Biquge, the fastest update of Leng Wang, the medical concubine will elope the latest chapter!

"How can my brother marry my sister? I won't do it!" Feng Xingying should not be fooled by him.

"Either I will have pity for you, and recognize you as an older brother, and you will be treated like a brother in the future. Or we will see you again, anyway, I have so many brothers, so many brothers, I don't lack.

Emperor Ji Yun, who met the entire Yunxi continent, encountered such a ridiculous dialogue when he encountered the unreasonable and unreasonable Lingshan Sword School teacher.

"Okay, my brother is my brother, then you will be our little princess in Kowloon City."

"This identity is good. What is delicious in Kowloon City, my brother remembers sending someone to send Lingshan sword.

Oh, by the way, I will let my brother bring you some delicious remedies. "

"Okay." When meeting such an interesting girl, Ji Yun just subconsciously wanted to catch her and not let go.

There seemed to be a voice in his heart that kept driving him closer to her.

There are some piecemeal pictures that make him feel more and more clear, and he can't even distinguish the depth of his soul. What he wants is Ye Lingxin or this Fengxingying.

It seems more like Feng Xingying.

So on this day, Feng Xingying felt that the most incredible thing happened. She also made a big outbreak of cheating. She just sold her money and turned to be the princess of Yunxi's largest country.

In the current continent, the power of the country is much stronger than it was thousands of years later. A country that controls a lot of martial arts is the real killer.

And Ji Yun is the big guy in the big killer.

"This is for you. When you are in danger, use your blood to spur me. I will come to your rescue when I sense it." Ji Yun gave Feng Xingying a small sign.

This is not the Qinglong Mountain's youngest blue dragon order! Is this how it is used?

Feng Xingying thanked him, "Thank you, I will try not to use it."

"Oh, funny little girl, I'm curious. What would a man like you look like?"

"It's especially handsome, even better than you. It's especially powerful, even better than you." Feng Xingying answered him.

"People like this only live in dreams." Ji Yun was full of confidence: "Or wait for Ye Lingxin to become a man."

"Haha. I didn't expect your sense of humor to be so good." Feng Xingying always felt that Ji Yun's mood was a bit strange, and he didn't dare to entangle more. He greeted him at will and left.

On the other side, someone came to report: "Prince Nangongjing asked to see him, and he also brought Qiu Yingqi from the Lingshan Sword School."

"No need to meet, tell them that the person they want is gone. You send her out in person." Ji Yun ordered coldly.

"Yes." Bai Yi's follower asked Feng Xingying seriously.

Feng Xingying nodded, and without turning his head on, turned away.

It wasn't until Feng Xingying's departure that Ji Yun held her heart and entered the retreat painfully.

His condition seemed very bad. Many strange memories entangled him, making him unable to distinguish between reality and fantasy.

Especially the girl in his dream was really called Feng Xingying. It's just that Feng Xingying in his dream is more like Ye Lingxin and not so similar to Feng Xingying in front of him.

But when he saw Ye Lingxin, he only felt that she felt exactly the same as the person in his dream, but he didn't have that kind of emotional emotion.

When I saw Feng Xingying, there seemed to be, was this Feng Xingying really the girl he had always dreamed of in his dreams?

For the first time, Ji Yun's heart felt confused, and she had no idea what exactly she wanted.

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