Biquge, the fastest update of Leng Wang, the medical concubine will elope the latest chapter!

When the monk came to serve again, Feng Xingying actually made a request:

"There is also some research on medicated diet next time. Can I meet Master Yuanming?"

"This ..." Zhike Monk hesitated a bit: "Master, his old man is not very well, he rarely sees guests."

"Rarely isn't it missing? Isn't it? Don't hesitate to give me a message. This ice jelly made of extremely cold ice, if you add the flavor of the flame flower juice specially for the fire attribute, then not Will affect the fire properties.

And this hibiscus jade cream, if you can add snow lotus seeds everywhere in Red Star City, the effect will be more peaceful.

There is also the Qiu Shui Bai Lu in bulk. Although the effect is good, the taste is worse. If a little bit of osmanthus is added, it can not only suppress the original bitterness, but also add a little sweetness, and it will not affect the effect. "

It seemed to prove himself that Feng Xingying had taken a small bottle of osmanthus flower and sprinkled it on the autumn water dew with no one willing to use chopsticks.

Then divide a bowl for Miao Xuexin to taste.

"Wow, it's so delicious. Brother Wei, you are just a talent! I just thought this Qiushui Bailu was too bitter."

Feng Xingying gave a small bowl to the women sitting together, because the effect of Qiushui Bailu is to moisturize and beauty. It ’s just that you do n’t want to move.

Now that they are a little bit sweeter, they are all very happy, especially Qin Chaoyun and Miao Xuexin, who are totally happy and want to have another bowl.

It is a pity that Miao Qingchi ordered a pot of Qiushui Bailu, which has been separated by Feng Xingying.

The Zhike monk was completely suffocated by Feng Xingying, holding the bottom of the bowl and preparing to go back to obey the abbot.

"Brother, let's come here for food often. The food here is really delicious." Chao Yun haunted Feng Xingying.

"Okay, then we will come often." Feng Xingying's eyes were full of petting.

Miao Xuexin kindly reminded: "Little sister, are you trying to make your brother poor?" Did you know that there is no popular table fight here, no matter how many people come, they need to buy a loft. The seat fee here is very expensive! "

"It's okay, my brother is rich." Qin Chaoyun grinned, without worrying about Feng Xingying's wallet.

Don't look at the little girl who is only five years old.

Chu Lily also made a siege for Feng Xingying: "Mr. Wei Cheng is the master of the Eight Star Refiner. As long as he is willing to make a set of eight star armor, it is enough for him to eat here for a year."

"Master of the Eight Star Refiner ?!" Miao Xuexin opened her mouth wide. "It's too terrible. Then why can't you think about it so you can recruit relatives? Why not just take sister Chu, who is worse than that."

"Xiner!" Miao Qingchi was angry.

This Xiner is really silent.

Miao Xuexin put out her tongue, and will not repeat the topic of Feng Xueyan.

Feng Xingying also pretended not to understand and smiled.

Or Miao Qingchi himself dug a pit for himself and thought of an excuse:

"Brother Wei is strange. My sister was spoilt by my mother since she was a child. She must be obsessed with Brother Wei's appearance before deliberately speaking Xueyan's bad words.

Hey, it's still a child's heart. "

"Where do I have it! Although Brother Wei looks so good. Then I haven't lied." Being vilified by her brother, Miao Xuexin quit.

"Xinger, have you forgotten what you promised your mother? Why go out and play around?" Miao Qingchi's face became a little more serious.

"Huh! If you don't say it, don't say it." Miao Xuexin was sulking in anger.

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