

"Then let us launch the first attack." Standing on the railing of the tower with his hands in his pockets, Bai Heng turned his head and looked at Silver Wolf,"With this number of opponents, it will be difficult for me to take care of you in a battle."

"So if something unexpected happens, use the coordinates set in advance to teleport away."

Silver Wolf responded with a calm gaze, his tone solemn,"Accidents or something, I won't let it happen again."

Yes, the first accident has taken away one of the most important people in her life.

How could she let such an accident happen a second time.

She will be cautious and cautious in the next actions.

Bai Heng nodded, leaned back, and let himself fall from the tall building.

The sharp wind whistled in his ears, but Bai Heng's heart was extremely calm. In his eyes, the whole world was turning into countless data streams that could be manipulated and modified.

The game called Punk Lord has begun.

"The other party took the first action! The opponent is not equipped with any prosthesis, so there is no need to hack into it. Just lock the target and attack it!"

Large-scale team operations naturally require clear command. There are naturally commanders in the challengers' teams.

Under his command.

The terrifying data torrent turned into substantial killing weapons. Laser beams, rockets, and attacks that were enough to destroy a building surrounded Bai Heng like flowers from heaven. The tail light brought up dyed the sky of the neon city with various colors.

Bai Heng made his hands into guns and turned his body in the air. Points of light condensed at his fingertips, like lasers ready to go.

Punk Lord is a planet built of data and characters. Here, there is no boundary between reality and fantasy.

As long as your ether editing skills are sophisticated enough, you can make the moonlight at night as hot as the sun, and make boiling water as refreshing as iced cola.

Bai Heng's current actions are the same.

He did not install a powerful mechanical prosthesis not because he didn't like it, but because he didn't need it.

As long as he wants, he can attack with any weapon.

——He himself is the most powerful weapon


The laser burst out from Yu Baiheng's fingertips and drew a complete circle in the air as he turned his body.

All the attacks exploded under the passing of this circle, and a gorgeous flower suddenly exploded in the sky.

The smoke and dust scattered, and the commander with high-end artificial eyes immediately noticed that Baiheng disappeared in the air.

"Tsk! It's ether teleportation!"

"The farther the transmission distance is, the more data needs to be edited. That guy must still be nearby! Be careful!"

Hearing this, the expressions on the faces of the hackers around him suddenly became solemn.

The commanding hacker was codenamed Vulture. As his name suggests, he was equipped with the most advanced artificial eye in the entire Punklord. He could not only speed up the editing of data streams, but also detect information that ordinary hackers could hardly notice.

Soon, as the artificial eye lit up red, he quickly noticed a figure on the top of a building not far away.

"At 14 o'clock, the target is about 700 meters away...."

Before he could finish his words, a hot laser pierced through his left shoulder without warning!

The mechanical parts fell apart, and under Vulture's disbelieving gaze, a figure appeared in front of him.

It was Bai Heng.

He had a faint and gentle smile on his face, like a harmless boy.

At this moment, Vulture's eyes widened, and he felt his blood was about to freeze.....

Still ether transmission!

But why!

Vulture's face was filled with disbelief.

How long did it take from the laser piercing his left arm to this guy's transmission? Less than a second!

In other words, in such a short time, he not only edited the data stream to attack him, but also completed an extremely complex ether transmission!

How is this possible!

Although he was shocked beyond words, the fist on his face would not lie.


The huge force easily destroyed his carefully installed facial defense prosthesis, and Bai Heng's finger, which was like the muzzle of a gun, gently touched his forehead.

"game over"

"The end....It's you!"

Vulture showed a wild smile on his face, and he pushed his palms and flipped backwards. Almost at the same time, a blue light curtain rose from under Bai Heng's feet, covering him in a short moment!

"Hey, hey, hey, personally attacking a commander is a bit too reckless."

"As the commander of the entire team, how could I not have the means to deal with the attack?"

Climbing up in a panic, the man smiled triumphantly at Bai Heng, his eyes fell on the light curtain surrounding him, and explained:"Ether Shield"

"They are all in short supply in the black market. They can block data flow within a certain range and make the ether editor ineffective."

"For hackers, it is an absolute killer!"

"No matter how powerful and powerful a hacker is, if he cannot mobilize data flow and ether editing, he is no different from an ordinary person!"

"This is the eternal rule of Punk Lord~"

"Don't worry, after we get rid of you, your companion won't be able to hold on for long, and we will reunite you soon."

It is not difficult to see that Vulture is really happy.

After all, as the first on the bounty list, both White Fox and Silver Wolf have extremely terrifying bounties.

And now, one of the emperors who created the reputation of invincibility in Punklord is about to die at his hands.

How can he not be happy.

But when Vulture saw the expression on Bai Heng's face, he froze.

There was no panic as expected, nor was there any anger, but only calmness.

The white fox looked at him indifferently, as if looking at a worthless insect.

"An eternal rule?"

"What a joke I heard."

The next moment, under the dull gaze of all the hackers around him, Bai Heng calmly stepped out from the light curtain, with a slight smile on his face:

"The so-called rules are for those who cannot survive without following the rules."

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