Cold King, the Doctor Fei Is Running Away

Chapter 2380: A bit of information

Biquge, the fastest update of Leng Wang, the medical concubine will elope the latest chapter!

For example, the Zou Xing Ling, a slave servant ordered by the Spirit Overlord Convention, has a purpose other than the lawless King of Star Thief, which is used to lock slaves and will not be organized by anyone.

Of course, there are also half-orc territories in the spirit realm, which is a mysterious castle independent of the ten-square overlord. It is said that there is a land for half-orcs.

It is not a mysteriously closed place, nor is it forbidden for humans to enter. There are even humans who settle and do business for a long time there.

But Mysterious Castle has a rule that no one can capture the half-orcs of Mysterious Castle, otherwise they will be hunted down by Mysterious Castle endlessly.

The best way for the orcs to survive is to enter the mysterious castle. Once in the mysterious fort, they can be truly safe and free.

Although Mysterious Castle is called "Fort", just because they were just a small fortress at the beginning, but now Mysterious Castle has developed into a huge star field that is not smaller than any star field in Shifangtian, which can be regarded as a large force.

Because he was discriminated against in the Orc territory, Mystic Castle has not been assigned to Shifangtian, which belongs to a free organization.

But it is strange to say that the owner of the mysterious fort who heard the mysterious fort is not a half-orc, but a pure human.

Qian Yue knows that Feng Xingying does not believe it, and can only let go of her memory to know the sea and let Feng Xingying swim again.

Memory is the most precious thing for a person. Some people who can't do double-repair can't do things like memory and know the sea. Even slaves can subconsciously protect their memory and know the sea.

The servant Zou Xingling can order a person to obey forever, but cannot deprive her of hidden memories.

Qian Yue suddenly opened the memory to know the sea and invited Feng Xingying to swim, Feng Xingying also froze for a moment.

Maybe this has something to do with the simple personality that she has cultivated in a long-term isolated environment.

Feng Xingying also wanted to know how her father won the Red Star City, as if things were not what she thought.

Feng Xingying used to think that her father, Feng Tianyi, was as powerful as God of War, and won the Red Star Realm through a powerful fighting force, and then changed its name to Red Blood Star.

But Qian Yue mentioned a moment ago, he seemed to use other means. And it was only after arriving at Red Star City that Feng Xingying knew that Red Star Overlord had a great strength, and it was not as easy as bullying.

So what's the truth? Maybe there is in Qianyue's memory.

Feng Xingying couldn't help but be curious, and entered a sea of ​​knowledge into Qian Yue's memory.

In the sea of ​​memories of Qian Yue, she saw a beautiful star field, full of trees and countless tree people, living a carefree life, they only need to help the owner plant elixir and pick fruits every year.

The Qianerlingshu family is indeed very simple and loves peace.

Feng Xingying also saw the beautiful and simple Qianxin. Her beauty is not charmed, but she can inspire people's possessiveness because of this simplicity. Her simplicity is the biggest charm.

I really didn't expect how innocent a generation of demon girls originally looked.

That was the thousand hearts before leaving the clan.

When Qianxin returned, her temperament had completely changed, but she still did not change her purity and beauty.

After that, Qianxin was busy explaining to the clan people, but no one believed her. The sense of powerlessness made her watch her homeland and clan people be destroyed to ashes.

Feng Xingying's mind seemed to have a similar picture. It was her Yunxi continent. It seemed that some people once wanted to destroy it and turn it into ashes.

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