Biquge, the fastest update of Leng Wang, the medical concubine will elope the latest chapter!


Feng Xueyan, who was struggling to control the glacial beast, heard these two words, and eagerly rushed back to discuss the red candle.

You are the niece, I am the princess!

Unfortunately, in order to relax after the blood, he did not explain Feng Xueyan's identity at all, but apologized to Hongzhu with a smile:

"This is our fault. It is my disadvantage to discipline the palace people. I didn't see the situation just now. I must look back carefully to prevent the honored guests from being wronged."

"It's pretty much the same." Red Candle turned around with high spirits and continued to follow Feng Xingying.

After the blood, she also shot herself, helped Feng Xueyan handle the chaos, and then pulled her daughter who was aggrieved next to her mount to sit on it to prevent her from getting into trouble again.

"Mother ~~~"

"Shut up." He snapped after the blood, forbid Xuefeng Yan from speaking out, and lost another piece of golden yarn to her: "Put on it."

It is rare to see Xue Yan so severe after the blood, even though Feng Xueyan is unhappy, she obediently puts it on.

Not to mention that the aesthetics after the blood is still good. After adding a golden silk cloud yarn, although Feng Xueyan lost the temperament of the icy fairy, it was a bit more royal and noble, but it was not conventional Turn back half.


After entering the Red Star Palace, the blood emperor hosted a banquet. The blood emperor did not mention the matter of admitting his father, and Feng Xingying was not in a hurry. Anyway, let ’s stay in the Astrological Palace and talk about it.

Living in this Astrological Palace will also make it easier for her to find her mother.

With her current status and the mood of the blood emperor eager to recognize her daughter, where can she go in the entire Red Star Palace?

This red star palace really made Feng Xingying's eyes wide open.

It is said that power breeds desire, perhaps here is an obvious microcosm.

No matter how eloquent the blood emperor is rumored to be outside, his palace has a luxurious feeling.

The most suffocating thing is the countless concubines in this palace.

Compared to this, the star thief king who is said to be "lecherous" by the world is cleaner, at least there is only a woman named Feng Xingying in his palace.

The night was a bit cold, and Feng Xingying walked in this palace full of women and men, accompanied by red candles, Ye Xiaonian and Ji Miaomiao.

In her capacity, she could visit several concubines who were out of favor, but unfortunately she couldn't ask for the word Nianfei, she could only type side by side.

Nianfei seems to have become a kind of prohibition in this palace, and no one dares to take the initiative to mention it. After all, the beauties trapped in this huge cage are not as bold as Miao Xuexin.

There was nothing to gain by walking around, and Feng Xingying became more and more upset.

Perhaps there was some guidance in the meditation, she unconsciously walked to an abandoned garden. On the gate of the garden, there was a simple plaque "Nianyuan".

When the garden door was opened, Feng Xingying always felt a familiar breath coming.

That's right here! Although after a long time, Feng Xingying can still feel the breath of Ye Nian. Although it is already very faint, but the familiar feeling still exists.

That's right, here it is! Nianyuan, Nianyuan, belongs to Ye Nian's garden. Although this garden has gradually become desolate because it is not taken care of by its owner, it still feels its primitive simplicity. In a garden similar to Shenhuangyu, she is waiting for her daughter.

Feng Xingying was so excited that she couldn't help but force a drop of God's blood on her eyelids, ready to use her newly-recognized magical skill time to see what happened here.

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