Cold King, the Doctor Fei Is Running Away

Chapter 1736: Help him choose a concubine 4

Biquge, the fastest update of Leng Wang, the medical concubine will elope the latest chapter!

The most annoying thing is, when choosing a concubine candidate, she actually wanted her to be a star!

What's the matter, she wants to go on strike!

But she wanted to stay here, lest the elders of Kirin City really do anything to Qin Molin. That is really beyond regret.

For this reason, Feng Xingying can only choose obediently and concubine obediently.

Fortunately, Feng Xingying's selection of concubines is not as simple as that.

Feng Xingying's selection of concubines seems to be very simple: for example, let them have an embroidery competition.

Embroidery competition, several happy and sad.

In this era, all ladies need to learn spiritual power or poetry. Women are no worse than men.

This leads to the fact that the younger the rich family lady, the less good at embroidery!

Embroidery competition, eliminated half of the people.

Several elders are satisfied with this elimination rate. Because the leaf housekeeper said, "The needle and thread can't even reach the average level, what to stay for? We the Lord of the City, Lord Leng, but the Tianzong Yingcai, do we still have to be angry with these little hoofs?"

"Yes, you still have a lot of ideas!"

Several elders take it for granted. In fact, when it comes to choosing concubines, they are like headless flies, and they don't know how to choose. They always feel that they can't stay all or leave one alone.

It's very convenient for the Lord of the City to choose the concubine, because he chose it by himself, and he just stays in sight and cooperates very well.

But Qin Molin is different from him. If he doesn't cooperate, the old guys of them will have self-knowledge and know that they can't keep up with the young people's aesthetics.

When they saw Ye Zi, they felt that they appreciated him. It was intuitive that he and Qin Molin would be the same kind of person. Therefore, in addition to her talents, she trusted her even more. she was.

As everyone knows, this leaf is simply the person who is most unwilling to choose Consort Qin Molin.

With one stroke of embroidery, many ladies and celebrities were eliminated, and it is estimated that only the unicorn city, which is now in the middle of the day, can do such a **** thing.

Under the overwhelming power of Feng Xingying, the proxy city, he simply ordered: In order to be fair, the elder of Kirin City will not accept anyone's visit recently!

This is good!

The elders love it.

They don't want to be disturbed all day, even if they want to worry about Qin Molin, but in their bones, they still have the old shopkeeper.

It was just that they waved their hands to someone who was not credible, and now they waved their hands to young and promising leaves, and they also sent an elder with a good name to act with leaves, which is actually supervision.

There is only one person, of course Feng Xingying can do it!

What she showed him was definitely positive.

For example, the most fair and fair aspect of embroidery evaluation is that it does not look at anyone's identity and appearance, but only wins or loses with embroidery theory.

"The thirty-seven elders, our next round is a poetry test. The so-called poetry and self-confidence in the belly, Ye thinks that a woman must have an extraordinary talent like Miss Xin Xiaoxu to have a charming temperament What do you think?

For example, if I change to women's clothing, what do the elders think? Feng Xingying is savvy, and chose two top examples of herself and Xin Xiaoxu for induction.

If Ye Zi is a woman, she is definitely the most suitable for them. No matter the appearance or temperament, they are all first-class.

This was the unanimous opinion of several elders, so the thirty-seven elders looked at Feng Xingying with a dusty temperament in his smile, nodded, and felt that Feng Xingying was reasonable.

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