Cold King, the Doctor Fei Is Running Away

Chapter 2049: Meet with Spirit Beast

Biquge, the fastest update of Leng Wang, the medical concubine will elope the latest chapter!

It's hard not to doubt his apparent performance.

"Master, you are so amazing!" Ye Xiaonian knew that he could continue with Feng Xingying, and he was already very happy.

As for how to go the next way, she was not worried at all.

Alright, let's go build our own star space. If you don't understand, you can bring your robot.

Lu Shun didn't leave anyone to point them, but just left the people like that. All they could rely on was their own robots. They could show them directions and tell them what to do at each step.

There are still one person and one bag of starlight grass seeds, I don't know what it is, let me talk about space.

It turns out that star grass can grow on almost any planet. If they want to get more star stones in the future, they must continue to plant some star grass in their own space.

Because the personal star space is bound by breath, the starlight grass can feel the master's breath, and can grow consciously at that time.

Feng Xingying hasn't returned to space for a long time, but now I suddenly go back, I really miss it, especially the people and spirit beasts in the space.

"Xingying, you actually hypnotize us, I thought you didn't want us anymore." The little black rabbit with sesame eyes cried red.

The **** was relatively straightforward, and she simply gave Feng Xingying a big **** image, not even showing her face in protest.

The turtle and watermelon are the most obedient, automatically shrinking to Feng Xingying's side, holding Feng Xingying's arm:

"Master, don't leave us in the future."

"Okay, I won't leave you in the future." Feng Xingying also felt uncomfortable in the heart: "I will take you and Sesame to the barracks tomorrow and let you live with me."

"What about me?" The **** was blown up, and it seemed that her protest was useless, but Feng Xingying ignored it!

"I don't think you want to ignore me. You can stay here as a cat queen. I applied for Star Space and it will not be blocked in the future. Unless I am poor and no Starstone pays."

"What are you talking about ?! Feng Xingying, won't your conscience hurt? Actually, you have to leave me alone." The bearded man rushed to Feng Xingying, biting Feng Xingying's bitterly.

Considering that the power gap is a bit large, the gimmicks gave up. Just forcing Feng Xingying to take her out.

"Okay, take you out, take you out." Feng Xingying had been teasing her head, and would not really leave her here.

Although the outside environment is unknown, she has her own residence. How many pets should be fine?

However, Feng Xingying soon fell out of favor. Several spirit beasts knew that the master would not leave them, and began to toss their new toy, the robot.

"Well, this big guy will still pinch his back. The short oil is really comfortable. Continue."

"Can you sing? Come and sing a love song to Grandpa, cheerful and cheerful."

"Wow, what else can you not do? We are hungry and you cook for us.

I'm going to have a flower cake, roasted pork ribs, steamed salmon, prawns with salt and pepper, grilled lamb chops, and another spring onion. "

The robot obeyed the instructions and quickly entered the kitchen mode. It reached out dozens of tentacles to work together, and in a few moments they prepared these dishes.

These watermelons, sesame seeds, and steamed buns are all holding the robot dead:

"Xingying, I want this."

"Xing Ying, give it to us, I feel he is still barely useful."

"Xingying, I know you hurt me the most, don't forget that I have a life-saving grace for you. You said that I can ask you for the same thing, and I think about it today, that's it!"

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