14 years and 11 months.

This thin number, even for ordinary short-lived species, is just the beginning of life.

But for Bai Heng, a citizen of the star, it has already reached the end.

But when he said this number, there was no fear on his face.

Death, a thing that countless powerful beings in the universe avoid and tremble with fear, seems to be an extremely common thing in Bai Heng's eyes.

Seeing him like this, the atmosphere in the already silent live broadcast room became solemn again.

Kiana:"The last month....Including the one month he spent with Liuying, that is to say, when Bai Heng came to this planet and hired Liuying as his guide, he only had the last two months left to live.......」

Pera: How could this happen?......」

Black Swan:"He is a commodity being traded, and his life is about to disappear. But in the face of these, he can still smile and still immerse himself in playing with the fireflies, because he has accepted his own fate since he came to this planet.......」

Himeko:"Just as the name of the Star People comes from, they are as brilliant as a shooting star, but also as short-lived as a shooting star. This is the inevitable fate of the Star People......」

Xing:"Lifespan theory! Damn lifespan theory! Hurry up and bring the knife! I'll give Bai Heng 30 years! No! 50 years!"

Silver Wolf:"If this thing can be evenly distributed, why don't you just start a fundraising campaign and each of us donate one year to him."

Ying:"Speaking of....

Is Miss Liuying okay?....I am okay...」

This is a lie!

Star Core Hunter Base.

In the dim room, after sending this line of bullet screen, Liuying's hands fell weakly. She stared at the smile of the young man in the screen in front of her, lost in thought.

Just now, when Bai Heng in the screen told everything about himself, countless scattered pictures emerged in Liuying's mind like old photos that were dug out.

She had seen those fragmented pictures before.

It was everything that the"self" on the screen and Bai Heng had experienced in Pinoconi.

The fights in Clark Studios, the water balloons thrown at each other in the ocean, and the laughter while holding hands and being chased by the members of the hound family....

Along with these images, there was also an inexplicable pain in the chest.

Liuying didn't know why these images appeared in her mind, and she didn't know the reason for the pain.


Obviously, everything in the picture should be happening in a parallel world, or in other memory bubbles? It should have nothing to do with me.....

Why...Why do I feel so bad?

In the darkness, a drop of crystal clear water fell to the ground.

It was the tears shed by the silver-haired girl...............

Although the atmosphere in the live broadcast room became extremely heavy, everyone had to face this unchangeable reality.

They turned their attention back to the live broadcast.

【14 years and 11 months. When you said this number, the girl's body trembled noticeably. She lowered her head. It was difficult for you to see her expression, but her tightly bitten lips seemed to tell it all.】

【You reached out your hand, gently stroked the girl's head, and said:】

"Sorry, uh....I seem to have said sorry to you many times today." Bai Heng smiled awkwardly and returned to his usual gentleness,"But as expected, I am still very sorry for you."

"You don't need to know these heavy things. It's because of my own selfish desire that I dragged you into it."

"Selfish desire....."Liuying raised her head, with doubt in her beautiful eyes.

"Um...."Bai Heng turned his head away a little embarrassedly, not daring to look into those eyes,"The people of the stars will be attracted by beautiful things. On the first day I came to Pinocchio, when I saw you for the first time, I inexplicably had this thought......."

"If only I could spend the last two months of my life with such a beautiful girl."

"so...I used some tricks to make you my guide......"

At the end, Bai Heng seemed to feel that his motives were not so clean, and he turned his eyes away from the girl a little embarrassedly.

But Liu Ying did not seem to realize what the"little trick" in Bai Heng's words was. She tilted her head, and the doubt in her expression deepened.

Seeing her like this, Bai Heng also thought that the other party did not understand his words. He coughed lightly and changed his words:

"To put it bluntly,....."

"I fell in love with you at first sight."

This time, Liuying reacted.

Her petite body trembled, and she stared blankly at Bai Heng who said this, and a hint of red appeared on her delicate and fair face uncontrollably.

But in the end, Liuying still couldn't give an answer.

After all, things happened a little too suddenly, so suddenly that Liuying didn't even know how to respond to it.

If we talk about feelings, she, who has a 90% favorability towards Bai Heng at this time, is naturally the same.

But facing Bai Heng's straightforward words, Liuying seemed to lack some courage to respond.

It's understandable. Since she was born into this world, she has been accompanied by the cold medical cabin until now. Socializing with people has become her most difficult luxury. At this moment, Bai Heng's frank voice, how could she know how to face it? Her eyes kept wandering around, and Liuying was thinking about how she should respond.

But Bai Heng had seen through her panic. The corners of his mouth curved, his palm fell on the shoulder of the panicked girl, and continued to speak:

"I'm just telling you my feelings, you don't have to respond"

"I just hope that you can continue to be my guide in the last month."

Bai Heng stretched out his hand to the girl.

The panic in his heart was soothed by the words of the person in front of him. Liu Ying looked at the sincere eyes of the dark brown eyes.���Then he responded:

"Well! In this month, whether you go to the end of the world or the end of the universe, I will go with you."

The moment the voice fell, the girl held the boy's hand.

Just as Bai Heng calmly accepted everything about Liuying,

Liuying also chose to accept everything about Bai Heng.

But what she didn't know was that a month is very short, so short that you can't see all the scenery of a city.

A month is also very long, so long that the girl will never forget it for the rest of her life...............

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