Coaching legend

Chapter 267 Veteran (Part 2)

As the 2000 European Cup co-hosted by Belgium and the Netherlands approaches, European teams have begun their final preparations.

France's training was conducted in Bruges, an ancient city in Belgium and a famous tourist city in Europe. "Bruges" means "bridge" in Flemish and was named after an ancient Roman bridge on the Rye River that flows through the city.

The historic center of Bruges is a typical medieval city with a large number of buildings dating back centuries. Early Gothic architecture has become an integral part of the city's character. As an important trading center and cultural center in Europe in the past, Bruges has cultural connections with other places in the world. For example, Bruges has a close relationship with the Flemish primitive painting school. It was listed as a World Cultural Heritage in 2000. This city founded in the Middle Ages is Belgium’s most popular tourist destination, and despite the crowds, it’s impossible not to visit.

As the champion of the French World Cup, the French team is the most popular team in this European Cup.

There are countless reporters outside, waiting to interview the French team.

Winning the World Cup made the French team full of confidence. This French team not only has many veterans who are getting older and stronger, but also has a large number of talented players. Their training did not have the tense atmosphere before the competition, but was very relaxed.

This was a sign of confidence from the French team.

"John, why is the boss looking for you?"

Pires asked Miku, smiling next to him. Pires is a proud man, and his pride comes from his talent. Pires is a genius, a genius with his own understanding of football. So he was very proud.

At the same time, because of Pires' pride, Pires' interpersonal relationships were not very good.

In the national team, Pires not only has a normal relationship with the head coach, but also has a normal relationship with other teammates.

It's just that because he came to Blackburn, he and Miku cooperated tacitly. The relationship between the two is better than anyone else.

"Milan, they were interested in me. But I refused." Miku doesn't have many friends in the national team.

"Where's Milan?"

Pires shook his head. "What's so good about Milan? If you go, you can't be a substitute for Boban. It's better to stay at Blackburn."

"What are you talking about?" While Pires and Miku were chatting, a tall man came next to them.


Pires and Miku greeted him with a smile.

Eastern countries are not the only ones that pay attention to seniority and seniority. Even in the French national team, seniority is still important. Coming to Pires and Miku was one of the big guys in the French national team, Laurent Blanc.

Although Pires and Miku are both twenty-seven years old. But compared to Blanco, he is a complete junior in the national team.

Blanc's international career has lasted ten years, and he is currently the second captain of the French national team. The captain of the French team is Deschamps, and Blanc is the second captain.

Such players come to say hello, even if they are as proud as Pires, they have to be honest.

"What kind of person is Robert, John, George."

"George?" Pires and Miku both looked at each other. The only George they knew was Blackburn's head coach George Levy.

Blanco nodded.

Blanco also just received a call from his agent. Blanc was told on the phone that Blackburn was very interested in him.

Although Blanco is older. But there are definitely not a few clubs interested in Blanco. Even Manchester United's Ferguson is quite interested in Blanco. Hope to introduce Blanco. But Blanco is still very curious about Blackburn's interest in him.

Blanco has heard of Blackburn. Mainly because the UEFA Cup champion in the 1999-00 season was Blackburn. Blanco is not very familiar with George, who is younger than him. With Blanco's achievements, it's normal to be unfamiliar with a budding coach like George.

But last year, George Levy was quite famous in Italian football. Because after George defeated Roma in the away game, he gave Italian football a good scolding. He scolded Italian football from top to bottom. The Italian media at that time were all united in attacking George.

So after hearing that George was interested in him, Blanco thought of Miku. I want to ask Miku what kind of young head coach he is.

"Yeah. Blackburn want to bring me in."

"You?" Pires and Miku were both very shocked. Blanc is a real big shot in French football.

"Tou, what should I say?" Miku paused and continued: "Tou, he is a coach who is good at praising. He will always tell his players that you are strong. He will unknowingly, It makes us feel really strong.”

"Another point is that he is a very confident coach. Last season, we started very poorly. But he just brought the team to fourth place. And last season, he had his sights set on the league. Cup champion, you know it in the end.”

"Anyway, I can say this. Tou is a person who pursues victory and championships, and his coaching career is full of miracles. Although he has only been coaching for five years, his name is an out-and-out miracle in British football."

Blanco smiled. Miku, who usually doesn't talk much, talks endlessly when talking about George. Who is this George? He is only five years older than Miku, but he is able to convince Miku so much.

"There is another one. He is a defensive coach, and defensive counterattack is his forte. But he can also play good football." Pires added next to him.

Blanco listened to their words and became more and more curious about George.

While Blanco was chatting with the two, the French team staff came to find Blanco. Tell Blanco that someone is coming for him. Blanc was confused, although Le Maire was much more relaxed than Jacquet. But there are still very few people who come directly to find players.

"He is George Levy, the head coach of Blackburn Rovers in the Premier League."




"Hello Laurent. I'm George Levy."

Seeing Blanco, George felt a little excited. Not that George is a fan of Blanco. George has passed the age of being a fan, and he no longer sees people and things from the perspective of a fan.

The reason why George is excited is that once Blanco really joins Blackburn, it will not only help Blackburn's strength improve. More importantly, it will also help Blackburn's reputation. After all, that was Blanco, the true world champion defender.

In the future, Blackburn will need more and more good players as its strength improves. At that time, in addition to achievements, fame was also needed.

"Coach Levi, hello." Blanco is a man who has seen the world. I have met many world-class coaches. She was very calm when facing George who was younger than herself.

"Laurent, I believe you should have heard about it." Blanc nodded. "Okay, Laurent. Let me tell you the truth. In terms of reputation, Inter Milan is far better than our Blackburn Rovers, but in terms of the current situation, our Blackburn Rovers are far better than Inter Milan."

"To be honest, Inter Milan has many good players. The boss has never been stingy and invested a lot of money. But I can say that Inter Milan's performance will not improve in recent years. And with the way Chairman Moratti does things Style, coach Lippi’s coaching position is also very unstable.”

Blanco did not refute George's words.

Speaking of which, Moratti is a real fan. Be a true Inter fan. It can be said that he did his best for Inter Milan. Inter Milan has no shortage of big-name players in recent years, and Moratti definitely dares to spend big money.

But Moratti's love for Inter Milan completely exceeds the perspective of a club president. Moratti manages the club entirely from a fan's perspective. Therefore Moratti is an impatient chairman. In his hands, those coaches were just walking around. No matter how famous a coach is, at Inter Milan and under Moratti, he can only go through the motions.

Everyone knows this.

"But we, Blackburn, are a young team. Precisely because we are young, now is the time for us, Blackburn, to create results and create history. But it is also precisely because our players are young, so they need an old player to lead them. I think you are the most suitable.”

Last season, George enjoyed the benefits of old players. Davor Suker, Kevin Gallagher and Henning Berg all performed well at Blackburn last year. Playing on both sides of the ball for Blackburn is a great addition.

This also made George realize the role of old players.

"Laurent, are you willing to lead these young people to create a new history?"

George's last words made Blanco stunned.

Blanco knows that Blackburn are now strong. Blanco just thought that George invited him because of his fame. After all, he is almost thirty-five years old and will retire soon. Hearing George say that he wanted to create a new history made Blanco a little tempted.

"Coach Levi, I feel your sincerity. How about you give me some time to think about it?"

Blanco asked cautiously.

George smiled and nodded. "Laurent, there are many French players in my team. You can learn from them. But I hope you can be a little faster. Because your decision affects my construction of the team for next season."

"Okay, Coach Levi."

"I hope there's good news."

Although the two simply met and chatted briefly. But George believed that Blanco must be his. As long as Blanco agrees, George will immediately make an offer to Inter Milan.

Among the central defenders, if Blanco and Panucci can be taken down, there will basically be no problem. But now at the left back position, both Van Bronckhorst and Luciano Zauri have to leave.

A left-back should be brought in. And he is also a left back who can hit the main position.

Of course, there is another one, the gap left by Romedal has to be filled. George patted his forehead. These are all issues that should be considered.

In fact, speaking of it, it is easier to buy the main players as long as you have the money. It is more difficult to buy a substitute player, but it is more difficult to buy a player who can accept the substitute position with peace of mind. This kind of player is either a veteran who is not far from retirement, or a young player who has just debuted.

Of course, some players with insufficient strength can also be used. But George prefers to let veterans or young players with sufficient strength become the team's substitute players.

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